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(patron-only post)

hello my loves.

happy monday. sorry this didn't get out in time for the weekend, i was slammed.

it's time for ALL THE THINGS again. if you missed the inaugural "Althings" post last month for march 2018, you can catch up and read it (and also see why i occasionally revert to the one-l spelling), HERE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/state-of-all-we-17803747

for any of you catching up (or just joining the patreon, welcome!!!) this is my monthly patron-only newsletter/round-up of ALL THE THINGS THAT ARE HAPPENING, it usually takes me a couple days to assemble it with the team, and we are OPEN TO FEEDBACK. one of the things patrons have been asking for is a giant round-up, since they aren't able to read every-every-every post. we aim to please. comment here if you gots any feedback for us, i'm reading.

this is going to be a long read, so get comfy and grab a glass of wine or a cup of tea. this post is best when viewed in a web browser, rather than the patreon mobile apps.

down to business....this is technically a twofer post, since i usually post on my birthday: it’s the APRIL STATE OF ALL THINGS but it’s also MY GODDAMN B-DAY, today, the 30th.

happy birthday me, i’m 42 today, and that means i am, according to douglas adams, the answer to the universe.

what does the answer to the universe have to say to you? well, i can tell you this much:

i believe the old people who say this was their favorite period: the 40s to 50s, when you’re still kicking ass and generally physically healthy, done with all the ego-angst of your 20s and 30s but not yet dumped into the pre-coffin of old age problems as your eyes, body, and memory start to fail as you shake your fist at the sky feebly complaining that youth is wasted on the young.

i’m writing/compiling most of this post on a plane that left JFK airport in brooklyn at 8:15 this morning (it’s the 29th as i write, but this will post tomorrow, after all the photos and links get sorted and magical hayley goes over it with a fine-toothed comb while i receive my birthday present to myself: a day offline with neil. we usually have notoriously awful amanda-birthdays due to differences in lifestyle taste, and tastes in surprises, easily wounded egos, and other general leftover childhood traumas. wish us luck! maybe this will be the year we nail it).

last night i spoke and performed at maria popova’s beautiful “universe in verse” event … a whole night dedicated to people telling stories and reading poetry about nature, science and the uni-verse. one verse. it was spectacular…more on that below, because i am going to THING part of it.

mostly….dudes, i’m good. it’s been a seriously fucking busy month, mortar is coming out of some walls. i worry about the sustainability of certain things the way i didn't a few years ago when the future seemed vast and far away.

but i don’t feel old. i feel normal. and the patreon keeps becoming more profound....less of a great crowdfunding platform and more of a "i cannot believe this is actually real and i have this kind of reliable income to make art with". it has opened up so many possible avenues of art-making (should i write songs? do podcasts? write anther book, in pieces? write fiction? write children's stories? make children's records? finally write the entire history of my sex life in comic book form? PAINT? SURF? LEARN CELLO? LEARN POKER? LEARN TO WELD?). the answer is, as usual, all of the above. and the dilemma is, as usual, the same question that confronts me every day upon waking: fucking....when?

as i often ask on my birthday, though it feels especially poignant to be asking my patrons and not just “my blog” or my social media platforms, there is something i would like for my birthday.

i would love for you (you, reading this you) to share my art.

this is always the greatest gift you can give me, but if you want to give me birthday present, it'd mean a ton.

and this year, if you want to give me a dream, don’t just share my art, but take credit as a patron of that goddamn art.

i know this may be hard for some of you to do, and that’s why i’m asking you to do it.

one thing i’ve noticed about the past three years is that, while y’all here are very wonderful and often share my songs/videos/writing when you enjoy the content, i’ve noticed that very few of you mention the patreon, or the fact that YOU are patrons, and that your money directly funded the art. maybe it’s because it feels weird, maybe because it feels unnecessary (maybe for other reasons, that you can tell me here in the comments?).

but listen to me: the greatest way you can help an artist to grow is by touting your commitment and support of that artist to others. 

so go look at the LIST OF ALL THE THINGS, pick a piece of my art (one that’s gone into the public domain, so things like “the ride”, not yet) that has resonated with you (maybe it’s the mother video, or bride-tripping, or something older like piano is evil or something obscure, like the sound of people dancing) and don’t just share the link/art itself, but share the fact that you, as a patron, are proud to be a part of this family, helping us make and fund this art. 

