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(patron-only post - includes patron-only links)

hello my loves.

first of all: for those of you on the facebook group (and beyond) who contributed to this patrons-around-the-world video....oh my god. you should have watched me get all crinkly and cry-y when i saw it. you have no idea what it means to me that you took the time to do it. and i'm feeling fragile and weird right now, so this was true medicine and uplift for my tired heart. thank you, thank you, thank you. 

now, art. greetings from freezing boston, massachusetts, where i am hiding in a work-hole at my folks' house post podcast-gig before heading home to new york to face another 3 weeks of single-mom-dom while neil slaves away back in the U.K. on Good Omens. 

understatement: i dislike the winter. i hate not being able to get warm, hate my cold and damp feet despite best footwear efforts, hate not being able to take enjoyable walks outside despite finally caving and buying a mom-coat (bascically a mumu that looks like a quilt). 

winter and i are simply enemies. i dream of australia. if you re australian and reading this: know that i am dreaming of you. 

i also get depressed. not, like, uber-clinical Seasonal Affective Disorder kind of depressed. more like slightly despairing, melancholy and woeful, like a person in grief. like the summer is my lover and has died. or has shipped off for a sabbatical and taken up a new lover in a fantastic mediterranean climate. 

it shan't last forever. one more month, and then we are going to head to other climes: there's lots of surprise locations *AND SHOWS* in store, and i'm bursting to tell you (i'm going to at least a few weird places to entertain y'all, some due to neil's schedule, some not) so...stay tuned. 

and right now i am in my favorite cafe eating a garlic soup and...you know. it's the little things.

the podcast recording with christopher lydon on monday night went SO BEAUTIFULLY and i can't wait to hear it in its final edit. we'll hopefully try to Thing it in january. we covered everything from songwriting paralysis to trump to net neutrality to folk music...we were all over the place, but it was a gorgeously tuned chaos. it felt like one of the best interviews i've ever given. and the technical side of things was SO MUCH better than the missy higgins podcast (which i thing'd last winter)...you'll be delighted.

MEANWHILE and without further ado....i present to you the THING!!!

my UNION CHAPEL WEBCAST with JHEREK BISCHOFF, plus london quartet!

this show was immensely powerful: it felt like a perfect culmination of all the Things this year...i played three of the new patreon songs ("drowning in the sound", which just gets better and better, "small hands, small heart" with jherek joining on bass, and "the ride"...which takes on whole new vibes in front of an actual audience, especially in the church). 

and jherek and i did some newly-arranged and live material we've never tried before. the feeling in the room was warm as warm can be and the audio and visual quality is IMPECCABLE!! as it should be, dudes....it was EXPENSIVE. but as we've learned: you get what you pay for with webcasting quality and the folks at streaming tank are the real deal and did a totally gorgeous pro job.

sooo......i am switching tacks (again! watch me!) with this webcast release/Thinging and instead of popping the entire webcast up publicly on youtube/vimeo, i'm keeping the WHOLE, RAW SHOW as a PATRON ONLY PIECE OF MEDIA, and releasing select clips to the internet one by one.

part of this is because full webcasts don't tend to get a lot of traffic anyway, and part of it is because i still don't want to release "the ride" to the public, and there's a killer live rendition of it on this webcast (i fucked up the instrumental bridge, which irritates me, but i covered it with aplomb).

so anyway, this is for YOUR VIEWING PLEASURE ONLY....for now.

and as we pop up clips from it online, we can let you know if you wanna go out and share them. in fact, i'd love to know (while you watch) what your personal picks are for favorite/preferred/most moving/whatever clips...i'm listening. leave comments on this post and i'll keep checking back.

i also want to give a very special thanks to alex, marjolein and brooke, who manned the merch table beautifully, jordan, who helped with tons of show logistics, and most of all: JHEREK...who is one of favorite stage collaborators ever and his soulful arrangements and work ethic always leave me humbled.  

simply put: i'm a better musician because of jherek.

here's the setlist:  

