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(patron-only post)



it was july. it wasn't a huge release month. i'm inhaling a lot. i am currently at terminal 4 of JFK airport, about to board a night flight to iceland. i have no plans in iceland except to do a photoshoot, swim in the cold water, meet with a feminist journalist, hang out with john grant (who i did a song with two years ago) and try to throw a ninja gig together on almost no notice. my specialty. 

yesterday, as you probably noticed, i Thing'd the pro-recorded video of my set at the brighton festival. there's already a lot of wonderful feedback, and i especially love that the people stuck out in the country (who can't make it to concerts very often) get to see what's happening on the more metropolitan boards of life. this is one of the gifts of the internet, and being an indie artist on the internet. it really wasn't that long ago that quality broadcasting came only at great expense and after many many meetings and only through major broadcasting channels. now, because of the funding from the patreon, i can cry on stage in brighton and transmit to someone in rural russia, and they can cry with me, and it all still feels amazing to me. 

instead of posting this as a SEPARATE post, i'm just going to give it to you HERE: 

this is the PATRON ONLY link to stream the pro-recorded audio of the brighton show:

please don't share the link. ;)

$3+/download patrons will be sent a link with download codes to the mp3s and WAVs of the show broken up into an album.

a few people commented that they were more into the audio than the video. i'll keep that in mind. i can usually record good audio of a show for around $500. recording video + audio costs more like $10k. i'll think about recording more live shows...it's not something i'm used to doing. 

i had an idea (in yoga, where i get a lot of my hare-brained ideas, please don't tell my yoga teacher that i am clearly failing at being present) this morning about the tour next year....and i had this impulse to grab someone out of the lobby every night and play them a song in a secret space. then i wondered what song. and then i thought: what if i just built a structure where i could sing them my day, and whatever was going through my head as a result of the day? and what if i recorded it? and never played it again, but put them out on the patreon? i couldn't imagine "thinging" such endeavors, but i sure could imagine it being fun as fuck. 

anyway. these are the things i think about in yoga. 

and you?


i may have been a litttler quieter on the patreon front this month because i was working away on lots of projects, big and small coming at you later this year and next year. i also did something i almost never fucking do, and i'm proud to tell you about it.

but also, no shame: i hung out with my friends. i took ten days out of my life for what felt like the first time since adulthood, and i JUST HUNG OUT WITH A BUNCH OF MY FUCKING FRIENDS. i invited them, in waves, to my house, and i hung out with them. i vitamixed gazpacho, i did laundry in the sink, i sewed my pants, i drank lots of wine, i took care of ash, i want to story hours at the library, i went shopping for corn and good gazpacho tomatoes, i picked kale in the garden, i emptied our fucking bear-proof compost, i stepped on bees, i went out and looked with ash in the chicken coop every morning to see if there were eggs, we put on puppet shows in thunderstorms, we watched the fireflies. we swam in the creek. i did ALL THE THINGS I THINK NORMAL PEOPLE DO. 

but in my head, i worked on my album about sadness and death and abortion and miscarriage and cancer and death, and i plotted my tour. and every night, i lit candles, and i felt what it felt to be a person in a home, and i have to say, it's growing on me.

i feel like i'm adulting okay. 

and i was really, really good at not feeling guilty. ash helped a lot. i don't want him to only see people working at computers and on phones. i don't want him to think that's all we do. and i know that he's looking at me and trying to figure out what we do by looking at me. so i want him to know that we laugh, and we play music, and we hug, and we hold hands, and we pick kale. 

but also who am i kidding. i was running around doing shit every day. my daily schedule was packed with art-making and boring calls with booking agents about the 2019 tour even though the nights were filled with wine and gazpacho.

i did a really amazing photoshoot with kahn & selesnick .... i hope to use these images in 2019 when we DROP THE RECORD.

i love these guys. nicholas kahn and richard selesnick are a local art/photography duo and they've done millions of album covers and art books and all sorts of things...


i don't wanna ruin the incredible surprises in store.


we finagled an old grand player-piano from a church:

....and we took its insides out:

and then....

we put it......somewhere.

and then did......things.

we spent a lot of energy and time and attention and money on it.


the end.


here's a make-up shot:

.....and here's me on the way to the piano.

i made a surprise stop at club cumming, alan cumming's amazing little night club on the lower east side. my bestie lance horne does a very sing-along-type night of musical theater tunes there, and i sang songs from "cabaret" 

(for which he was the musical director back when i did the show at the ART in 2010)....

