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(public post)

hello my loves.
this is the new song and video. it feels like christmas.

i am not going to write a lot here because there is A LOT written on the project page - endless photos and story and love went into this one.

go now:


large screen. darkness if possible. headphones if possible. tissues.


i cannot tell you what this one means to me; hopefully it will speak for itself.

i need you to share this one. it's a...complicated video. it is not black and white. 

i trust you to take it to the world with the right hands and heart. you will know how to do that.

please share it, share it, share it. you will light this on fire.

share the project page link, or share the youtube/vimeo link direct if you think it will get more interest from your peeps. i'm also going to be tweeting and facebooking up a storm today. you can always go to my feeds and share from there.

i. love. you.

thank you for holding my hand.


$3+ download tier patrons, you'll be getting your download links for both the song and the video shortly.

later this week i'll be sending the $5+/bonus-content patrons a collection of beautiful behind-the-scene photos as shot by photographer krys fox. (if you're not yet in the $5+ tiers,  you can increase your pledge before thursday to get those photos.)


AND I AM WEBCASTING TOMORROW and IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL SO EVERYBODY WATCH. the whole recording of the show will be thing'd and archived by the end of the month.

we will be playing this song and a lot of other stuff that will make you think and cry.

we'll kick things off at 7pm GMT (london) // 2pm EST (new york) we'll stream the new video and start with jherek's set at 7:30, then i go on at 8:15pm with jherek + strings joining me.
tune in tomorrow/THURSDAY, HERE:

that's all.



---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Walking about and meanwhile catching up with Intercepted ... and then you came on ... giving out little teasers about how you combined Pink Floyd + Cello (and violin). Yeah, that spiked my interest. Back home I immediately searched for you and listened to the full version of Mother. WOW! Looking forward to learning more about you and your music/art :-)


Not very familiar with your work or this pf song but found this very moving and beautiful! I was relieved when it took a curve ball from my expectations (my first impression was that it Would be sentimental celebration of mother hood n matriarchy) using the mother as an archetype and weaving a meaning from personal mother/child relations to the political is profound and i thought expressed well here. I did cry for a moment (when they start embracing all the suit wearing folks!) and i found myself thinking about my mother, my mother in law, my own motherhood and my yr and 1/2 old son. Thoughtful. Lovely.


This is beautiful, absolutely beautiful. I adore how you were able to tie all of these pieces together and into a classic but now new age meaning. Mother, I am blown away. Might I add, I was beyond delighted when Melissa Auf Der Maur appeared. Thank you <3


I hadn’t had the time / energy to comment here before, but I do now, so here it goes: It was an honor getting to work on an image to this song. Unfortunately, its initial due date coincided with Hurricane Irma and Hurricane María completely destroying my homeland of Puerto Rico. After that it was tough putting my mind to work and I failed miserably for weeks. What you get to see if you scroll down the “Mother” webpage is actually the second image I made —the first one was a bit of a disaster but it helped me in getting out of the mental rut I was in. At least enough to push on through and deliver the final image a day or two before the video premiered. Without access to a stable Internet connection. Without power in my office or at home (now for more than two months). So I have to thank Amanda and her team once more for sticking with me until the end and helping me keep occupied. It’s easy to lose it down here right now. Also, as a bassist, its a really special treat to have been involved in a project that features one of my musical heroes from way back in high school, and one of the premiere alt-rock bassists, Melissa Auf Der Maur. What a great project! Having this cover and “Harm’s Way” on my cellphone helped me a lot during the aftermath. I can’t wait for my copy of the 7” to get here (and erm... power, I’ll need electricity to play that, hehe).


