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greetings from the passengers side of a car (jason is driving) that is barreling between spokane washington and eugene oregon. the show last night - the only show of this whole tour that didn't sell out - felt weirdly wonderful and underehearsed and messy in all the good ways. i'd never played spokane before and the audience was a beautiful mix of people...i also picked up a few new spokane patrons (HELLO!!! WELCOME!!!) and jason and i were gifted home-made matching flying unicorns with no eyes. surprise highlight: we debuted "the wolf song" from the "sketches for the musical jib" and the song is actually incredible live. these shows are so random, i'm sort of treating them like a lab / sandbox for the upcoming global 2019 tour. what works, what i am, what is, what is it. what is it? you tell me. 

i'm also so happy being back on the road solo - for the first time with no baby. jason and i are staying in people's houses and going to pokey little towns and my abandoned-farm-equipment-and-shopfront photography fetish is being fed. when i have a little more time tomorrow i'll try to post a little tour gallery diary...

but for NOW: i have some AWESOME NEWS AND I NEED YOUR HELP...

the audiobook version of "the art of asking" has been ON FIRE lately - it's now in its 4th consecutive week on the new york times bestseller list (and it's CLIMBING!!) and who the hell knows why but i'll take it. 

hachette (my publisher) reached out to me and asked if i'd be interested in released selections of the audiobook ON VINYL and i was like


espeically since we have so many beautiful alt-cover photos that we never used (like this one by allan amato).

here's the thing: i've been lax about getting them my selections (it obviously isn't going to be all 11 hours of audio - that would be many many many vinyls) and so i need to PICK SELECTIONS.

this is where i need you. i am going to sit down tomorrow with the book and the audiobook and choose the best best best.

IF YOU HAVE LISTENED TO THE AUDIOBOOK, and especially if you've both READ and LISTENED to the book.....WHICH PARTS of the audiobook STOOD OUT? 

what made you stop/listen/cry/think/gasp/feel?

please hit me with your favorite chapter/moment/section, and be as **specific as possible** (even include the track time, page # if you can!!!) so i can tally your feedback easily (if you loved a specific story but don't remember what part of the book its in that's helpful to know, but harder to measure).

i'm reading the comments...we have 48 hours to collate results, mofos.

and if you haven't listened to the audiobook yet and have 11 hours to kill right now, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???

it's here on audible...


general book info for y'all:


i'm not sure WHEN the audiobook vinyl is going to be available but i'll let you know ASAP and hopefully we can do a special something for the patrons.



see some of you in eugene tonight....





1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

5. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net




OOps-41:08 (Chapter 1 - mainly because it's the only one I've listened to so far) Anyway it's about remembering the first dot connecting as a child/artist. It felt real and feels real because today was that cold Spring day. It's about discoveries of patterns and connections . . . collecting and connecting dots and stuff.


Hi Amanda! I absolutely LOVE "The Art of Asking." I have given it as gifts to people more times than I can count and I am constantly recommending it to people. Here is one of my most favorite passages from the book: “I’ve decided that I’m not going anywhere. Sorry. What? I’m not going anywhere, he repeated. I don’t know what you mean, Neil. I mean, he said, speaking more slowly, that I’m not. Going. Anywhere. Even if it takes years. I think I’ll stay right here. Like…here at the corner table? I joked nervously. You mean you’re never going to leave Café Gitane ever? That sounds very Neil Gaiman-y. No, he said, plainly. I’ll leave this café. But I won’t leave you. That’s what I mean. I’m not going anywhere. Oh, I said. I see. I think.”


Patiently waiting for your show in Seattle Sunday, and if you want to come check out the kitsap peninsula we are just a boat ride away! ❤️


Hi Amanda! I LOVED your book! In fact, I met you from your Ted talk and was reintroduced to you through Neil talking about your book and I recognized you from the Ted talk immediately! I LOVE the raw honesty of both that talk and your book: you bare your soul in both as (seemingly) casually as you bare your soul whenever you communicate with us here. Maybe because of how I "met' you, my favorite part of the book is at the very beginning, when you tell us about the speaker coach's reaction to your talk, then the rest of the world's reaction, then yours. Also any part of the story that follows of how you could not ask Neil for help and how you examined that feeling and worked through it. I just love that you started your book with admitting that even though you have a ton of practice asking everyone for everything, there are still places/circumstances when it is REALLY REALLY hard even for you with all the practice you have. Thank you for always sharing yourself so deeply and honestly, both in your work and in your life. Thank you for walking your talk <3


2:30:42. The story of the gift of the Bride to Neil for his birthday. I stopped dead just now listening to it-- when he tells you that he has decided that he's "Not Going Anywhere"-- that's a phrase I share with my partner, too. It's really personal and important and my S. said it to me in a very similar setting, in a very similar way with similar circumstances. I smiled when I heard you say it. Also the story of Ballerina Roulette and the child who cried and the realization of how much like service street performance is.


I read the book WHILE listening at the audiobook <3 They were great, both. I think there are looots of great stories in the book, but one I love is when you "teach" Neil how to be present around a sick person. I think it's incredibly IMPORTANT because it's not just Neil, it's a lot of people. And is obviously so strong and sweet. I believe it deserves a place in the vynil. I don't know the pages but I leave a quote so you can find it in the pdf: "Amanda, darling. You can’t really ask for what you can’t imagine. You can’t ask for what you don’t know." Love! <3


Hi Amanda. I've only listened to the audiobook (damn girl, you can tell a story!) and the three parts that have really stuck with me are: 1. When you described getting ready to be the bride in the tiny bathroom and then what it was like to stand up there. The beauty of giving the gift of being seen. 2. Your favorite words that Neil says. Banana? This actually felt almost too personal, like reading someone else's love note. It's palpable. 3. The Starbucks moment with Anthony. One mil backers vs cancer. Fuxk. I listened to it while cleaning the bathroom and I cried and cried. I'm still so sorry for your loss.


goshhhhhh.... the "believe me I'm real" part it runs sooooo deeep ! so so deep....like to the core of human existence, I would called the modern version of cogito ergo sum. I believe, therefore I exist.


I think Im too slow here and its also difficult to choose. So many good stories. Maybe about personally seeing fans. I dont recall her name and theres probably lots more but you went home to this girl. Its a powerful book, ive been crying a lot :P :)


Perhaps some Son Lux?


It's hard to pick, but I definitely think every description of your interaction with your neighbour who became your friend and your relationship and rapport through his illness and all - the fact that he was like a calm point in the chaos and despite reason, seemed to understand you... yeah, that was an aspect of the book and audiobook that really made me pause+feel+think+evern tear up a bit. For those who are weird (or seen as such), relationships like that are few and rare and so meaningful when found.


If you are looking for feedback from the Pacific Northwest tour... Chairs. OMG. I'm able bodied and in decent shape, but standing for six hours was rough! Especially since the show had more of a cabaret type vibe. We finally moved from the main crowd to the side when your solo rude fan knocked me over then asked if I had a problem with that. I did, so we retreated. Plus with you sitting at the piano my 5'7" self (and my 6'2" husband) couldn't see a thing. Loved your opening! And loved when you and Jason shared the stage. Jason was great! First time I've seen him and I throughly enjoyed!