that would make my fucking day, and give me the greatest joy.



it was april.

i went on tour with jason webley and had a FUCKING GREAT TIME. i know that a lot of you new patrons (HELLO!!!!!!) are from eugene, portland, spokane & seattle. i am going to dedicate a whole post to that tour, so for right now, i'll just leave with with a couple of my favorite pictures:

(photo credit: After Midnight Photography in seattle)

then i went to the TED conference, which did my head in as usual, and i also threw my annual NINJA-TED show, with guests including (jason webley and neil, and  adam savage, jaron lanier, joseph gordon levitt, emily nagoski, amelia nagoski, la dama project, sarah kay, maria popova, joshua roman, sarah parcak, david kwong, mike posner, lilly haydn, riz ahmed, paul rucker and the band carnival).

you can watch an archive of the webcast, here:


(photo by rachel pick)

we raised a ton of money for the greater vancouver food bank, and i'm also currently working on a blog/post about TED and the show...it's been a whirlwind month with almost no downtown, so my historical records are lagging. but it's coming.


i sat down and talked for two straight hours with two incredible sisters, tonya & tracy hurley, for their "stories of strange women" podcast, links here:

itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/amanda-palmer/id1250527126?i=1000408014323&mt=2

it got very intense. we all wound up talking about our marriages and childbirth/miscarriage/abortion experiences. not for the faint-hearted. it's a really beautiful, real-talk chat.


i went to new york to do a benefit for a non-profit little schoolhouse for undocumented immigrant kids in new york, called still waters in a storm.

i know a lot of you patrons showed up, THANK YOU. if you didn't get to donate at the event, you can donate HERE. it was a gorgeously-emotional evening with many heroes, including the writer susan cain and the meditation teacher and writer sharon salzburg. and i made friends, at long last, with DAR WILLIAMS! i've known about her forever. we hit it off like two year olds in a jello park. she gave me her book, and before i forget to recommend it, it's fucking fantastic and i can relate to so much of it. it's called What I Found in a Thousand Towns: A Traveling Musician's Guide to Rebuilding America's Communities—One Coffee Shop, Dog Run, and Open-Mike Night at a Time 

the morning of that benefit....well, i'll just cut and paste the story from instagram:

"yesterday i was sitting on a stoop on the lower east side  just trying to figure out my life and stuff and a woman walked by me and did a double-take and turned around and said “amanda” and i said “that’s me” and she told me her name was tatiana and that she came to new york from siberia five years ago and that she was listening to my music a lot while she was learning to speak english. and through the music she found my book and she looked at me and quoted anthony back at me saying “it doesn’t hurt enough yet”. and i told her about how i was feeling about anthony and i took her in my arms and we had a nice tearful hug there on second street and she told me she was a freelance photograher and i invited her to the benefit for a one-room-schoolhouse for immigrant kids in brooklyn (Still Waters in a Storm) that i was playing last night at @symphonyspace on the upper west side and she came and she took this picture. and the benefit was wonderful and full of beautiful mindhearts (susan cain spoke and dar williams played and talked and sharon salzburg led a meditation) and i got that nice feeling that anthony isn’t quite dead, he’s just alternately manifested. the end."

thanks tatiana.

that reminds me, you should all follow me on instagram if you wanna get this shit in real time. i'm there @amandapalmer. (twitter too. i never shut up.)




okay ah yes. the song that i co-wrote with welsh singer-songwriter jasmine power and brit composer/arranger matt nicholson (which is now officially titled “Mr Weinstein Will See You Now”) is GETTING MIXED and sounding really ... dark and powerful. mixing outside of the studio is hard and requires endless explaining over phone and email and takes infinitely longer than sitting there at the mixing desk and saying “bring that up, bring that down, cut that out”, so we are going as fast as we can under the circumstances. i’m also working on finalizing the artwork (it’s also really powerful, and i’m so glad we managed to fit in a photoshoot at a hotel in upstate new york…)

if you missed the posts from that session, read more HERE.

