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(patron-only post)

ok my loves.


thank you for all your beautiful comments on the eclipse blog. i miss writing like that. i miss a lot of things. neil landed from the UK yesterday and ash went down to new york to be with dada so i could make a video.

the above photo was taken yesterday on route 28 in upstate new york (where i now live even though i don't understand why) in front an abandoned doll-house furniture store. i was there shooting with a small crew (ellie, on the left, and numi, on the right) & jim batt (in the hat).....

(with all of our macs)...to make a new video for my main patreon page. it's going to be awesome. 

we went some amazing places and shot some amazing things.....

i am reeling with the freedom of not having seen a baby for over 24 hours. i really don't remember what to do anymore.

so, on topic...NOW. i am going to try to do something quite new, and i need you.

a few times in the past couple of years, i've wound up with a creative gun to my songwriting head: eight in eight (in which i wrote music and lyrics REALLY fast with a bunch of friends), the bed show (in which i'd run down the hall from a group of actors and write songs inspired by their work...those demos are hopefully going to come out on patreon someday soon), the jib sessions (fueled by this patreon, during which jason webley and i wrote five songs in as many days...and i was really stunned at how great some of them were) and then there was the edward record...we basically wrote a song a day and gave ourselves really strict songwriting deadlines.

i never used to work this way. i used to just get an idea for a song and hopefully drift over to the piano if i happened to be home...ideas that came on the road would get trapped in phones or on tape recorders (i'm pretty awful at going back to old ideas, i like them fresh, like my vegetables, or my sushi).

but lately i've had way less spontaneous time. i have a kid. i have a house. i have a schedule. there has to be a delineation between Work time and Other time....my entire life used to basically be Work time, and i'd basically decided when i was allowed or not allowed to give myself a break (answer: very rarely and it usually had to involve wine. i am a serious workaholic, and i am not proud of it). 

but lately: i've had to schedule songwriting work time. the crazy thing is that it ACTUALLY WORKS, which i've always known but haven't wanted to admit, or rather, take into account. i may be a workaholic, but i hate discipline.

so anyway: i had blocked off some time in the studio this month (and next) to write new songs and keep chiseling the songs i started this past winter in australia...but i've been finding the time always manages to vanish. 

i've booked the studio i work in from 12-6pm for many days, and there's baby shit to do, and house shit to do, and email shit to do, and all of a sudden it's 4 pm and i'm like: how is it possible i am going to get to the songwriting shit? there is so much other shit.

but when i was writing with edward, or writing with jason, the things would get written because there were these other people and these defined things and these deadlines and so...songs got written.

and so i am saying fuck it: and i am using the patreon to make me write, and i hope you don't fucking mind.

to wit: I AM GOING TO WRITE A BRAND NEW SONG ON THE PIANO TOMORROW and RECORD IT THE NEXT DAY ... it's monday night, that would make tuesday writing day and wednesday finishing/tweaking recording day.

let me say that again: i am going to START AND FINISH and RECORD (however roughly) a song by the end of wednesday. i'll upload it. if it's good enough, i'll share it with the world. if it's just....i don't know....not good enough, it'll be a gift to you guys, and you can sympathize with my sad failed songwriter self.

either way; i've got a studio booked, a piano tuner booked, an engineer booked. i'm going to do it all in a tiny studio in kingston, NY. there is a good coffee shop a mile away with internet. the studio has suspect internet, but if i can get it working, i may try to stream some updates....i'll email you a heads up here if it works....but otherwise i'll just take video and send it along.


given this is a directly patreon-inspiered-and-funded project i don't want to just go in there and see what happens - i don't have any particular idea for a song....i don't have an even-remotely concrete idea of what i want to write.

if anything, i need to erase taylor swift's new signle out of my head, because when i write i tend to bend towards the last few songs i've heard, and oh my god, i am really not sure i want my new song to be a ricochet of a taylor swift song (if you want to know my thoughts about taylor swift, see my facebook post from earlier tonight. warning: contains goth.).

so i'd like, at least for this round, to ask YOU all to throw some starting material at me. it could be anything....

