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hallo my dear loves

SURPRISE....almost....it's a surprise *trailer* for an upcoming surprise in a few days.

greetings from my desk in woodstock new york, where it's 6:30 pm, it's rianing but beautifully warm and hazy, and i'm about to wake ash up from a nap (he's still jetlagged from the west coast trip) and take him down to our neighbor caroline's to see what he calls the TIE-NY CHICK-UMS. (tiny chickens). we got a small shipment of chicks in for the henhouse and they are goddman adorable and ash likes to visit them daily. country livin' man. fresh eggs every morning and the guinea fowl eat the ticks. who knew.

ok real life (wait, which is real):

tomorrow i'm gonna drop this trailer on the internetz, and the clip will come to you (and the world) on friday.

this is, indeed, the trailer for the little film - the official title is "BRIDE-TRIPPING" - i've been telling you about. it's been in the editing suite for OVER TWO YEARS and it's culled from over 25 hours of footage taken by my friend alina simone in 1999, almost 20 years ago (fuck), when i was 23.

i'm also writing an EPIC blog/project page for you and give the film a forever- house online.

it's an amazing Thing. 

i hope you love it. it's slightly scary for me to release it. as you will see in the film itself, and read about in the blog to come...it ain't all complimentary footage.

enjoy the trailer...and i'll be posting about other sundry things tomorrow (tour, or TED, i owe you both) tomorrow if i get time.

and a reminder that there is no way in hell that ANYTHING like this could happen without the patreon. the thousands and thousands of dollars that have been spent on editing just couldn't have come from anywhere - this is a totally non-viable film in the commercial world. you made it happen. i thank you, and my collaborators who've been working on it for two years thank you.



p.s. gahhhhh


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


AMANDA PALMER - BRIDE-TRIPPING (Trailer) - a short film by alina simone & amanda laws

the full short film (is about 32 minutes long) it’ll be released (free to the public) to youtube/vimeo friday, april 27th, 2018. please join the patreon to be notified of the release and to support the artists. projects like tht happen without your micro-support: https://www.patreon.com/amandapalmer



Wow! Exciting!


I'm looking forward to watching it.

Virginia Marcs

Eeeee!!! I'm really excited for this!!!!! I'm home, in my disgustingly small 375 sq ft Astoria, Queens apartment. Waiting for my voice student to arrive, he's late with a flat tire on his bike. It is 1:17PM EST. Glad I had this to brighten my afternoon. :)

Amy Tobol

I am looking forward to hearing your story. I know I will find myself comparing notes, and I will find my own story lacking. I'm puttering around, waiting for lunch. A friend wants to take us out for Chinese (yum!) as a thanks for watching her pups over the weekend. I'd rather she just accept the favor, because she'd do the same for me I think, but she doesn't like to be in debt I guess. If you had snapchat, I could send you little snaps of my cats, or my emus, or the Aeolian harp singing so low in the doorway, because the morning breeze can't make up it's mind.

Nikki Mierjeski

Looks so awesome!! It’s random shit like this that gets me excited to be a patron. Watching during my lunch break, in the quiet room at work, downtown Seattle.


Oh man, I have so many little, tiny, annoying work projects (plus need to work out, and shower, and do some writing before my little siblings and their friends get here in two hours to learn to play DnD) but watching this trailer was a nice tiny break! Can't wait to see the whole thing!


Can't wait 💋


so looking forward to the full film


SO STOKED! I love this stuff!


Cannot wait! <3


Can't wait to see this :)


I love that you have video of you from twenty years ago talking about what you hope to become and what you hope for your future. I think it would be quite interesting if we all had access to something like that for ourselves. Are we where we thought we'd be when we were kids? Have we accomplished what we thought we would? Are we who we wanted to be? This will give me much to ponder today. Thank you. I can't wait for this to come out<3