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my loves

i am totally exhausted but god dammit i did it. i woke up around 8 am this morning and did nothing but read your Comments and Think Song and by 5:46 pm new york time i was happy enough with the basic seeds of this thing to call it a real ass song in progress. it's always frightening to call a chorus with the vague shape of a verse and bridge a song song - but i feel it gettin birthed and goddamit by about 3 pm tomorrow this suckers gonna have to be finished if i want to go into labour and track it and wrap it in a binkie to deliver to you, fresh and red and screaming, before midnight.

but also

i cannot tell you how ... moved, impressed, astounded, generally overwhelmed by the quality and depth of your comments i was. WHAT. i guess i'm used to usual social media (twitter, facebook) where i put out an ask like that and i'm lucky to get one or two, maybe a dozen, actually quality AND USEABLE responses....you guys are fucking NUTS....this place LOADED with art and talent ... it's like: who the fuck are you??? what are you doing here on my patreon, why aren't you off somewhere else, doing other shit, being brilliant ??

i was seriously blown away

....and am generally blown away by the possibilities ahead of me for doing more Things like this given how deeply, viscerally enjoyable it is to feel like an electric conduit between worlds ... i feel like i have a secret superpower. then again you'll have to judge tomorrow. my song may suck actually.

my cold is abating but clinging

i got my baby and my husband back

it's been a good day

i'm fucking exhausted

i love you

see you tomorrow night, with a song.

xxxxx a

p.s. i'll be posting on twitter / facebook throughout the day if you want to keep track of stuff but i won't do any streaming without emailing here. i'm not sure we have the net capacity to stream in the studio but i may grab video footage of tracking, which i can upload stat. love.




"why aren't you off somewhere else, doing other shit, being brilliant ??" Many of us are being brilliant somewhere else. We are also here. We are legion. We are multitudes.


I'm glad it's been such a good experience - I read as many comments as I could and I have to admit I'm excited to see what you pulled out of them and how you stuck everything back together. As to your question about being off somewhere, doing other shit, being brilliant....I never feel like I can. I'm not brilliant or capable of much more than gardening. Which I love, but can't often do. I'm glad for the posts people share of what they are doing. So many people here are off being brilliant - you just bring us all together. <3


So excited to see the finished product! I'm so glad this whole thing worked out for you it's kind of a chaotic beautiful way to make art


We ARE brilliant! I love us :)


You ARE brilliant. Do me a favor and read/listen to "You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero. You get one book free with an Audible trial. Do it. :)

Pamela Kirsch

mutual admiration club!


Glad we helped!


<3 can't wait to see what is brewing! <3

Natalie Gelman (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-23 06:07:32 Tamorlinさん、ありがとうございます! ご感想もとても嬉しいです😊✨
2017-08-31 00:22:33 <3



You are inspiring the Art of Doing.


Listening to the new song and I have chills!!! Well done.