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(public post)

we just went live from union chapel, TUNE IN HERE:

and while you wait, or if you miss it....i need to share a thread that i just wrote on twitter. listen. first of all, i’ve never seen a more overwhelmingly emotional & respectful high-five reaction & from my community for *anything* i’ve made. so thank you. 

but something is really freaking me out:

in my entire career, i’ve never heard such silence from the press. a few of my personal allies covered this video (thanks to Xeni Jardin at boing boing and Holly Cara Price at huffington post  but despite doing my usual press-release to the US and UK the day this video came out, the non-response has been deafening. not one single major press outlet will cover it.

i’m like: is it me? am i old and irrelevant? is it the video too hard for people? are there really *no journalists* anymore, like some of my writer friends have been telling me? is it really possible to make a project so massive and not even get a mention from a single music blog? it’s so WEIRD.

and i find myself thinking: what if i didn’t have the patreon? i would be SO FUCKED. i have never believed more than NOW that my community is becoming the Media Itself and that i have to turn my fragile-ego-self away from the idea that the press is going to validate my hard work.

and how ironic, given my vide & all of trump’s hatred of the Fake News Media. but maybe it’s like the death of anything dear. maybe we have to collectively grieve the death of Old Media and celebrate whatever is taking its place, and make that thing work.

in closing: this platform you are reading right now is strangling my reach, the media won’t alert you, i’m not on a record label. so if you want to support me, there is only one channel left to assure i can still work and connect and survive, and it’s the patreon. please, join. the end.

it looks like i'm going to need you more than i thought.

and fuck it.

we can do this ourselves, it's always better that way anyway.


i hope you can tune it.

it'll be archived it not

thank you for paying for this.






Nah, yer young and relevant. You are touching hearts not blowing bubbles.


As they say, "The revolution will not be televised"


The show was such an emotional roller-coaster, even more so as today I went to a funeral. Everything felt so personal and relevant and real. Thank you ❤


I am a Big Roger Waters and I have never heard 'Mother"' that comes close to the emotional experience as you all pulled off. Thanks do much.


I had planned to go to the Union Chapel gig but ended up watching the webcast. So glad I did because you blew me away with The Ride. It reason


The Ride resonated so deeply and is without doubt a new favourite of yours. Keep doing what you're doing you wonderful woman you! ❤️


Omg Amanda this song!!! Genius!


Hopefully I can download this later. I only got to watch a bit if it live because I had to take an emergency trip to the airport for a friend. Her father was on his death bed and she needed to take a quick flight to try and see him.


Amazing webcast! So much awesomeness! Jherek, the string quartet, the space, the set list, all soooo good. Thank you! Rest up and take care of yourself. Peace and love.


Hey! I was one of the squeezy pig chorus members, and i just wanted to report the STRANGE coincidence that it was actually the second time I've been unexpectedly standing next to you while you sing 'Missed Me,' which happens to be my favourite song full stop. The first time was over ten years ago; I was waiting for your gig to start at a tiny venue in Portland, Oregon. I went to the bathroom which was in the lobby of the theatre and I heard a big ruckus coming from outside. I opened the big doors to see what was happening and I was suddenly standing right between you and Brian. You promptly asked me which song I wanted to hear, and I said 'Missed Me' which you then played unplugged on the steps for the crowd of underage fans that had amassed outside the theatre because they couldn't get in. I just stood between you for the entire song like a tit, but I was the happiest, most excited tit in the world.


Can we watch it back somewhere?


hi guys