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hello my loves

it's album christmas for mama.

i'm finally listening to the finished master of the record, early in the breaking dawn of this tucson air bnb while neil entertains ash with lullaby versions of beatles songs. i cried through the first 15 minutes (not only because it's beautiful but because i fucked up a lyric and now it's forever). 

i'm still listening and got lonely. so i decided to toodle over to reddit to cry in realtime and also test out the new forum.

come join me if you want. thread is here. i'll be over there listening and trying to relate the experience. 


a post about the reddit if you missed it:


today's album title:

"every song is in G and will make you cry, no wait one song is in E minor and that one will make you cry as well and whatever that's basically the relative minor of G"

music nerds unite






love you amanda, can wait to hear your songs!

Matt Castanier

If everything is in G or E minor, maybe you should just call it "Gem". Can't wait to hear it!


Btw: Right now, here in the German Parliament there's a debate concerning abortion laws. Fucked up times where ever you look.


I’m actually lining up therapy for this release. Thank you for helping me unravel the BLEH!


It's OK, Amanda, we won't bug you about it. And to anyone who might think you're somehow inhumanly perfect, on account of all the great stuff you do, it proves your genuine humanity along with all the rest of us fallible mortals. Hugs of support & reassurance to you.


Hola amanda, saludos desde Colombia! we love you 💕


Robert Fripp says an album is a love letter, a show is the hot date.

Laura Wellner

No worries about the flubbed lyric...it makes it real. (I know, I'm a perfectionist and would be having a good cry too.) It makes you real. 'tis okay. Hugs and love.


Oh sweety, don't sweat it. Sometimes we make art, sometimes it makes us, and if we're super lucky it takes on a life of its own. I can't wait t hear this album and as a wise director once told me after a SUPER big technical mistake at the end of an emotional show - it's not always about what we want. every now and then a story changes and tells itself the way the audience needed to hear it. it's ok to trust that.

Marguerita Tajibnapis

I still haven’t figured out the Reddit thing but I will try it soon when the timing is right. I love it that you’re trying something other than Facebook because I don’t use FB and don’t want to.

Marguerita Tajibnapis

Also I love the handkerchief merch idea! I use handkerchiefs and they are very environmentally friendly!

Michela M.

Handkerchiefs would be so useful! The wrong lyric on album will forever give you the chance to surprise the audience with the correct, actual lyric of the song live, so... It's ok. It's going to be an inside reference for fans. ❤️