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hallo loves 

just a quickie

landed in tucson a few minutes ago - here to spend time with my dad jack, my stepmother donna, my half-brother alex and his gf shabnam. plus my entourage of neil, justine and ash. plus my older sister alyson (yes, the one who forced me to get married without my consent when i was 6) and her husband cees are along for this Relative Tour 2018. we just kicked it for 48 whole hours in hermosa beach ... the whole fam descending upon whole other fams. 

this is good for the soul. it is not a bad thing when your cousins live near the beach. 

i have never been in LA during the halloween run up. they do things. 

after this we head to santa fe ...then we gather ourselves onto a plane heading to london where i head to LONDON FOR REHEARSAL FOR THE DRESDEN DOLLS SHOWS :)

and this is a good time to ask you - 


hit me in the comments. brian and i are just starting to assemble the setlist. 

we will be playing slightly different sets all theee nights. 

i am super excited. i am also always excited to have an excuse to post old dresden dolls photos, because there are just so many good ones and why not. here you go. 

this was taken by our everlasting photographer pal kyle cassidy in my apartment at the cloud club (that’s literally my loft bed we are on) in about 2005/2006. that’s my mom above brian’s head. she’s in a school play. 


ALSO for comments in this post:

IF ANY OF YOU TUCSON / SOUTHWEST patrons are coming to the show thursday at the rialto, hands up!! i’ll try to arrange a meet-up before or after the gig. (i’ll post again). 

the show is TOTALLY SOLD OUT. 

the poster attached above is the official one-off poster designed and hand-printed by malleus art labs in italy. they only printed 200, we are gonna sign and sell them at the gig and if there are any leftover we’ll toss up to the internetz for sale.  







attending the halloween show and i really wanna hear Good Day, cause it was my first dolls song.... and Delilah, because its just beautiful. cant wait!!! <333


I'll be there on the 27th, Bad Habit maybe? :)


Looking forward to seeing you and Brian in London on the 30th!! My friend and I would love to hear Girl Anachronism (of course), Coin Operated Boy, and Mrs. O <3 TIA :-*


I'd love to hear Thirty Whacks and would be ecstatic if you played an Ani song again.


The first song I heard was shores of California so I would love to hear that! But also Jenny and the mouse and the model!


My top 3 for the 30th , songs that I haven’t heard you play live, are Bad Habit, The Perfect Fit and Dirty Business please! And my partner who is coming with me (and who I converted to the AFP world) would like Girl Anachronism. So so excited to hear you and Brian play together for the first time, and with my oldest friend who got me into Dresden Dolls and Jason Webley when we were 14 (half a lifetime ago.... :0 ) xxx


I've seen better days but I don't care. I just got my DD tics in the mail!!!!!


The Mouse and the Model! Bad habit, Truce, Dear Jenny and I'll never stop asking for Glass Slipper, even if I couldn't be tehre


I bought mine and I can't wait to frame it up and hang it in my office. <3


Coin-operated of course, Delilah, My Alcoholic Friends, and a nice Singalong to Sing, please.


I'd happily hear all the songs but, as I mentioned at the Gatsby show in May, I really want to see you do 'War Pigs' again. I first discovered The Dresden Dolls on a radio show on Radio 1 the week after John Peel died. They were playing new music by acts they thought he would have appreciate & TDD were one of them. The following year I managed to get a ticket to see NIN at the London Astoria. I already had a ticket to see NIN at Brixton Academy a few months later but HAD to get a ticket for the Astoria because TDD were supporting them. The love I'd found after hearing you guys on the radio & buying your album & listening it on loop was just solidified by the live performance. The live performance of 'War Pigs', however, always stayed with me as it was just so 'whole' that it stood up alongside the original. That night was the only time I ever saw TDD live. I cannot wait for Halloween so I have the chance to re-live the magic all over again. 💜


I’ll be there on the 27th and 31st. Too many songs that I would love to hear but would really dig: Modern Moonlight, Necessary Evil, Mandy Goes To Med School, Lonely Organist Rapes Page Turner, Dear Jenny...I could go on forever! Can’t wait for these gigs. Bringing a dear friend to the 27th who’s brand new to the Dresden Dolls; it’s going to be an amazing night! X x