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(public post) 

hallo loves 

i am running around like a maniac today but in the midst of packing and practicing and getting ready to leave for a benefit in new york and a tour of the UK and saying goodbye to ash because i won’t see him for three days i got a call from BBC’s ”newsnight” - one of the biggest nightly news shows in the UK - asking if i would skype into the show and say a few words about the bill cosby verdict. these were the ones that i scribbled down while waiting to talk to the anchor. 

key words:








“it’s one thing to speak truth to power, and it’s another thing to speak truth to power and see change.“

i just finished the interview on air and it was short and sweet. i am so emotional right now, i figured i'd post. 

if the clip goes online i’ll share it with y’all in the state of Allthings. 

i love you. 

hooray world. 







Sometimes I think of this Patreon thing as my campaign contributions electing you as my public voice. Thank you. <3


I don't have anything to say really. I didn't hear your interview. I just feel pretty bummed out right now. where does the quote come from? --> “it’s one thing to speak truth to power, and it’s another thing to speak truth to power and see change.“ fuck it i'm just gonna play some fiddle and not think any more


Good job. Although I am disgusted that he just pays a bail fine that he can easily afford and goes right back home to chill in one of his many mansions. On YouTube there is a video that explains that courts are just as much a joke because the richest people get taken to court for terrible crimes but then just pay a fine and go back to doing whatever they were before. Justin Roiland shared it on Twitter - search for “the monetary system visually explained” by Youssef G


Yes! ❤️ I didn't dare hope but am so glad the courts finally recognize the truth!

Fanny von B

I'm pleased they reached out to you to speak. I'm pleased justice is finally working. I'm pleased that when the wronged speak up someone is listening. I hope this shift continues. I hope. 💜


So glad the beeb asked you, you came across swell. Feels like finally beyond sounding board for the #metoo spring


You should write an essay on being prepared. I’ve thought this since you posted about how hard you worked on your TED talk. It don’t come from nothin’. I think it’s inspiring how you let us see not just the wheels turning, but the grease and the sweat that makes them go. (On the Vineyard, in my study, procrastinating about getting to my novel.)


I just love you so much, thank you for speaking for us.


I just love that sheet of notes! Mine are usually a little more orderly, and I still forget to say half the things I wanted to say. How does it work out for you when you get to the talk/interview?


I want to update my previous idea. I said I was disgusted that he doesn’t get incarcerated. That was wrong. I was raped as a baby and it affected my life severely, and I guess my first gut instinct is to want the person who rapes and hurts people punished. But that’s not being empathetic or wise or very logical of me. Imprisonment is a bad idea if it’s about depriving someone of love, connection, respect, and subjecting them to rape, beatings and severe suffering themselves. If you don’t rehabilitate, if you don’t put in effort to understand why the actions were caused, and you punish them instead, they will come out of prison destroyed even further. More angry, more hurt, more hurtful. And we won’t have learned anything about preventing rapists from forming in the future. Einstein proved scientifically that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, so imagine what was done to Cosby to make him drug and rape so so so many women? Rapists don’t just stumble out of happy positive safe encouraging homes. Data shows they experienced a lot of trauma in their lives to cause it. There is a detailed study on google of men convicted of rape to find out what could have determined their actions- “Viewing the act of rape from a clinical perspective, this study attempts to trace its causes by examining the life histories of 348 men convicted of sexual assault.” All of them experienced a form of abuse by their families - either raped or emotionally abused, pressured extremely about their ability to attract someone for sex. So I am sorry that I didn’t think more and just went with my first gut feelings of revenge instead of empathy and rehabilitation.


Duality: Einstein didn't, but usually Newton is given the credit. Happy May!