i'd love some feedback on if anybody agrees or disagrees with what i have to say.. maybe i'm missing something: while i love the premise of radical empathy, i felt like it was tempting to interpret the video as saying that donald trump is a damaged individual whose actions are entirely due to a broken maternal relationship - an explanation that is too simplistic. any such simplistic explanation is not only insulting to the person it objectifies (donald trump) as a broken thing that only needs my help to be fixed, but it is also misleading to those who genuinely want to do good in the world - the world is very very complicated and there are so many aggregate causes that go into making a person like donald trump. advocating the narrative that there is a single essential source of someone's brokenness sets the do-gooders of the world up for failure and disillusion. it is difficult because i loved the optimism of the video - it is something that is desperately needed in this era, but i just have trouble with the hero complex and the romantic idea of 'saving' someone. and i also see that it is difficult to tell the story of a 'revolution of love' (could i call it that?) in 5 minutes without some simplications. i just wanted to point out these problems.


I don't think there's anything simple about the video. But my take was that she wasn't trying to fix The President, she was defeating him; or at least incapacitating him. She was mothering him to sleep. At the beginning, the Government were striking fear into everyone else. At the end, they're asleep.


I want to visit Opus 40. I'll be driving right past it on Thanksgiving on the way to the Outlaws House in Cherry Plain, NY, but alas I won't have time &amp; besides I think it's closed for the season. Other than that CONGRATULATIONS on being recognized and applauded by Occupy Democrats!! I have to admit that I found the Blonde-Wigged Trumplike Character *really* creepy, but that was the point, wasn't it!!? My husband even posted it on Snarky Democrat (A FB Page that he's an Admin on) <a href="https://www.facebook.com/snarkydemocrat/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.facebook.com/snarkydemocrat/</a> in case you're interested. Again Congrats and I'm looking forward to more AFP! Love You Sistah. ♥♥♥


I spent several hours trying to get the video to load after I'd run out of high speed data for my cycle and only ever managed to watch the first few lines. Many times I watched them in an effort to get a little more. Coming back to watch the video in full there was this false feeling of it hurtling forward and being over too soon until the little girl at the end when time seemed to slow to a crawl. It was a startling profound effect. The timing was so perfect. It gave me enough time to anticipate the girl's actions: was she going to push the wall down as children often do? It seemed for a moment she was going to just walk away, which felt incredibly sad. But then she picked up another brick and there was this building feeling of dread as she slowly walked over and added it to the wall. Thank you for sharing this experience with us, Amanda. &lt;3


Tinkers Tales criticism is hardly trolling, just the reaction of someone disappointed with this particular thing, can't say I disagree either, it certainly isn't the best video you've ever made or even a particularly good cover. The response of "i will. i will enjoy parenting, teaching, vacuuming, sewing, and making uncompromising fucking art of greater and greater relevance and personal power until i'm frail and old, and then dead, thank you very much" is pompous and makes me question why I ever supported you. Whether your work is "art" or "relevant" isn't something for you to judge, your audience has the say on that, much of what you have done has been superb, this one isn't, for me at least.


Amanda, I know you are reading this, and I convey this sentiment from the bottom of my heart. This video is amazing, ahead of its time, very much in touch and terrifically 'arty'. Enjoy parenting and teaching, and please continue to parent and teach the next generation of artists. I am so proud to be your Patron. I am so proud of your growth and the strength of your voice and the purity of your vision. Make it be and it shall be so. I love you so much and I wish you a wonderful holiday season.


Goosebumps! Thank you!


I cried and cried. I was so resistant to this message, but your video shook me up and calmed me down. Beautiful, magical, hard, weird, uncomfortable, and so exactly right. Thank you for making this, and for mothering the world with your art.


"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." --Pastor Martin Neimöller (circa 1933-7, Germany) The image link below is a modern version of the above poem reinterpreted by one of my fellow Minnesotans, during Trump's visit to our state: <a href="https://m.imgur.com/Ocz3rTH" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.imgur.com/Ocz3rTH</a> I'm proud of my state and my fellow citizens. When I'm traveling, if anyone ever asks me where Minnesota is, I say: "Look at a US Presidential Election map for any year since Regan. You'll find us; we stick out--we're nice, but ain't shy."