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(patron-only post)

hi loves.

quickies: $3+ patrons, your downloads will be in the next email. $5+ folks, you've got something coming soon. $10+ folks, webcast nov 5th, 11 am NYC time.  okay.

ahhhhh. i'm lying in a bed (in my dad's house in DC, to be specific) on the eve before tha hallow's one, running over dresden dolls songs in my head...but also reading all of the incredible feedback about the song and video today and feeling incredibly feel-y. 

so many people have been posting the news from australia about manus island, which i was following more closely while i was over there at the beginning of the year...in fact, i almost went up to papua new guinea instead of to lesvos, but it was deemed politically stupid and dicey for an american musician to go up there and draw any attention to the already insane situation or to be seen taking any sides or drawing attention for the wrong reasons, etc etc. so i didn't go. but you should know what's happening there, literally right now. if you're not in australia, you may not. here's an article.

this shit is happening everywhere.

from your artist: thank you all. so much, for everything. for the kind words, for the stories, for the support. i hope you are starting to see what's possible with this patreon. CRAZY SHIT. ANY THINGS. endless freedom. i'm on it.

the project page for this one is MASSIVE and took forever to put together, so even if you've already watched the song on that NPR link i sent....go. there's so much more. photos from the recording sessions....and there's beautiful backstory and additional words and photos from abel himself, and from felix and alex (who i know many of you know) who were there at the shoot. it's all...incredibly moving.

so many people i know (including myself) are prone to downward spirals of confusion and frustration and "what the fuck can i do about any of this" nowadays. but then things like this happen, everything collides, this patreon works, people come together and make art, we make a little bit of money for an organization that i know is literally going to turn around in a month and spend that money on bread and olives and bananas and pass them out at breakfast, family to family, at the refugee camps. and people will have food to eat. and this is something...we've done. and all we can do is what we can do.

so anyway. thank you for being on this ride with me. it's getting good.

and i wanted to say a special thank you here (even though i say it on the project page) to ALL the volunteer performers from all across the UK and europe - you all traveled so far and did such beautiful work on this video, and WAITED SO LONG FOR IT TO COME OUT. for your love and your efforts and your patience....thank you. and an extra special hug to alex and felix, who burned midnight oil translating and writing. i love you both so much.

and now...

the whole story is here:



and NOW....if you want to ORDER THE 7", it's available to YOU GUYS ONLY. we only pressed a really limited quantity of 2,000, so once they're gone, they're gone. we are also going to sell them at the london union chapel show if there are any left. the b-side is a surprise, but i'll tell you this much: it's a cover song, it's also heartbreaking (sorry, tis the season) and we shot a video for it which should be thing'd in the next few weeks (the same video shoot i posted the secret stills from).


password: patronsway

password: patronsway

und PLEASE, MY LOVES, LIMIT YOURSELF TO ONE OR TWO COPIES. this patreon is faith-based and not for retailers or hawkers. please don't buy up a bunch and sell them on ebay or whatever. that'd be really wrong. these are special, and for human beings. 

if you wanna comment and let me know if you've ordered, i can keep a nice tally. 


also, i have a weird question (well, not that weird) to ask you, as i lie here in a guest bedroom in a bed propped up on a pillow, typing on my macbook. 

you don't have to tell me. but i'd like to know.

WHERE do you guys listen? (or watch?)

when i send you these things, like "The Ride" and "In Harm's Way"...do you listen...at home on a laptop? on phone with headphones? do you plug into a TV? do you have a ritual? do you wait? what do you....do? it'll help make this all feel a little more real for me.

and while i'm asking...do you really download the shit i send you? and keep it? if so, where? computer? phone? both...?

feel free to comment below. i am listening.

ok i love you.

tomorrow, rock face at the 9:30 club. if you're wondering what to wear and need last minute ideas, ZOMBIE MADONNA. we are having a contest. 







---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




I'm both an AFP completist and a vinyl enthusiast so ordering the single was kind of a no-brainer for me!

Stephanie Rowe

Ordered one for me and one for a friend. Christmas is coming...


Just went and donated on their website! This was absolutely beautiful. I usually listen at work on my computer with headphones. It's harder to listen at home with a 4 year old running around, and I can really take a few minutes to focus and appreciate the music at the office. I also always download the songs and put them on my phone so I can listen in the car!


PS - I can never comment on your website, it says that I'm banned from amandapalmer.net but I don't even think I've *ever* commented. It would be awesome if someone could look into why it's blocking me? I have a gmail address!


Finally got around to watching/listening to the video & song, and god Amanda it's so so beautiful. I'm watching it over and over and it's bringing me to tears. Thank you.


I listen to it all on my phone with my earphones, and if I need to I'll use my laptop with earphones, but so far I've just used my phone. And I always download everything you send us, and I always keep it! I also download it on my phone because I'm using it to listen at the time, and eventually I'll copy them onto my USB pen :)


I generally listen when I’m at work or in transit on my phone via google music or YouTube. I also download music from links you send and keep a playlist of them on my desktop to listen to when I’m at home.


I'm usually listening on my laptop, and for sure I download all the things! they go into the music player for maximum enjoyment.


Honestly, the answer to that question is why I'm answering literally a month later: because I always feel the need to sit down and carve out spacetime for your art. Like I gotta have a half hour of uninterrupted time (even for like a 5-minute thing) to sit and prep and get my good headphones and listen/watch a few times and take it in properly. Which means I often end up not getting to it until weeks after the thing is out and available. It's always worth it, though.


I try to save the videos, etc. for a time that I can really watch them and pay attention to them, but when I have those times I rarely think of it, so I just have a backlog of Patreon emails that I need to listen to or watch. I do download everything you send, it's all in a folder on my computer - but I've yet to listen to the downloads.