....a sentence, two words that rhyme, a story about something that's just happened to you, a personal story and a link to an article, a small story and a link to an image, it could even be a link to another song, and a story...but you get the picture about the story. i want to hear from you, personally, not just read an article about shit going on in the world. 

just some general guidelines:

-this isn't a call for you to request covers. this is an original song.

-don't make it cryptic. if you just say "reindeer" i'm not going to have much to work off. 

-don't make it typical...."write a song about heartbreak!" or "how about a song about your baby??" or "write a song bout president trump" or "write a song about something that makes you happy!" will be fired off out of a cannon hunter-s-thompson-style. you guys are too intelligent for that. give me something real.

-don't take up space on this thread by saying things like "i don't have a song idea but i just wanted to take this opportunity to tell you how much i love the song coin-operated boy because when i was 18..."....because that will waste songwriting time. i am going to read ALL of this shit. save that for another thread.

-don't think too much....just tell me something real, deep, hard, strange, insightful, odd, whatever. don't be afraid.

you are free to lurk and upvote other ideas...but don't just upvote the first thing you see because it looks good: that will have the tendency to snowball and make more people upvote the semi-ok idea out of laziness. wait until there are at least...i dunno...50 comments here before you start upvoting anything. then go ahead and upvote. but how about this...if you upvote, please add a comment under the idea. that would help.

i may wind up taking a few elements and combining them. i may wind up starting a song about something from the comments and going off on a totally different tangent. it's all fair game, it's fuckin art.



it's a deal.

this post is locked, as you can see, so you don't have to worry about anyone outside the patreon-community reading your thoughts. as my super fucking corny yoga teacher from arlington used to say, as we made ourselves into the shapes of waving palm leaves: we're all fronds here.

you will send me thoughts. i will read them. i will write.

and tomorrow night, i will make a video/post/recording and tell you how it's going. and wednesday night, i will post my song, whatever the fuck it is.



slightly scared AFP

p.s. on top of everything, i am coming down with a fucking cold. if i wake up tomorrow and i'm dying, i may just cancel all of this. but i doubt it. but i had to say that, because. ok go.


---------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS---------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:





I Want to Kiss You Before the World Ends--[Dream]-- [420 words] by Begoña Martínez I want to kiss you before the world ends. In my dream, the world is ending. Everything is falling apart. People try to ignore it, to make the feeling go away, but if you listen, it’s there. Suddenly, I think: the world is ending, and I’ve never kissed you. Where are you? I run, and run, and run, through streets and offices and libraries, but you are not there. I ask around: have you seen him? Have you seen him? Nobody has. They point me in one direction: it’s the Comic Book Writers’ office, and there's a party there. Everyone is leaving when I arrive: they are closing the building, they make me go the other way. I enter a room. There’s a surprise party. It's a party my husband has organized for me, now, when the world is ending. I look around, and you are not there. I look at him, and I tell him: This is wonderful, honey, but the world is ending and I've never kissed him. I leave to keep looking for you. I get to a fancy office: the walls are black, and the people there are dressed like Steve Jobs. They say, “Thanks for coming to work with us. Can you help out? We need your help to do this.” “I’d like to help,” I say, “but the world is ending and there's something else I need to do.” With that I leave. I keep looking around, hoping to see your face in the crowd. Already some parts of the library are crumbling, and it’s a pity because it’s a beautiful place: bright and airy with a golden light like Grand Central Station in New York, in the movies. Suddenly I’m in the back seat of a two-door car, and there are two girls in the front seats, so I can’t get away. Will they help me look for you? Will they drive me to where you are? They won’t drive me anywhere because they are visibly drunk. In fact, one is drunk and the other one is drunk and high. She’s also wearing a white t-shirt, soaked with water. Her right nipple shows through very clearly: it’s round and brown and hard, and she wants me to touch her. I look at her and I want to refuse, to run away from their laughter and booze and drugs. But it’s too late, because the world has now ended, and I’ve never kissed you. END


If anyone likes it… yes, I do have a Patreon here.