....and we sang happy birthday to someone i didn't know....

i felt happy.


the crowd art-jewel of the month was shooting a new video for "mr. weinstein will see you now", which will hopefully be out within the next two months.

it was unbelievable.  

in case you missed it, i wrote a post right after we filmed and shared a ton of behind the scenes photos, HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/harvey-weinstein-20294284

here are some more photos and video clips, just for you all....

this is a timelapse clip of the cast running down a few flights of stairs. hayley shot this at the bottom of the staircase while the video crew filmed above for the shoot:

hayley killed it the whole day taking shots on the set.

this is noemie lafrance in the middle of directing the chorus in a group scene, while jasmine and i teach them the song....

i just went and watched this clip and got chills remembering how fucking powerful this shoot was. i cannot wait to see the edit and share it with you.

here's another clip of the chorus rehearsing the song right before we started recording it....



i did a cute super last-minute little free gig for my friend chris wells' secret city event in woodstock....this is Rebel Girls, the same group that guested at my amazing goth show in woodstock last month. WE ARE BRINGING THE GOTH AND THE FREEK TO WOODSTOCK PEOPLE. they sang "in my mind" with me and it was goddamn precious.

and there was a parade across town...


i barely saw neil. he was in london editing, then went to comic con to promote good omens, his TV show. we had two dinners alone together, and one with ash. it won't be this way forever.  

here he is, standing by my favorite wall in new york, looking beautifully sad and pensive and very neil gaiman-y.


i went to the studio.

i had a few things i had to record (jason and i are working a b-side for "electric blanket" and i also wanted to record a secret little funny song with andrew o'neill)....

but mostly there's a song, my white whale, that i've been trying to write for five or six years.

it's really hard writing about some things.

sometimes you need an entire summer of love and care and friendship and gazpacho and wine before you're strong enough to do it.

i did it.

i think i'm going to save this one for closer to when the record comes out.

there are a few things that i want to be surprises.

i like surprises.

but i'm so proud of what my songwriting brain has evolved into.

and it's the first time in my life that i've wanted to write a song about something for so long, and haven't been able to, and have thought and thought and thought, like a giant clonking computer processor, until finally, one day, it all just printed out on a small piece of dot-matrix piano-voice.

three days after i recorded it, and after sitting and crying in my car to the demo, i played it for its first real audience (besides the engineer, chris, who, to his credit gave it the reaction it deserved, which was silence and then "amanda, that was...really, really good"): sxip shirey and coco karol, my beloved friends who sometimes stay with me....and who crunched into the front seat of my car in a strange parking lot on woodstock and listened with me.

coco cried. sxip said “holy shit”. 

and i asked them: when did you know what the song was about? and coco said: “the first line”. and sxip said “the last line.”

and i shouted YESSSSSSSSSS because holy shit perfect sad paradox song is perfect.

and i am now officially fucking thrilled by my 2019 album. a lot of it is going to be re-recordings of things i’ve demo’d over the past five years, and a lot of it will be new. and it will be the saddest record in the world that will make you laugh. the patreon has made it all possible. i never would have made something this slowly and this real and this raw and this ... how do i say. 

safe. real.


speaking of real....

i taught a 3 hour songwriting workshop with the kids from still waters in a storm in bushwick, brooklyn. they're working on a project called "kid quixote". the group is so inspiring....

they just had a great piece about what they're doing in the new york times - "the littlest don quixotes versus the world

"In January, while our house was still  full of boxes and half-finished floors, we were visited by a group of 12  children who study at Still Waters in a Storm, a one-room schoolhouse  in Brooklyn, led by the teacher and activist Stephen Haff, where  Hispanic immigrant children ages 5 to 17 learn Latin and musical  notation and read serious literature. They have studied John Milton’s  “Paradise Lost” in detail and even the youngest members of the group can  recite passages from the poem, and can give an opinion on their  favorite scenes, metaphors and characters.
In  2016, the children started reading and translating “Don Quixote” from  Spanish into English. They decided to reimagine Don Quixote, an old man  in 16th-century Spain, as a group of Spanish-speaking immigrant children  living in contemporary New York."

i sat and worked with them for a few hours on one of the songs that they hadn't finished yet, and we talked about what makes a lyric good, and we voted, and we fought, and we discussed, and i loved them so much.

i'll be back to do more.

i like helping. i like teaching. i like that some of them really knew what i did for my day job.