and here are a couple weird outtake photos from the album cover shoot; which was captured by two different photographers (matt nicholson and coco karol), these are both coco's.

hold onto your self.



i'm setting aside a few chunks of time in may (in the UK, very possibly with my opener, andrew o'neill) and in june (back in new york) for writing and demo-ing (for patrons-only) new material for the record. be afraid.



i just did a gig at pioneer works in brooklyn for maria "brainpickings" popova; she does an annual event called "the universe in verse"...if you were tuned into the steam last night (which will be archived HERE, go watch it when it's up!), i already announced this, but:

i roped three of maria popova’s other poetry readers (zoe, sean and john) into doing a day-long rehearsal session, then recording of “big yellow taxi”, the joni mitchell tune which maria had asked me to cover for the event. i love the lyrics but had never loved the arrangement of the original, so i was super up to the task. i love, love, love what we did with it and am also so glad i didn’t just rely on a live recording of the song on stage - the huge, resonant space meant that we really needed to belt the song out when it should have been a lot subtler. but i am finally learning these things from my accumulated piles of 20/20 hindsight, and i actually hired a mobile engineer, dan brantigen, to set up shop in the pioneer works building and record us doing the song for reals, because otherwise, the arrangement would have been more or less lost to history. the patreon and its awesomeness strikes again. i’ll Thing it when it’s ready (it’ll be fun to create the artwork for this one, too) and we will give a portion of the Thinging-profits to the Natural Resources Defense Council - the same charity to which Maria is donating the event proceeds. stay tuned.

here's a photo/s of the four of us on stage...and i'll drop some more of the recording studio shots when i post the tune:

(photo by maria popova via her instagram)



i worked a lot on the podcast this past month…..i’m making delicious headway in the audio-love department. i’m still not sure how fancy and complicated to make this first real-attempt at a well-produced podcast, because honestly a podcast like the one i’m trying to make could just go on forever and ever (this theme leads to that! add more interviews! ADD MORE THINGS!) but the amount of amazing ideas and insights alone from my time spent with david eagleman (over an hour and a half at the rubin museum, and another hour and a half at a hotel in NYC this month) is GOLD. so i may just try to be humble and work on this in pieces. the first podcast doesn’t have to be a circus…it may actually be better with less stuff. so, we’re working on it, and stay tuned. hopefully within the next few months.

here’s a photo of me in discussion with david (and matt nicholson: see previous project!) in new york, all chatting for the podcast:

(photo by hayley)

and, due to inspiration from hayley, i think i came up with a title for the podcast: THE ART OF ASKING EVERYTHING. what do you think?? i mean, that's what it's literally gonna be.



the video that david mack created is all edited up and ready to go, the song has been remixed (by edward ka-spel) to bring the bass up some, and now we’re just waiting for one final element (an creative addition to the song from another artist, and i’m going to keep that one a surprise). 

here are a few more stills from the video to whet your appetite 



i know i’ve mentioned this a squillion times and never followed-through, but it’s my goddamn dream to finally start a robust advice column, because i love writing about real shit.

as soon as there’s enough breathing space in the schedule, maybe this may, maybe this june, i’m going to tackle it. i’m excited to hire some really talented illustrators (a la the new york times, etc) to beautifully illustrate and expand on the topics/ideas in the column, and give the whole thing it’s own tagged, searchable archive on the website (a la dan savage). it’ll be a lot of work and cost a lot of dough, but that’s the exciting thing about the patreon. now we have the dough. i’m really excited about this. and all ears if y’all have any ideas about what/how.



speaking of dough to do shit and ways to put it on the internet, work on the new amandapalmer.net website has been stalled because…i get stuck. the design and direction is hard to wrap my head around because we’ll go a few feet down a path and then i’ll decide i’m not particularly happy with something, but i don’t know enough about the medium to provide alternatives, so the whole thing stalls. i want it to be spectacularly inviting, and very community-oriented, and i want it to be able to do a perfect dance between providing a home for my archive and the patreon community while also welcoming in newcomers. it’s a lot. i know what i love when i see it, it’s just been eluding us, and we’re working on it. it makes things twenty times harder when you know that the decisions are massively expensive and undoable once you start heading down a certain path. i’ve now been working on/talking about redesigning the website for the past two or three years, and it’s very slow work. it’ll eventually be built and thing’d on patreon…but it may take another eon. i’ll keep you posted. 



