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(patron-only, private ticket links included)

hallo loves.

this is your life.

**WEBCHAT UPDATE** i'm moving the time of the webcast on sunday nov 5th SLIGHTLY from 11 am EST to 9:30 am EST. i have a cloud club house meeting i gotta attend, duty calls). i will still have dresden dolls mascara and cake-make-up stuck to my fuckin face, good morning. note, the timezone...in the wee hours of sunday we switch from daylight savings time and move the clock back an hour.

i took yesterday off in boston at my apartment in the cloud club for a few days and last night i went to see tori amos with the whole team (hayley, michael and alex) plus a few other local friends and housemates. i met with tori before the show and we talked about life, and (i kid you not) real estate, and children, and touring, and lots of things. full circle everything everywhere. she played a gorgeous solo set and owned the whole place with a graceful ferocity, a vast collection of old and new songs. (her new album, "native invader" is HERE).

at least a *few* people in my row thought it was funny when she straddled her seat to play two keyboards simultaneously for the first time in the show and i yelled out “WITCH!! WITCH!!”

touring piano in-jokes.

they’re a thing.

this is your life, amanda palmer.


speaking of boston: tickets are on sale to PATRONS, NOW for the podcast conversation and performance i'll be doing with THE (the the the) christopher lydon on november 27th in cambridge. the public sale starts on monday.

i am REALLY looking forward to this night, this show, this conversation. it will be even more special to me if the place is packed with patrons and we don't even have to go to the public to sell tickets, so: DO NOT DELAY.  get get get.

here's the link:

password: palmerlydon 


if you want to see what i had to say in a rant-y twitter thread to the person who posted on instagram (under a photo of ash, no less, which was weird) that "i shouldn't be using patreon because i have a wealthy husband": here you go. enjoy!

i feel a longer post about that shit coming on. 

people mostly get it, but some still seem to be missing the point hardcore. 

this isn't about finally having "enough money that i shouldn't have to crowdfund". IF I DON'T CROWDFUND, I HAVE NO MONEY. i am not on a label. i am not paid by the system. my shit does not get played by the radio. i make my money HERE. insert seven GIFs of celebrities rolling their eyes.

 and for those of you who get it, THANK YOU.

for fucks sake, ugh.



---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Your work is art. It makes me think. It brings me joy. So I have an autopay set up to bring what makes me happy to me. Ok...some people LOVE make up, or geek boxes, or magazines. They set set up autopay to bring their joy to them. Who the hell has the right to say their joys deserve to be patronized but mine don't. Is that Kardashian kid giving away her makeup free? She is rich and has a rich family. EW! Gross. Where to start on someone expecting that of you. Like the brain or heart of a woman should be worth less because they have a successful husband? Blech.


Sometimes you just have to turn the fucking internet off cause it’s over saturated with cunts.


I appreciated your twitter post, it gave me a new perspective I hadn’t considered...and made me love Patreon more. Also, women don’t need to be supported by their husbands. Ugh.


Some people just need to fuck off.

Jim Lloyd

Sweetheart, he or she has completely missed the point. The funding is as much for us as it is for you. How else can I feel a part of something so wonderful? It would, after all, have to exist any way -- though perhaps (I like to think) not dome quite as well, or so completely.


Big hugs!


a little story on how this happens a lot, even in smaller ways: three years ago i was at a job interview.the (female) manager asked for my salary expectations. according to 20 years experience in teaching pre schoolers i named my price. reaction was: "what? so much? but didn´t you say you are married?" ...and my husband is not famous or rich.

Michael Clark

@michaelclarkj Still blocked on Twitter... :-D Also, I asked this on the FB thread about the interview, but I'll ask here just in case: Do you have a sense for how you might be choosing to interact with the folks who gather? Any precircle? Any post thing meet up (signing line or hang)? I am probably not alone in yearning for more direct opportunities for human connection (both specifically with you, as well as amongst our art tribe, and more generally in the world). p.s. At the risk of opening up a can of worms or being misunderstood -- I would LOVE to hear more about what it is like being married to a millionaire and how y'all decide what to do with the money that Neil has gathered through his works. As well as how y'all decide what to do with the money you gather outside (and through) your Patreon. Transparency and talk about money fascinates me and I believe is necessary to bring healing in our world. Please do not misinterpret this curiosity -- I totally want you to be paid for your life, and to be able to do all the things, and I value your work SO fucking much. And I also have the story in my head that if you received no money from any of your crowd (or from the "market") ever again, you'd still be able to make art, do the things, have your needs met. How and what you would do would change, but you would not be anywhere near actual starvation or even being a so-called "starving artist." I have the story that your social capital is just too rich to for that. Also, because I can't read what you wrote on the Twitter, I am curious if you got into empathizing with the person who wrote you that comment. (Either there or anywhere.) I find judgment language fascinating as well ("you should X" & "you should not Y" and "you are Z") -- these days it can be very triggering to the object of the judgment, and disconnecting, and often lead to the possibility of dehumanization of the person doing the judging as well as the one being judged. One of the things I would like to foster is compassionate connection in the world, and in a special way when people fail to see each other. I have the idea this person does not see you. I imagine (from what I gather of you), you do see them. And probably responded with kindness and honesty. (But I can't see it b/c again: still blocked on Twitter.) For me, I imagine that person does not have nearly as many resources available to receiving empathy, and almost certainly does not have as much access to financial (and other resources). They sound like they are hurting. And though I hear a lot of scarcity thinking in their story, I hear a concern for the well-being of themself and others -- wanting others to have access to resources as well (that they may perceive you and Neil as having in abundance). ... :-/ Feeling a bit uncertain how this might be received by you (or any other readers), while also simultaneously not too concerned because (a) I have the story no one will read this for quite some time and (b) I did my best to speak clearly, kindly, and truthfully. And (c) because this community, though ferociously and lovingly defensive of each other against attack (and perceived attack), is also connected to the kind of kindness and compassion I am speaking to, and has shown me so much love. *** I could say more, but I won't for now.


We get it :)

Sallita Morales

I've thought about it for a while now and I really think it boils down to misogyny. That's all there is to it. Oh and ignorance of how Patreon works.... how dare you buck the system

Sallita Morales

I'm not on twitter either, just click the link above and you can read the thread


We absolutely get it and love it (and you!). <3


Oh my gad this is on MY BIRTHDAY and I got tickets!!!!!!! I am so beyond psyched to spend my bday this way. Amanda, loved your shows at the Paradise. Thanks and Love