and in the department of incredibly cute:

the very old and very beloved woodstock library has been throwing a library fair for 70+ years and they invited me to give me an award. and they asked me to lead the maypole, and sxip and i made up a spontaneous song for the kids called "MAYPOLE MAYPOLE" that honestly sounded pretty good albeit a little bit like the ramones. the kids loved it.

here's sxip and coco loving each other, with their matching hair. sxip is wearing my gold kimono and coco is sporting my mermaid bustle from the mermaid parade:

me and mr man:

this is the sweet little award the woodstock library gave me for being a Good Reading Citizen. i was very flattered.


i don't need no nobel prize.

and, why not, here's a goat that got into the car when justine and i went to drop off ash from daycare one day...because, goat:

and here's the kale monster himself.

i have taught him well.

and as for me and my health....

i have been getting in shape. here is me, boxing in a good bra.

i am getting ready.



beloved michael pope and i started working on an unfinished video/patreon-project we swayed into last fall.....

here's a patron-only video treat for you. you will never guess what we are doing.

but. you may.

amanda palmer and michael pope present THE MENTAL BAGEL


that's our bedroom in woodstock, by the way.

i am working on the electric blanket video with jason and hoku. we're still looking for help to crowdsource a few things for the video....mainly locations now....IF YOU IN LOS ANGELES< GO LOOK!!!!



work on the afp podcast (!!!!) is churning along. i've had lots of talks with the team about how we're rolling this out, and we want to do it RIGHT. so we wait.

i'm creating a lot of sounds and interviews and episode compost right now, with the team cranking away behind the scenes to pile up more than a few episodes before we launch, so i can release on a (hopefully) regular schedule - which i hear people like in podcast listener land.

who knows.

not that we ever did anything normally anyway.

and on that note....

i'm working with this fabulous podcaster dylan marron to co-create a joint episode of his podcast "Conversations With People Who Hate Me". if you haven't seen his TED talk yet, you must, MUST, MUST: https://www.ted.com/talks/dylan_marron_how_i_turn_negative_online_comments_into_positive_offline_conversations

we are going to find someone who hates me and talk to them.

i am so excited. if you know anyone who hates me and wants to talk: TELL ME NOW.





that i 


might do an EDWARD GOREY project....

'The Doubtful Guest' (1957)

(SQUEE - more soon)



as of this writing there are 11,154 patrons pledging  $43,597 for the first THING of the month. I LOVE YOU ALL.

patreon charges you "retroactively", meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for Things released the month prior (for example, you'll get charged for the Things released in july on august 1st). so i don't have figures for july just yet, but here's june...

because people have their pledges capped (HAVE YOU NOT CAPPED YOUR PLEDGE? if you are on a budget, you should. here's a tutorial), the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. I LIKE THIS. it means i never feel guilty. for the people who have the disposable income and can afford to pledge for three things, GREAT. for everyone else on a budget, GREAT. every patron gets access to every Thing no matter what. win win win.

the numbers below are gross and not net, goddamit, meaning it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected. also, none of this reflects the money i SPENT on the projects, or the staff. i don't share that stuff with you because i assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. 

in june, i Thinged three Things:

Big Yellow Taxi was the first Thing and it earned about $48,453 from 11,222 patrons.

Pulp Fiction was the second Thing and it earned about $24,896 from 7,412 patrons.

The State of All The Things: June 2018 was the third and final Thing of the month and it earned about $16,478 from 5,304 patrons.

we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.



from hayley:

This month is paradoxical: it has zipped by so fast and while also crawling at a snail's pace.

My birthday was at the top of the month and I'd like to express my deepest gratitude to you Amanda, Team AFP and you dear patrons. You left me such sweet notes and kind wishes on the IG and FB posts Amanda wrote for me and it truly, truly made my day. It means a lot to me to be part of this team and this community and I value moments where we connect around art and our humanity.

There’s been a lot of behind the scenes team conversations planning and brainstorming for the next year underway. Our gears are turning and we're thinking ahead....while also still working busily in the present. 

One project that came out this month is a piece on Amanda for Patreon's Blog. Olivia, the interviewer, did a wonderful job listening to Amanda share her thoughts and story, and she did a fine job taking in to consideration all the context and backstory I shared with her. I enjoyed helping this come to fruition from idea to publication and I am delighted at the community emphasis that the end result has - it's more than a "Patreon How-To" piece. I think it's also a good glimpse at how Amanda and the team think about how we use this platform, and why we use this platform. One of the takeaway quotes for me from Amanda is this:

“We’re the only ones doing this at this scale, so we're having to make  up a lot of ground rules and a code of ethics and then just fly and hope that we're doing it the right way.”