as of this writing there are 11,365 patrons pledging $45,137.

you may have noticed that patreon charges you retroactively, meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for Things released the month prior (for example, you'll get charged for the Things released in april on may 1st). so i don't have figures for april just yet, but here's an update for march...

because people have their pledges capped, the first Thing raises the most money, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. 

the numbers below are gross and not net, meaning it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected.

in march, i Thinged three Things:

"Fighter" featuring AFP by Patty Monroe was the first Thing and it earned about $43,449 from 10,878 patrons

"current 94 (demo)" was the second Thing, and it earned about $25,018 from 7,521 patrons

The State of All The Things - MARCH 2018 was the third and final Thing of the month and it earned about $19,051 from 5,779 patrons

we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know.

this is also before taxes, before my manager takes his 15%, before the staff and office get paid, etc etc. it's the gross. but it's nice to look at, isn't it. 

someday i'll break down the finances of an entire project for you. it can be quite mind-boggling sometimes to see all the money that goes into just recording a single song, once you take into account every expense. it adds up like a mofo.


hayley and michael continue to be fucking wonderful, inspiring, reliable and generally golden. they surprise-ambushed me when i got to new york the other day with some little gifts they knew would make me smile. michael came on the pacific northwest tour with me while hayley held down the fort in brooklyn. they've been seriously kicking ass. they volunteered (ok i coerced them) to write something this time around....



April marks the first full month since Amanda added the new Art In The Mail reward tiers and offered more patrons guest list spots than ever to her shows. This has meant that I've been directly in touch with more patrons than ever in my day-to-day work. I am often working behind the scenes supporting Amanda and her communications to patrons, so I've had a wonderful time talking to people and connecting with them beyond answering a How Does This Work? question or confirming a guest list spot.

I wear many hats throughout making this all go, and that ranges on the full spectrum from top level strategy to implementing stuff on the backend of Amanda's patreon (like editing this very Althings post and inserting links and pictures for AFP) to updating internal documents all the way to the front-facing question answering community support type questions that come in to patreonhelp@amandapalmer.net.

It's hard to describe a typical day on Team AFP because nothing is ever typical around here. Besides interacting with patrons and coordinating the different perks Amanda offers to you, most of my work here is in project management to get all the moving pieces and parts that go into making and releasing a Thing and to keep Amanda on track of ALL THE THINGS TO DO to get a Thing out to you. Picture this: a million emails, lots of text messages, some Google docs, spreadsheets, note taking, conference calls and a little bit of head scratching (an occasional roar: which can be from excitement or frustration) and a lot of smiles and appreciation.

Amanda has had quite few quick New York events this month which meant that I got to see her in person and help out on the ground - including a super secret photoshoot, the talk at the Rubin Museum with David Eagleman, her guest spot at the Still Waters in a Storm Benefit and my favorite: helping her on the day she recorded her very first podcast interview.

My favorite part of working at Amanda's concerts and events is that I have the chance to meet fellow fans and patrons, and I get to see the magic in person rather than through a screen. I love being part of this art family, and helping to make things happen. At the end of the day everything we do is about ART and HUMAN CONNECTION and getting Amanda's music to your ears so that it can inspire you and bring some beauty into the word. I live for that. I've always appreciated that Amanda makes it a point to let you all know that real people are hard at work behind her, because when I get to say hello in person at a show I feel the appreciation and love and can hand it right back.

Some of you know that I'm a photographer (and for those of who you don't, you do now!), I brought along my camera during all of these events to help document them for Amanda's archive.  Here's a few of my favorite shots:

Amanda and David in conversation at the Rubin Museum:

David, Amanda and Matt after recording the podcast the day after:

Amanda performing at the Still Waters in a Storm benefit at Symphony Space:

If you have questions for Team AFP, feel free to let us know in the comments or through the patreonhelp@amandapalmer.net email and we'll ponder them for the next Team AFP update section.


p.s. feel free to say hello to me if you see me at a gig or around the net, i'm @hayleyfiasco on just about every social media platform



Hello Patrons!  

