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hallo loves in the UK....

sorry for the much posting today, when it rains it pours.

first of all, LONDON (or anyone who can GET to london): SAVE MAY 22nd!!! i'm going to do a super-secret patron-only party/show somewhere realy special, it's all in the works and i'll announce soon. save the night. tickets will be for patrons only and cheap.

second of all, here's the link for my segment on BBC newsnight.


 (apparently i'm on around 24:30, but i'm trusting that, since i can't view the feed from the US since it's UK only).

let me know if it works.

third of all:

for my upcoming tour, we need a couple of extra babysitters if anyone is free or knows anyone looking to make a couple pounds to watch this cute 2-year-old youngun.

we need a babysitter on may 1 & 2 at night, may 3, 4 &5 in day or evening, may 16 & 18 in the afternoon, and may 21st day or eve. 

in BRIGHTON: we need a sitter may 14th & 15th in the afternoon and evening. 

in DUBLIN: may 26, 27 & 28th day or night.

if anyone has ANY LEADS for peeps in any of these cities, email justine@amandapalmer.net. we would prefer someone with real childcare experience, this isn't a great job for a newb. include info on experience & she'll take care of ya. we're also happy to get you tickets to shows as part of the bargain.

also, brighton is ALMOST SOLD OUT (wheeee)

the rest of the dates all still have a handful of tickets, get them now and help spread the word....

....AND EDINBURGH!!!!!! august 17&18 at QUEEN'S HALL!!!!

all tickets at: 


love and love.








Hi, loved the Newsnight piece. Well done!! Also, may have a sitter for Ash in Brighton. My partner’s sister is a nanny (and has a 2-year-old girl). Just checking with her to see if she’s free on those dates. Can’t wait to see your show in Brighton!!!!


Newsnight interview: short but to the point -- excellent job. (And why did I decide to go to bed early last night -- I could have seen this live...)

Fanny von B

The solidarity in this clip is overwhelming. We gotta stick up for each other, even if we can't quite for ourselves yet, this unity, this belief, what's happening right now is so important. It's time for the power that the patriarchy has to divide us to break. In solidarity ✌💜


Happy to help with babysitting in Brighton if still needed (I'm just about to finish a social work degree and have a current enhanced DBS certificate if that helps - just to prove I'm safe around kids lol)


Great to see and hear you commenting on a subject we are all passionate about xx


Great interview. Spot on!


The patron only London show sounds great, just wish I had known it was a possibility before booking tickets and travel to Norwich and arranging a day's annual leave to get back the next day. It's not a bad thing really, two shows instead of one. More of a slight irritation.


The patron only show is on a school night, but I’ll be damned if I’m not gonna try and make it. My students will just have to put up with a tired teacher on the 23rd :P


It amazes me, Amanda, how you do soo much with raising a 2yr old. Much love, Nicholas


Thank you thank you thank you for doing a London show. I’m shaking in my shoes I can’t wait


Ahhhh, I have shows in Brighton on both your Brighton and London performances! Hope there's still some tickets for Edinburgh as I'm there for the whole fringe with my solo audience participation Hamlet- WHICH YOU SHOULD COME SEE. You would be a great Ophelia. I can put the word out in Brighton for childcare if you like? xx