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hallo loves!!!

quick quick

maria "brainpickings" popova's amazing "universe in verse" show in brooklyn is tonight and while it is SUPER sold-out, BUT it'll be streaming live at 7 pm new york time (stream is donated by kickstarter live so it's FREEEEE) and there's already 2k people signed up to watch it ...


if you need an emotional lift...i imagine that this will be a balm to your soul 

i'm going to be reading a poem that neil wrote YESTERDAY and surprise surprise surprise....

i am doing a SECRET COVER SONG (which we are literally recording AS WE SPEAK) with zoe keating (on cell), john cameron mitchell (on vocals) and sean ono lennon (on guitar and vocals)...i won't say what but goddamit it sounds fucking beautiful and you're going to love it....

TUNE INTO THE STREAM and the song will be in your hot little hands sometime soon...






Lovely event, beautiful rendition of the song, loved the singularity and entropy poems and Neils most. You seemed very frazzled, I’m sorry for anything you are going through and hope you are ok x


So peeved I only got the livestream to work for a few poems (though they were excellent) really hope there will be an archive to watch.


Damn. Only just saw this. :(


Is it somehow possible to get a list of the poems? I would love to read them again, but I was too busy feeling all sorts of things to write the titles and poets down :)


So exciting!


Lots of exciting things! How do you not get overwhelmed sometimes by all of the amazingness that you get to take part in? (Sitting in a large communal kitchen that belongs to the school where I am studying Japanese. Currently avoiding writing a presentation!)


damn damn damn. I missed it. Please say there is a recording somewhere out there that I could watch?


Amanda, my husband (recent captive audience member) and myself got the chance to watch your performance. We were incredibly moved by your reading of Neil’s words. It felt like a beautiful duet. The music of course was beautiful and emotional and a perfect way to end the night. We thank you so much for making this available for us to watch. And yet again, we now have found another cause to donate towards because of you!


This was sooooooo good. Watched it live in Melbourne.... how cool is that. Amanda you totally killed it!


The livestream would not work for me. :/