It's too late for this round of writing, but I'm very inspired by Sasha Velour's performance videos - this one for Kesha's 'Praying' reduced me to tears <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxjVqOc6ycc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxjVqOc6ycc</a> And this one <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzuAKTmuKZ8" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzuAKTmuKZ8</a> inspired me to start a new painting <a href="https://www.instagram.com/p/BXoSWxgAfCr/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.instagram.com/p/BXoSWxgAfCr/</a> ... She's a wonderful human being and I could watch her endlessly, she fills my heart and soul and makes me want to burst &lt;3


I find your darker work really interesting , like the killing type - it had a creepy Shakespeare's sister feel to it . I know I'm a little late to comment, you've probably written your song now but if it features a video could it be something really dark and Tim burton- esque -corpse-bride ? It depends of the theme of the song but I like my amanda Palmer dark and disturbing . Also the mime/clown inspired makeup from the Dresden doll era was fun tho your probably done with that as it's in the past but it does give you an edge that made me notice you over the likes of today's cutesy pop singers ( Kerry perry / Taylor swift / Ariana grande etc) . I'm not sure if any of that helps but it's just my opinion . The visuals paired with the music really grab my attention and leave me wanting more . Good luck x


Well, I always wanted to hear a summer hit, AFP style.


I'm sorry I missed this.


There are so many people we appreciate In this one life we get And too many times We turn down the chance To tell them how we feel Even just once

Gabrielle Motola

I'd like a song about living in your skin because the place you are in keeps fucking changing. I woke up one day and I appear to live in Iceland. WFT??? I have no idea how this happened. It was not my plan. It has happened before though. After living in New York City which I totally planned, I wound up living in England for 15 years. Totally unplanned. Undesired even. But I loved it. It became my home. But then art happened and I went off to Iceland in search of ideas. And I find that I love where I am now. Mostly. At the same time, I am afraid that my landlords will sell the place I am in because the market is crazy, and I will have to move again. It is at times like these when I let the fear creep in (and the fear is not unfounded, but it is unlikely), I feel a real connection to my ancestors, who were always on the move, mostly because of their faith. Sometimes I feel like their fate is mine too, for different reasons, mostly because there is wanderlust in my blood and like them, I am a survivor. Shit changes, art happens, people sell flats you do not own, the world throws things at you at you have to decide to catch or duck or just stand there and get hit. Everyone always asks me will I live in Iceland forever? Just like they asked me the same question when I lived in England . And my answer is the same. I have no plans to leave but who knows what tomorrow brings? I hate anxiety. I love surprises. How does that work?


What I get for checking my email late... A phrase that kept running through my head as I was carrying my fiancee's ashes to scatter them: "With my own hands, I carried you to Valhalla."


My partner is sick. Tuesday last week he was practically screaming in pain while I stood nearby trying to convince a paramedic to give him painkillers. I kept him company in the hospital all day for days until he was released. And I thought back to other relationships I'd had in which people hadn't been there for me when I needed them - where I couldn't just relax and rely on someone else to keep the wheels turning. And I thought, "Screw the mushy posts on Facebook and the elaborate marriage proposals - this is love. It's who's with you at the hospital just to keep you from feeling lonely, or takes up your slack at home without a trace of complaint."


when you put the new video up i hope you keep the old video on youtube...i like to watch it occasionally...

Amy Tobol

Sometimes, my heart is like a ferret, and my brain is like it's teeth. I thought this earlier as I was babysitting a friend's ADHD ferret, and then I found my way into his fuzzy little head where his owners had never been. He was just bored and frustrated, like me, so I gave him odd toys, things that had been places the ferret had never been to. Then he stopped trying to bite my fingers and toes, and showed me what there was to love about a muddy old bucket from the garden.