So much of what we do has not been done before or is being created on the fly (no matter how much or little planning and thought has gone into it) - and that's scary and exciting - only in hindsight can we see what works and what doesn't. I think about this a lot, when Amanda asks for my advice, when I set up a strategy for the team, when I help make plans.... it's part fraud police and part creative strategy. This is why your feedback is so important - because you are helping us shape how we use Patreon to make and share Amanda's art, but you're also helping to guide us in literally creating THE WAY to use a platform like this that hopefully other artists can learn from and adapt for their own art.

Speaking of experimenting and trying new things....

It’s hard to tell from the outside, but we’ve been working EXTENSIVELY on the first Art In The Mail pieces for the last couple of months. This reward perk is one of those things that are super nice and exciting to receive when they’re ready, but the amount of work, thought, email, research, and planning that has gone into its creation is extensive and quite boring and not as pretty as the end result. Amanda will have more to share about it soon, but Art In The Mail patrons be aware: ART WILL BE COMING SOON! (and you will have a heads up to opt in for it before it does).

The most exciting and inspiring part of this month for me was helping out on the Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now video shoot, which I jumped in to be set photographer for. It was a very long, very sweaty, very exhausting day but it was also very beautiful. The energy on set was raw and invigorating and it was special to watch everyone work together to make something that will surely make us all weep and bring power back to those that have had their power and voice taken, or tuned out, for far too long.

Often at opportune visual moments Amanda will say to me "Hayley, bring your camera!" and I just bring my camera along while I do other things around the day. But this was my first time in the official, designated role, as a photographer on a video shoot for Amanda. In 16 hours I took just over 1,000 photos, and it felt powerful for me to be able to make and contribute art, to be part of the crew and be challenged to creatively document the day.

Here’s one of the first pictures I took, of Michael working on his computer in a dilapidated room we made Team AFP’s production office during the shoot.

and here’s a picture of the sink in said dilapidated room (that's to the left of Michael in the photo above) to give you an idea of where we were working.

yep. It isn’t always glitz and glamor for us, but we make do.

One of the byproducts of being the one behind the camera is that there are few, if any, pictures of you in your element. So I made sure to take a sweaty selfie on my iPhone holding my camera in the room dubbed “the brothel” (when the video is out, you’ll see why).

We’ll share more photos of the cast and sets after the video comes out, but until then, I’ll leave you with one of my favorite photos I’ve ever taken of Amanda:



from michael:

Hello Patrons! 

This summer is flying by, and we have been working away behind the scenes here on Team AFP! This month has had a bit of everything which keeps us on our toes! There’s been video shoots, recording days in the studio, pop up performances, parades, photoshoots, workshops, and just a bit of international travel right at the end to round it all out! As always, I’ll try to be brief.

Personally, I bounced around a ton this month, from New York City, to Michigan, to upstate New York, to Massachusetts, to Connecticut, and finally back home for a few days before heading off to Scotland next week. As always, no matter where I am, I’m busy keeping Amanda and the Team informed, aware, on schedule (as much as I can), moving forward, and making art!

Here’s my “office” on the Cheboygan River:

(amanda adds: very goth office!!!!)

And my dutiful “coworker” in Andover, MA:

And as Hayley showed you above, I worked on set, squirrelled away on the top floor of an old house that you’ll see very soon in the Mr. Weinstein Video, artfully snapped by the amazing Hayley.

One of the very exciting things this month is that we started working in earnest on the new 2019 Album with an amazing photoshoot in upstate New York! There was an entire crew working on this one to get a ton of shots that will be used for album covers, artwork for individual songs, merch, all kinds of cool stuff! Amanda already posted about it and even did a live stream on her Instagram account and Periscope (you should follow her if you don’t already), but for your enjoyment here’s a behind-the-behind-the-scenes picture of Amanda in full costume, hair and make-up Instagramming for you all:

There were quite a few other fun things this month, like Amanda receiving the 2018 Honoree Award from the Woodstock Library, and she played at the Secret City Revival with a bunch of other amazing musicians this past Sunday, and of course there were hikes and swims and bonfires and bar-b-ques and other summer shenanigans. 

