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hello loves

i just had an exhausting but totally kick-ass thanksgiving (i grilled like 90 pounds of brussels sprouts). i'm exhausted and i have a tradtitional thanksgiving  coldsore which looks like an angry red hitler mustache and it's just really depressing.

not depressing: newsweek covered the "mother" video. which was very weird because despite the fact that they're a huge media outlet, it didn't have much knock-on effect, at least on social media, and i'm still left here in utter confusion that we live in a world where most music outlets won't cover a thing like this but a super centrist-slightly-lefty middle-of-the-road magazine that used to be known to me only from dentists' offices has the balls to cover me and run an interview in which i declare that, yes. even donald trump needs to be loved. it's a great interview, enjoy:


also not depressing: MY SHOW IN CAMBRIDGE, MA tomorrow still has a handful of tickets so if you're wondering what to do with your night. come be in a church with me and listen to me make music and talk with my NPR radio hero christopher lydon: here's the ticket link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/amanda-palmer-this-is-your-life-christopher-lydon-tickets-tickets-39309538889 

and this bring me to part of the point of this post, which is....

for ALL of you, not just those coming to the show....are there any burning questions on your mind?

bear in mind: christopher lydon is one of the best interviewers on the planet, and he's got mad skillz when it comes to getting in there where other interviewers don't. and bear in mind this is going to be a Thing-Podcast.

so i turn the mic to you: what are you yearning to know that is perhaps on the more complicated side, given everything that's happening in the world at large and in amanda-land right now....we really want this discussion to reflect The Times.

hit me in comments - i'm reading right now, and i'm going to share this post with christopher tonight.

and even if we don't address your question for the podcast. i'd love to know what's on your minds. 

i'm readin'




---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:





Dammit.. missed listening to it. Oh well, hope it was fun at least, regardless of if my question made it to the short-list :D


The dreaded cold sore. I'm with you. I even had one showing in my high school senior picture! Sometimes you just have to forget what other people think and get on with your life, but sometimes it's hard to get past that diseased feeling. I don't get them on my lip any more. For some reason, they've decided to manifest in my nose now. Less unsightly, often just as painful. Sore plus runny nose equals pain.


What do you think the financial future of music will be, in regards to the current situation being a shift from labels holding the power to artists running themselves via bandcamp and SoundCloud?


What's the role of compassion in our divisive world?


How do you keep rejuvinating and keep going? I'm flailing all about with self motivation and not having a set schedule. I hates it I hates it. So I have brief periods of "DO ALL THE THINGS" and then weeks of "do almost nothing" and I hate feeling so scrambley.


In every good journalist Story/movie/comic there is always the gruff editor who does what is right even if it is not popular and teaches the young reporters how it is. If "We are the Media" how do we make sure that we are not just reporting what we want to hear because it sounds good, or gets hits, or makes us happy? How do we know edit ourselves?


Hello! I'm slightly late to the party, but just wanted to say well done for the interview. I'm loving what you're saying about Trump from a Nanny / child development viewpoint. Taking care of kids and bringing them up to be good people is the most important thing!


Hey Amanda!! I was at that show, so lovely and amazing!! Thank you for being you and I loved hearing your new songs live as well as "Christopher Lydon", what a treat. <3


Not quite sure what's going on with the Internet here lately no one else seems to pay attention they just tell me my meds aren't working and that everything is normal. I feel like I'm living out 1984 and that people everywhere are in on it like it's some kind of cruel sick joke. I feel like technology has been hijacked by some evil unseen force. Unfortunately most people are so desensitized and detached from the world they forgot what it feels like to be human.


They can’t give the creators the option of taking on the fees for their patrons? Or maybe have those of us who can/want to pay the fee pay it and the artist cover the fee for the ones who can’t/won’t. Or maybe having us patrons above $1 pay the fee while have $1 patrons’ fees being paid by the artist.