Hayley and I have been asked both by Amanda and by you to write about our experiences working for Team AFP.  While we both generally stay out of the spotlight, I am very happy to share my thoughts and stories from our side of things!

April was a BUSY month (I mean, they all pretty much are, but wow!) and I’ll try to re-cap just a few highlights for you all.  Amanda and I started right of the bat by flying to Seattle on April 2nd in preparation for her mini PNW Tour.  I had a suitcase loaded up full of merch from the office and we each had (at the time) a relatively neat and organized inbox.  Things were looking promising.  We met our Tour Manager, the amazing Rachel Ryan (AKA Mr. Soundlady) in Seattle.

And on the morning of April 4th we packed up our van and drove from Seattle to Spokane through a snowy Snoqualmish Pass and then across the entire state on I-90.  Growing up in New England and living in Boston for a time, I was well familiar with one stretch of this highway and it was amazing and bizarre to see just how different it looked on the other side of the country (one of these days I’ll see the middle, I swear).

The next few days are a bit of a blur between Spokane:


Portland (didn’t get a photo of the marquee but here’s a pic of Mary’s Club’s:

and then back to Seattle:

The shows were obviously amazing, but what mattered most to me is what happened AFTER.  As I’m sure many of you know, Amanda is a huge fan of doing signings after her shows to whomever wants to stay and wait in line. While there is never enough time to devote to each and every person, watching her interact with you all, taking the time to see everyone and listen to their brief stories, or just share a hug or a look or a smile is so incredibly inspiring.  

While everyone was waiting I was given the special task of walking up and down the line and talking about. . . this. . . About us.  About this amazing community that is Patreon and how much it means to Amanda and the team and how it enables us to have this vision of how to Make Art and Keep Art Relevant in these confusing and often troubling times.  

I was fortunate to invite people in and welcome them to this community by helping them sign up right then and there while they waited in line.  I also took the time to ask “Who is already a Patron?” So many of you raised your hands, it was amazing.  I cannot fully express to you how wonderful it was to be able to look so many of you in the eye and say “Thank You” in person.  From me to you.  Many of you got a sticker to boot (if you didn’t I’m really sorry, there will be more stickers at more shows in the future, I promise).  All the high fives, smiles, hugs, and thank you’s in return are really what makes every minute of running around, schlepping merch, lack of sleep worth it.  

After the mini Tour, Amanda and Neil went up to TED to have their collective brains blown by all the talent, and amazingness that goes on there (I can’t even imagine), and of course Amanda put on her almost annual “NinjaTED” benefit at the Vogue Theater (you can still donate to the wonderful cause, the Vancouver Food Bank here: http://foodbank.bc.ca/NinjaTED).   Holy shit, y’all.  That show.  I can’t even really describe how incredible it was, but do yourselves a favor and head over to Amanda’s Facebook Page (here's the link) and watch the video of it filmed by yours truly (hence why I took no pictures, but here’s a candid shot from the amazing Rachel Pick):

Although I must apologize for the shaky camera work and intermittent lapses in the video, the internet at the venue was not the best and as this was a very last minute ask of me to film I didn’t have any kind of tripod or gimbal on hand for the phone.  Something that I have to go out and acquire at some point soon. 

After all of that running around, I took a few days off.  Jason Webley was incredibly kind enough to let me stay at his lovely houseboat and then I took off for a drive across the Olympic Peninsula, where for the VERY FIRST TIME I touched the Pacific Ocean:
(3 down, 2 to go) and stood at the northwestern most tip of the continental USA.  Cape Flattery is gorgeous.  Go if you can, it’s worth it.

Next it was back home and back to the office to reconnect with the amazing Hayley where we jumped back to work which included an early morning photoshoot as well as working on an event at the Rubin Museum with Amanda and David Eagleman.  Then we moved right into helping Amanda participate in yet another benefit for Still Waters in a Storm where we all listened to amazing talks by Susan Cain and Sharon Salzberg, chanted with Nina Rao and Noah Hoffeld and listened to Amanda, Dar Williams, and the kids from the Still Waters school!  It was so moving. 