And now, we’re wrapping up the month and getting everything ready for Amanda’s upcoming shows at Fringe! with a brief stop in Iceland on the way! I’ll write about both of those things next month, never fear.

I’ll end my monthly update with the biggest project this month, which was obviously the Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now shoot. I know Amanda has already posted about it quite a bit, but I just have to echo that being on set, working with all those amazing humans to put together such a powerful piece of material was an incredible, powerful, and humbling experience. Being able to work on projects like these and being a part of important and meaningful art like this is what keeps us all working so hard day in and day out, and none of it would be possible without your continued support. It doesn’t matter whether or not you were on site that day (and I know quite a few patrons were!), your contribution is felt and appreciated and impactful and we ALL are an integral part of making these projects happen. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.



words from alex in uk merchland:

MISSIVE FROM MERCH-LAND: Many many moons ago, when I first became a fan of Amanda, she had Post-War Trade, the beautiful merch store that, aside from the usual CDs and posters, worked with artists to create unique, bespoke, special merch. There were hand-crafted skirts, perfume oils, jewellery, all kinds of things. Amanda and I have talked many times about starting this back up again, and BAM, here we are!!

Following a call on the Patreon facebook page, I talked with a whole bunch of different people offering various things to be made - some of which will hopefully still be coming up in the pipeline. But the first offering we present are these beautiful journals made by Rosie Sherwood (@rosie__sherwood on twitter):

After polling the Facebook group about which songs to use, someone commented that it would look super cool to have hand-written lyrics in Amanda's trademark scrawl, and so, voila:

So now Rosie has a whoooole bunch of lyric sheets in a whoooole bunch of sizes to create A5 journal covers. Here are some progress shots of creating the inside pages, and beginning to work on the covers...

Each journal will feature lyrics from one individual song - we are making SING, IN MY MIND, LOST, and GIRL ANACHRONISM. They will hopefully be finished by September, with limited quantities of each song (unless they sell out instantly, in which case... SECOND EDITION???)

There maaaaay also be a tiny handful ready in time for Edinburgh shows...

The whole fans-as-artists-making-merch train is a really beautiful thing to see and to work on, because everybody wins. Team AFP gets to throw money at independent artists to make cool shit, and then you the fans get to buy real hold-it-in-your-hands THINGS that are beautiful and special. We'd love to keep this thing running into the future, but that entirely depends on what you guys can offer. So if you are an artist - or you know an artist - with ideas about merchandise that would be fun to produce, get in touch with me at alex@amandapalmer.net and let's see what other beautiful things we can get made!

And SPEAKING OF EDINBURGH....... this month I have also been prepping a few new little bits and pieces to have on sale at Amanda's shows next month.

We have shirts...

We have badges...

AND we're getting patches knocked up with this classic baby:

So anybody coming up to Edinburgh, make sure you stop off at merch-land, come say hello to me, get yourself some nice treats, and if you ask me nicely I'll even give you a free patron badge :)


P.S. Rosie Sherwood, the artist making the lyric journals has a sculpture in a major competition that has a public vote category. if you want to show her some love, take a minute to give her a vote, here: http://www.broomhillart.co.uk/national-sculpture-prize/your-vote.html



cynthia von buhler's The Girl Who Handcuffed Houdini Immersive Play kickstarter! 

most of you will know cynthia as the artist for "eveyln evelyn". she is running a kickstarter for her new immersive play:


andrew o'neill's history of HEAVY METAL dvd kickstarter!! 

there's 9 days left to fund his project....it's looking amazing already: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1858362620/andrew-oneills-history-of-heavy-metal-dvd


one other plug for awesome shirts that hep support the LGBTQ community in the UK:



HERE'S ANOTHER PATREON that's really worth supporting....

amarna miller is a writer/feminist/sex-positive-adventurer who's doing beautiful, important stuff over on her patreon....go look....
https: //www.patreon.com/AmarnaMiller


reminder: MY FRIEND CHRIS WELLS' SECRET CITY EVENT has a patreon. especially if you're in new york.... https://www.patreon.com/thesecretcity


and this is a music kickstarter.

i've been a fan of saul williams for a long long time, i performed with him when we were both little. then we both went on to work with trent reznor and i was even more agog at the clarity and intensity of his work.

his campaign has ended (it funded!!!!) but GO WATCH THIS VIDEO, it'll blow your mind:



oops, CATCH UP: 

i didn't announce on the patreon that i'm a part of this book!!!! how did i miss that? i'm busy fighting the man, people. but here....



it's got tons and tons of pieces from tons of important thinkers and writers and poets and artists....book cover art by the incredible molly crabapple.

bonus, here's a youtube clip of the “fuck that” song i sang at the woman’s march in sydney:





all the upcoming tour dates are below. as always, you can head to the official show pages for more info: http://amandapalmer.net/shows


(these above two shows were recently added and STILL HAVE A TON OF TICKETS!!! spread the word!!!!)