Ampersand (solo piano)
Drowning in the Sound (solo piano)
Killing Type (with jherek & quartet)
Missed Me (with jherek & quartet & volunteers & pig)
Psycho (with jherek & quartet & neil gaiman)
Everybody Knows (with jherek & quartet)
In Harm's Way (with jherek & quartet)
Ashes to Ashes (with jherek & quartet)
Space Oddity (with jherek & quartet & neil)
Machete (with jherek & quartet)
Small Hands, Small Heart (with jherek)
Mother (with jherek & quartet)
Runs In The Family (with jherek & quartet)
The Ride (solo piano)
What A Wonderful World (with jherek & quartet)

and here's the unlisted, private link of the video for patrons:

and here's the private link to listen to the audio. 


$3+ patrons, stay tuned for the download code. and $5+ patrons, i have special surprise things coming within the day.

and again, i want all y'all patrons to feel like you have some ownership over this stuff, so feel free to show this to others, share among friends on locked networks, etc... but no posting on social media. merci.

the photo in the album artwork was taken by our friend marjolein van elteren (she was also working the merch table!)

and, newses....there's LOTSSSS coming in december. there's the BRAND-NEW song and video i made at wesleyan university with the bad-ass students and michael pope, there's a mini-documentary that we've been slaving on for the better part of a year, there's a london-west-end musical theater offering (!!!secret!!! but some of you are gonna dork out)....and if all goes well this coming month we *may* have three things to thing (a record) so again, put on your ArtBelts and cap your pledges if you haven't already and you're worried about going over budget. 


last but not least, some of you feminist-types (isn't that all of you) might enjoy my The Great Sex Pests of Fiction thread...here it is on twitter and facebook. funny, insightful and....disturbing.

i love you all.

thank you for being here with me.

i'm reading comments if you feel like talking. 

thoughts, questions, problems, bring them on.



---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




watching this tonight while my family sleeps. thank you for the music. ♥


Mesmerising show. Absolutely amazing. Impossible to pick highlights as I loved the whole thing. But okay, trying to be helpful: The ride, runs in the family, harms way and huge Props to the pig quartet who did some sterling work there 😂

Iridescent Jen

Oh my, absolutely brilliant. Everybody Knows seems especially potent. And of course i love Missed Me with the awesome Pig Quartet!


Feminist? Wtf does that even mean anymore? I’d say I’m a peoplist. Yeah peoplist. Not a populist but a peoplist. Rights, respect and equality for people based on the content of their character not what gender or color their meat suit is or what deity they do or don’t worship. Peoplist. That’s me dawg. I just made them shits up but I like how it sounds!


I'm looking forward to listening to this, and I'm proud to be a patron.

Iridescent Jen

And Space Oddity. It's perfect

Sallita Morales

First, The Ride. I listened to the recorded version and wrote you a question about it as it just didn't hit me. Live though...it was one of the 3 times I found myself surprise crying during the gig. That rarely happens. Fantastic. Secondly, The Killing Type sounded SOOOOO good with just strings and bass. Who knew? Thirdly Small Hands and Drowning in the Sound just keep getting better and better, I'm glad I helped fund their creation and I glad I got to see them live. It was my first AFP show and I loved it. Thank you. Oh the audio and webcast quality was really really good. Always go for really good if we can afford it. Good luck with the winter. I don't mind the cold (although I'd rather not) but the grey kills me x


Amanda Palmer is my power animal. Like in that scene from Fight Club where the narrator goes to his cave and finds a penguin? Like that, except in my case it's Amanda all done up in her Dresden Dolls makeup and outfit at a keyboard looking at me like: "Seriously, I get you like my music and that's great and stuff, but this is a bit much, yeah? And you've subconsciously manifested a keyboard for me to play but no drummer, so I'm not really sure what Dresden Dolls song you're expecting me to play here? But yeah, fuck it, let's give something from the Piano Is Evil a try and see how it goes with the acoustics in this mental ice cave of yours, it's your party." :P

Iridescent Jen

And The Ride. It's PERFECT. It's TIMELY. You got us.


the audio and video quality of the Union Chapel show was amazing.