Then we jumped started putting together April’s Thing: Bride-Tripping which just dropped, and then helping to organize Amanda’s participation in Maria Popova’s Earth In Verse event on the 28th.

As you can see it’s been non-stop from beginning to end this month and it’s all been SO amazing.

It’s amazing how I feel like I’ve gone on and on with this writing and I still haven’t even captured a fraction of all the amazing things that happened this month.  Rediscovering the joy of Grape Nuts, a Patron Only Meetup at one of Portland’s best Strip Clubs, taking a nap in a ceiling hammock in a friend’s kitchen, Crêpe-pocalypse:

...waking up to a big shaggy dog sniffing at my face, traveling to new and exciting places, meeting amazing people, I could go on and on! 

Melinda Kearney wrote to Hayley and I asking for answers to all kinds of behind the scenes questions after the last Althings, and I’m sorry that I have hardly answered any of them, but I don’t want to take up too much space on here.  As Amanda tours the UK and Dublin in May and Hayley and I stay in the office and keep the home fires burning so to speak there will be more time to answer all those questions.  For now, dear patrons, I will sign off and leave you with one more big THANK YOU to all of you for making all of these wonderful things possible.  We couldn’t do it without you.  

((( ))) Hugs all around!


aw, michael. you are awesome.



in beautiful news....there are a SHIT TON OF PEOPLE JOINING AND USING PATREON!!! i have a running list but don't want to dump them all on you at once.

first of all, and most touching, you HAVE TO READ THIS BLOG by my old friend, anna vogelzang. it's just gorgeous, packed with old photos i'd forgotten about, and really captures the early energy of the dresden dolls back when we were grabbing everybody and making them join the circus with us....anna joined the dolls circus, as you can see (this is probably in 2003):

.....anyway, she's on patreon, and she also just covered "blake says" (from my album Who Killed Amanda Palmer as a request:


MY FAVORITE PIANO PLAYER, lance horne, a composer, arranger, music director, and generally beautiful person (whose house i often stay at when i'm in new york city) is FINALLY on patreon! you may know him as meow meow and alan cumming's piano sidekick, or you may remember him as the pianist who joined me at the boston symphony for some hijinx...

and here's me and lance both being terrible at accordion on a bar in hudson, ny

especially for you fans of musical theater, sondheim, hammerstein...please support him - he's endless love and beauty, is lance:




um, london, and everybody who can get to london, you *may* want to consider saving october 30 and 31. something incredibly fucking amazing may be happening in london those nights. i say no more. ahem. all my UK/IRE tour dates are selling pretty robustly (carmarthen and gateshead could use some love). 

all the tour dates are below:
















as i think i mentioned last month, i am BOOKED, dear patrons, to make my first solo full-length album recording in YEARS.

it looks like it’ll probably be happening in LA this september/october with john congleton, my beloved producer/engineer/soul-brother from “theatre is evil”.

and every day, every week, every moment really, i’m making long-term little decisions in my head about what’s going to get attacked in the studio. i have a working song list and things fall off and go back on and the whole fantasy-album process is really quite delightful. i’ve never made a record quite like this for lots of reasons; it’s never been such a long span of time, for one thing, but also, i’ve never demo’d and shared so much material before properly album-recording it either, and i’ve also never made such a personal, literal record, a “record” of time. 



and… the more i think about the stage show the more i understand what the album needs to be, and that’s also a bizarro-land way for me to think, that chicken never comes before that egg. it’s usually me taking my pile of album songs and figuring out what to do with them on stage, and they always dictate the show. not this time. it’s going to be different, and i don’t mind one little bit. it’s going to be a phenomenal tour and i’m already talking with my north american agent (matt hickey, from high road touring, who’s been my agent since - gulp - 2003!!!) and my european agent (bex majors at united talent agency, who’s been my agent for about six years now) and i’m bringing back an old ally from my distant past, mike luba (who managed the dolls from 2003-2007) to be my north american promoter. my australian manager jordan is helping to corral the entire tour into existence from behind his modo-desk in sydney. tell me if this all starts to sound boring, but now you know what i’m sometimes doing when i’m not art-ing…i’m on the phone with these glorious desk-motherfuckers trying to figure out things that aren’t going to manifest before your eyes for 18 months. 

