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(patron only)


the show in eugene last night was phenomenal - small, packed, sweaty, beautiful, lots of tears and feels. and lots of new patrons: welcome!! hello!!! this is where it’s nice!!! tomorrow we play the crystal ballroom in portland - it’s SUPER SOLD OUT, hooray for ya. 

ok now....some of you may remember the HEYDAY OF TWITTER about 10 years ago when i was doing ninja gigs and meet-ups left and right in the parks and galleries and shops and museums and libraries and beaches and basements of the globe. portland has seen some choice moments, like the time i met everyone wordlessly in powell’s bookstore and signed poetry books (don’t worry, people actually bought them after we wrote in them). and then i played outside and wound up colliding with a wedding and it was pretty magical: 


one of my other favorites was a random meet-up at Mary’s Club in portland...i tweeted for everyone to meet me there and BRING LOTS OF ONE DOLLAR BILLS and it was a rollicking good time as my fan base got a healthy education in what a liberating strip club was like. 

Mary’s isnt like your average soulless techno strip club - the strippers are empowered, silly, choose their own music, have the run of the joint. as an ex-stripper myself (or is being a stripper like being a hardcore alcoholic, like, once you’re a stripper, you’re kind of always a stripper? in that case: i’m still a stripper - or maybe in a more positive example, once a president, always a president?? or in a dark twist: once a murderer, always a murderer?), this place makes me phenomenally happy. 

and if the stats haven’t changed, portland oregon has the MOST STRIP CLUBS PER CAPITA in america. and of course, since it’s portland, there is at least one vegan strip club. i love portland. 


melissa, who’s a patron!, and friend of the one of the gals who runs and bartends @ mary’s club got in touch with me yesterday and asked me if while i was in town i’d like to do a reprise and i turned to jason and was like HEY wanna go hang out in a strip club tomorrow and he was like “mary’s?” and i was like “yeah!” and he said “yes!“ because he has also been there and experienced it’s empowering awesomeness. so we are gonna do it, at invitation from the establishment itself: look how grown-up i have become!!

they have a cover charge starting at 9pm, since it’s a weekend, so we get to merge ourselves there from 7-9pm ... jason and i will bring instruments but we may or may not play, we might just carouse around giving many dollar bills to amazing acrobatic and tattooed strippers. 


and here’s some etiquette tips for melissa and tracy at the club:

”Don’t sit at the rack unless you’re tipping, no touchy dancers.  And be NICE!  Mary’s is the best because of the crew! And the Santeria next door has amazing food!”

i’m only sending this to patrons because the club is TINY!!! it fits like 60 people, but feel free to tell folks or bring friends...just don’t post this on public social media...we don’t want to have to turn anybody away, that’d be sad. 

also, IF YOU ARE COMING PLEASE SHOUT IT IN COMMENTS BELOW....if only 10-15 people RSVP i might invite twitter folks along at the last minute too. 

address: Mary’s Club, 129 SW Broadway.

7-9pm! tonight is friday, april 6th. 

and i‘m serious; bring a lot of small bills! the bar will make change, but it helps them out if you come armed with $1s and $5s. and TIP YOUR BARTENDER, TRACY!! she’s the one who reached out to me!!


for the rest of you...we will bring back stories. i am sure. 

love from the drive between eugene and PDX....



ps i’m losing my voice! i totally blew it in spokane and then last night the accidental hazer on stage drove the nail in. i’m so glad i have a vic’s night off ..but warning that i may go full mime tonight at the strip club so don’t hold it against me if i decide to communicate via note only. i’ll bring one. and hell if anyone has any poetry books they want me to sign - bring them 




Welcome to PDX - sorry to miss you :(


What an amazing time. We made so many friends and supported the arts! (As Viva always says.) Thanks Melissa for inspiring this awesome evening and to you and Jason for saying yes!


And I'm not sure of a better place to post than this... We still have two tickets that need homes, we had friends that had emergencies come up. I'd love to gift them to fellow fans hunting tix. Email me at theresa.pridemore@gmail.com.


Ohhhh... Damn, Portland's just too far from Philadelphia!


That was awesome!!! I hope you liked the doll!! 💜💜


Mary's is a great little place! I went there back in … '93 I think? I was over on a business trip and two colleagues really wanted to go to a strip club (I'd never been to one). They actually got bored and left. I stayed and chatted to several of the dancers. It was fascinating! Isn't it billed as "Rose city's finest" or something like that?


Damn! I wish i had seen this earlier today. I would have been there! How many chances do you get to go to a strip club with Amanda Fucking Palmer?


Did I commit a faux pas? I asked the doorwoman if I could peek in to see how crowded it was before paying cover and she seemed offended that I even asked, snorted and repeated the cover price. It was not my night for that and I ended up not coming in, fearing it was too crowded. A bummer of an intro to Mary's, which I'd been wanting to go to for years.

Nathan Maingard

OMG, I so wish I was anywhere close enough to have come to this! What an epic experience!

William J Stewart

Got there in time to wave Hi and give my friend Molli a ride home . . . but it was entirely worth it to confirm that you're real :-) Hope your voice is doing better.


Hey friends I have an extra ticket to tonight's performance but my friend is sick and can't go. Text me @ 650-291-1630 and let's have another fan of hers get to go to tonight's concert. Hit me up?

Natalie Gelman

So bummed I am not in Portland to go to this. Love that burrito place that shares a bathroom with Mary's... I was on tour myself and a chef friend told me to check out Santeria and I discovered Mary's that way. If you're around in the am visit the food truck Fried Egg I'm In Love for the "Yolko Ono" and the International Rose Test Garden is lovely though might be too cold this time of year. xo