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just in time for the weekend!! here it is, after two years of slaving. the film is about 30 minutes long, and i'm happy to say, it's not a tearjerker (although it might be? i never know with you guys). mostly, i think, this film will just make you think (and laugh).

($3+ patrons, stay tuned for an email with the download link to the entire film. $5+ patrons, stay tuned for some extra treats, including a whole book chapter about this roadtrip from alina's memoir...it's so good.)

as usual for these epic-scope projects that take a long time, i wrote a LONNGG story/blog/reflection about my friendship with alina and the entire birthing process of this film. it's gonna live on amandapalmer.net forever so it does not get lost to the sands of time. there are also some beautiful photos of the road-trip plus extra bios & text/stories from the two filmmakers that y'all helped fund, alina and amanda laws.

here it all is:


as for your feedback, i know it can be confusing, because there's so many places to comment (here, the youtube comments, the project page has a place to post comments, too). there is no wrong answer. maybe save your profound art thoughts & reflections for the youtube comments, since the public will be reading those and it'll inspire a more robust conversation over there, and when you're commenting over here, remember that we're a more insular community. but whatever. i'll be reading everything everywhere as usual.

and because it must be said:

i know i keep saying it, but work like this is simply not possible without the patreon. this cost thousands and thousands of dollars of editing time & equipment and there's just no other way i could have/would have done this just to put it up on youtube and finally have it exist. 

other artists want to do this sort of stuff but there's just no way to make the money work...you can try to write grants (it's a world of pain), you can try to get a corporate sponsor (just kill me), you can try to kickstarter every little project (just not possible: not even the most devoted of fans want to support fucking 20 projects a year from the same artist, it's suicidally draining).

this. this is working.

i hope you all feel like these kind of projects are worth doing; i certainly do, and as usual, the sky's the limit. we can go forwards, backwards, up, down, round and round, making art so far outside the box there is no box.

also, as to embracing the single bride & the road-trip within,



p.s. here's a link to the history behind the giant field of corn: https://www.roadsideamerica.com/story/9527



1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




good goddamn Palmer, that was incredible. I am supposed to be doing seventy other things, and instead sat down and watched from tip to tail this hi-8 mini masterpiece. Please make another, twelve more, twenty. I am inspired by the details, the animal cracker bag shot broke my 1970's heart. thank you thank you. -Kitty


You are indeed a great performer, and out-of-the-ordinary, and you are an icon that matters in the world as I know it. Thank you all who made this beautiful story available for presentation. I so thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Love, Jessica in Seattle, in bed still


I just wanted to keep watching! I loved every minute. I cried and felt all the feels. So proud of you x


Wow...... I'm sitting at my work desk post yoga having first coffee of the day and needed some inspiration which this video has truly given me. Watching you talk about your dreams at age 23 and then thinking about all that has come to pass since is making me a little bit emotional! I often think about how much I'd love to go back to my own 23 yr old self living in a squat and desperately clutching for how to be an artist and pat her on the back and tell her it will all happen eventually. I loved the random towns and monuments you visited and I'm pretty sure Chad and I have stayed at the pink heart tub motel in Niagara Falls too... I long for the road trips of my youth too. When all you had to navigate was a big paper book of a map and getting lost was part of the process. I'm so glad you guys made this! And yes to part 2 please! xxxxxxxx


oof. It hurts it's so real.


Thank you


23 year old amanda was everything 23 year old me wanted to be doing but was too bogged down working and doing what I thought I was supposed to do. Fuck I was/ still am (because I'm still working for others) dumb.


I’m very behind, finally got round to watching this. ❤️ Have tickets to see AFP tomorrow night in Birmingham, beyond excited!!


After a day of stressing about trying to make it as a musician, music therapist, guitar teacher or whatever I want to be, and trying to shake out of the dread/depression of leaving school and entering the world, and feeling lost and alone - I watched this. I can't think of anything that could have helped me more at this fucked-up time in my life - what you said about looking at the world through different eyes as the Bride makes me think of how I feel when I'm connecting with people through music. I can't thank you enough for this Amanda. Thank you. <3

Caitlin Brown

So I just now watched this video today, catching up on my AFP blogs.... It's been a rough couple of months with work, lots of 14 hour days. And I really liked the vid. Very intense as usual. But also very familiar. I think that was my favorite part of it, actually. It felt like 23, the whole thing. I didn't sing, write music, or play a human statue when I was 23- but I could've gone on a random-ass road trip like that and made some art. (don't worry, it wouldn't have been as good as this). My roommate in college was a cinema major and had her own camera set/editing software. We made goofy things. But back to the point... You were a great performer then, and you're a great performer now. But now, you seem more refined, focused. You may not know what you're doing, but you sure LOOK like you do, so good for you! LOL. In the video, you look like such a KID. Any kid. And now you look like a rock star. Is that where you want to be? Sure hope so, because I enjoy it. Keep doing you, because you're beautiful.