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(public post)

my loves

the dolls halloween show in DC last night was EVERYTHING AMAZING and we left blood on the stage. more pictures and setlists and goodness later, but for now here's a tiny clip of me playing terrible punk rock drums while brian plays excellent punk rock guitar. there were lots of other surprise treats but i don't want to spoil it for boston.



just a heads up....my past is back in my life in more ways than one.

you know the song. now meet the man.

later this month i'm taking part in a concert/conversation with my radio/interviewer/hero chrisopher lydon (who i came to love as the host of NPR's "the connection" on WBUR - thus the hilarious song. at least i thought it was hilarious at the time. nowadays i'm not so sure about the "incontinent" line). he's moved on from WBUR and now he's bravely making his own deep-news podcast & syndicated NPR show, called "Open Source" (not to be confused with Open Sores, which are what you get when you...whatever).

he's calling it "THIS IS YOUR LIFE, AMANDA PALMER" (how fucking frightening does THAT sound???? and he's going to interview me (deeply?) about EVERYTHING - musical influences, the internet, pain, life, love, the works. i am scared and thrilled. it's also very full-circle - he interviewed the dolls for our "dresden dolls at paradise" DVD oh-so-long (13 years?) ago, and he's been following my entire career since the eight foot bride. he knows me well. 

you gotta see this, basically.

BUT - if you aren't in the boston area, DO NOT FEAR. a big point of doing this is to RECORD the whole evening for a joint AFP/OpenSource podcast, which we will Thing it here on patreon later this year (or maybe early next year). 

this also means if you score tickets to this event, you'll be a recorded live studio audience. so no yelling "FREE BIRD" ad nauseum, ok?

it is:

november 27th at the first parish of cambridge in harvard square, massachusetts. i will try to do a pre-game meet up with the $10+ patrons just to say THANK YOU (and you guys deserve it, given the dearth of webcasts in the past few months).

doors will open at 6:30pm, show will start promptly at 7pm.

tickets go on sale for *patrons* starting on FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd, keep your eyes peeled for a ticket link then. 

patrons, along with christopher's email list, get first crack at tickets and then on monday we'll open up tickets to the public if there are any left (and i imagine there will not be).


speaking of boston, see a lot of you in two sleeps.




---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




dear amanda, heck yes! Have an awesome show tonight!!! blessings&much love, peace,kim g.


Thats really awesome Amanda! Love your music and lyrics!


so cool !


Two extra tickets to tonight's show! Get in touch if you need them!!


So nice


Got my ticket for This Is Your Life! I recently moved to Boston, so I hope to see more shows when you're in town.


Omg this is on my birthday! But unfortunately not in my country 😩😩


I listened to "Sing" tonight. Who knew how important and poign·ant (full transparency .. had to Google spelling) that would be right-the-fuck now.


I think you should create whatever the hell you feel moves you, and I support that with my Patreon pledge. That said, I do hope at some point you produce things as carefully arranged and re-playable as 'Not the Killing Type' and


Hello AP fans, I have a ticket to go this but something came up and I cannot attend. If you are interested, please message me at lmortland@bryant.edu


hello !!