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hallo loves.

greetings from freezing london where it is so freezing i had to play the drag club last night in a SCARF. it's ok. someone brought a lizard.

a lot of you (maybe 50 of you) patrons were there at Her Upstairs last night and i thank you from the bottom of my heart for rolling with another crazy show where i lost my voice because of a lou-reed human vaporizer (you had to be there).

i played "the ride" for the first time in front of an audience and fuck that is not easy. if your'e a new patron...you should go listen to/watch this song being recorded. it's the first patron-only song i've released and it's a destroyer. i'm hopefully going to get it into better shapre for the union chapel show. WHICH IS BEING WEBCAST SO DONT FORGET TO SAVE THURSDAY LONDON NIGHT-TIME. jherek is on at 7:30 GMT and i'm on around 8:15. we are webcasting everything.

i screened the video for the folks at Her Upstairs last night and i think people Get It and Love It which makes me really really happy. this photo you see was taken by krys fox on the set.

the video is coming out on wednesday.

it is like christmas.

i'll be calling that morning to unleash it on your guys before anybody else.




p.s. if you want some extra credit for understanding the background to the video....go watch this. it will help you to "get" the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeOU9hTScVk


---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Hrm. Kinda jelly we didn’t get to see it here first. Little bit disappointed.


Very nice image! New to this and to Patreon in general but looking forward to seeing all I've missed - first things first, going to check in on this new video and enjoy. Thanks!


Looking forward to the video just the image above makes me think of this story <a href="http://www.nightmare-magazine.com/fiction/the-bacchae/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.nightmare-magazine.com/fiction/the-bacchae/</a> .and I am hoping the new song will help with whatever feels the plebishite result brings up tomoz ! &lt;3 from Aussie fan


Holy Fuck Amanda!!! No words. Thank you not just for the stunning art you create (and yes, it is increasingly powerful, layered and heart-reaching the more you do) but for your CURATION. I needed you to tell me to sit with headphones, and give the video my ten minute attention, rather than play the song in the background. If you died tomorrow and people only saw this one video of you, they would know they were seeing a master at work. Love you and SO glad I joined your Patreon. Lee xxx


Wow. I really needed to hear this today. No words. Just... thank you.


I can't wait to see the video tomorrow &lt;3

Chris Knight

Video link is on AFP website at: <a href="http://amandapalmer.net/news/amanda-palmer-jherek-bischoff-mother/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://amandapalmer.net/news/amanda-palmer-jherek-bischoff-mother/</a> BUT it's password protected at the moment. :(


Will you ever put it on Spotify I love it so much but it won’t let me download it onto my phone 😭


Hi Amanda, so on this day there seems to be a military coop happening in Zimbabwe and snow is predicted in South Africa in summer.


...in Europe we have just woken up wide-eyed full of expectations what today will bring :)


Wow. I loved this video. I don’t know why I love it so much yet. I have loved the song itself since it came out. I was a rebellious teenager with an overprotective mother and it seemed to fit my life then. Now, I understand why she was that way, and have made peace. We fear what we don’t understand. My mother didn’t understand anything about me. She still doesn’t, but, has resigned herself to the fact she can’t control a 51 year old daughter who still seems to find trouble around every corner. Your music, and all of your art seems to bore a hole into the center of me. Not in an unpleasant way. I won’t pretend I fully understand it. It makes me think and try to see meaning in a different way. I think, for me, that’s the appeal. Much like some of Neil’s short stories. I seem to like the weird ones the best. Keep on doing what makes you happy. Put it out and I will happily consume and spread it to whoever I can. I have limited influence since my patients are all elderly and are still clutching to the 1950’s for all they are worth. Love You


I'm so sorry, but I really just didn't like the song or video... I haven't liked most of what you've released since probably Machete. I really appreciate the new ways of songwriting you've been experimenting with, but I've really missed the more play on words and run-on lines that I love so much. And to me it's totally okay because we're all such a spectrum and I've never thought I had to like all of your work to support you or buy an album. And I don’t mind supporting you while you make work I’m not clicking with, because you’re flexing other muscles and I believe in a theory about muscles, that strengthening other muscle groups means greater all-over strength. To me, this is”leg-day”. It’s necessary work for a well-rounded individual, even if you’re only particularly interested in what’s going on with the arms. And with the video, I don’t know if it’s my own performance-art hangups, if it’s just such a difficult thing to tackle that nothing I see would make sense. I’m so sad I didn’t like your last album and I can see the influence it’s had on the work you’ve made since then, so again I understand why I didn’t like it – I think it’s a genre thing, same reason I don’t like Terry Pratchett (it’s an affliction, I’m so sad about it but I just don’t… “get” it…). But I’m so damn happy you’re able to create what you have inside of you, and express yourself so freely, and my muscle theory is right because you’re now teaching and better able to raise your son and that makes the world better straight away?? So, yeah duh Patreon is magnificent and I love supporting you because whether you make something I like or not, you’re flexing those muscles that make the world a better place.