(these above two are almost sold out!!!!)

art by YONIL


in closing.....my dears.

i cannot thank you enough, as usual, for being here to support me and this whole team of art-and-merry-makers as we strive to collect our wits enough to make something meaningful in these trying times.

patreon posted this AMAZING article about my entire patreon that really hit the nail on the head, and i hope you do read it. 

it's coming together.

slowly but surely.

we are the media.

on that note:

please don't forget, my fellow americans, that NOVEMBER 6th is the MIDTERM ELECTIONS. i am not going to shut the fuck about it. 

find out where to register / what the deadlines to register are HERE: https://www.vote.org

we cannot fuck around. i don't need to tell you why.

i'll send you all a dispatch from or after iceland....

i love you.


p.s. one thing i just remembered to tell you: there's also a new addition to the gaiman clan: this is holly (neil's middle daughter)'s new daughter, myra. welcome, little bean. 


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




i'll add my voice to those who'd rather listen to live audio than watch video... not because watching video isn't great, but because it's a big time commitment! i can listen to a live concert while cooking dinner or cleaning or a dozen other things, but i have to carve out TIME to watch a two hour concert. so what happens is i'll just have a tab to that video of a two hour concert open on my laptop for about four months. i'll watch it eventually, but i'll get around to live audio a lot quicker, for sure!

Len Tower Jr.

This month's Grapheon stats: <a href="https://graphtreon.com/creator/amandapalmer" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://graphtreon.com/creator/amandapalmer</a>

Len Tower Jr.

audio as often as possible would be be very much enjoyed by me, &amp; many others. also something you might release to non-Patreon fans sooner &amp; more often.


I love these posts so much. I saved this one for walking up a treadmill hill (as much to spend time in air con as to exercise because London wasn't built for long summers!) and the time flew by. I feel like I made a million things and drank enough wine in July, but only one of those things is true... It makes me take stock of my own time, and to feel like it's a big creative world, and I love being part of it. Thanks Amanda; thanks Team!AFP this is one of the best things I do with money &lt;3


I love your yoga inspired idea of grabbing someone and playing them a private song!!! OMG that would be an amazing, magical experience! And then I read you might do an Edward Gory thing....that is the best thing i've heard all day! Thanks for breaking down how Patreon works out for you and your team. I love knowing that my little contribution plays a roll in your art! Much love!!!!


I always find these missives really inspiring and fascinating, I really like seeing what people do when making art and peeking behind the curtain. I find it really reassuring. This month feels like an extra special treat as it is day one of the fringe and I snuck away to have a cup of tea and read this and this has reminded me to not just fringe all August. I'm going to give myself some time each day to hide away from the festival. Because it is great, but it burns your head. So thank you for this.


I love this looong posts they feel like a treat! I read this one while I was at work. I have many part-time jobs while I'm still doing my PhD (Creative Writing) in the north of England. One of these many jobs is being a carer for a girl with brain palsy. It's hard. After a pretty stressful day with her I left her in her room and came down the stairs and had my lunch and I saw this post. Eating lunch while reading it felt like a treat! So thanks :) Please keep posts like this coming. I love they are long (I'm an avid reader) and full of cool links.

Cathe B- The B is for BIG Art Geek

I finally sat down with a big ol cup of Irish Coffee and a sammich and read my favorite monthly thingymajingle. Planning on sending Alex some comicz I do... because.. comicz. art and muzicz kinda my gimmick. Seeing the pic of you and Holly- all I keep thinking is.. that Ash is going to have a little sister sooner or later.. even if she's niece. My patrons are slowly but surely coming around..and thank you for that. This week in Seattle.. cheers to the Fringe!


I'm so pleased that I remembered to read this month's State of All Things - on a coach from Ipswich to London (UK) as it goes. I'm beyond excited at the prospect of an AFP podcast &amp; what looks to be awesome new upcoming merch. Thank you Amanda (&amp; excellent team!) for everything. You keep doing you - we love you.