but i can tell you this: i’ll be touring ALL OVER the states, ALL OVER europe and the UK, ALL OVER australia (hooray!) and hopefully hitting some places i have never been to before solo (mexico, south america, and philippines, i’m eyeballing you).

speaking of far-off places…it looks like we are very possible going to be in INDIA this winter (US winter, that is, around january).

who’s in india, or is going to be in india, or otherwise has ideas about india and what can happen there (besides, of course, the usual improv of insanity that i am sure to do without knowing anything)? in particular would love to chase down some yoga/retreat/meditation leads if anyone has personal connections they can throw at me. we’ll be in jaipur, bangalor, and elsewhere…it’s all still coming together.



that’s all my loves…i’m on my way off the internet to go run around london with a toddler and a neil gaiman. i'll read comments when i'm back online tomorrow and the day after.

and as usual: thank you, thank you, thank you deeply for your patronage.

it's everything. 




p.s. don’t forget the top of the post now that you’ve gotten to the bottom. go out and share something for me!!!


1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net



Christian Weger

I don't get it? It's a thing? Where's the download code in this post?


Plllleeeaaaase come to Toronto on your tour next year!! I and 4 of my friends want to see you again ❤❤❤


Happy Birthday ❤❤❤


This post is awesome!


This isn't a THING itself, it just tells us about all the things this month and all the running around Amanda and the team do to make the things happen. Just so us folks who don't get to read every single Patreon post can keep up with events all in one nice neat little pile.


Happy Birthday! Don't overthink your website - it's a portal to YOU, no one cares about the portal that much, no one is judging you by your portal. Make it fun, clean, easy to use (and easy to update) so your fans can see YOU. Don't get bogged down in the details on this one. Love you lots! Proud to be a patron and I will start sharing the Patreon.


This is a thing. She’s thinging a monthly recap like this once a month to cover business operating expenses like staff that are continuously owed outside of a particular project.


Described in her post about patreon changes a month or two back. Based on March data she shared here, if this thing is the last thing, it makes the least money because of pledge caps but pulls from those who wish to support her fully and helps with recurring expenses. If there’s a month with no other thing, this post will pull the fully pledged amount. Good strategy!


So many new things coming!!! You've been working your ass off, you badass. I love hearing about the little random tidbits about life, so don't feel like you're rambling, tell ALL, we LOVE YOU. I recently got my little sister into your music, and she's the age I was when I started listening, so I hope you impact her as much as you have for me. She's already learned a few of our songs on her uke, and we've been experimenting with covers. Now I'M rambling, but anyway, keep on keeping on, love you AFP!!!!!! &lt;3


I love your monthly updates. It was great to listen/read about Hayly and Michael in their own words! Great idea. Please please pretty please come to Argentina in 2019!!!! We'll be waiting &lt;3


As requested... Sitting in the kitchen of our new apartment in NYC, on an air mattress (there was a snafu in the bedroom, thus I am sleeping next to the oven until Tuesday). The window is open and I think one of our new neighbors is a church because, holy hell, someone is going to town on an organ. The wind has been going strong the last few days, scaring the crap out of our two cats, but it feels nice. I have left over Indian food in the fridge awaiting me, and just posted our wedding portraits from our wonderful House on the Rock wedding on Facebook. They're incredible. For your trip to India, in Jaipur there is a "monkey palace" that is really worth the trip. There's also a UNESCO World Heritage Site called Jantar Mantar (<a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jantar_Mantar,_Jaipur)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jantar_Mantar,_Jaipur)</a> that is fascinating to walk through, whether or not you're into astrology. If you get anywhere near it, spending a few days in Varanasi is probably the best thing you could do in Northern India (not that I'm an expert, but there's something about that town and its narrow, cow-filled corridors that speaks of timeless things). Thanks for the round-up, I appreciate it.


My cold-steel Heart has just been warmed to red hot reading that you’re coming back to Australia! See you in Melbourne AFP!


Damn! I'm exhausted just reading what you're doing! Hayley and Michael working for that $$. Love y'all