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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!

so when i announced the free surprise art-card the other day , i bet against the rest of team AFP that we would get a response of about 1,500-2,000 people (i was basing this on the general level of interaction that i see here on the patreon - the hearts, the comments, the link click-throughs, etc). i thought i was very wise. i said in the post that if i was totally wrong and a ton more people actually took me up on the offer, i would spin naked cartwheels. 

i was not only wrong, i was WAY wrong....and so here is me spinning ALMOST naked cartwheels, and the cartwheels are ALMOST naked because i am a fuckin busy mom and didn't have time to create two naked cartwheels, one Not Safe For Work and one for FB, instagram, and the terribly NOT NAKED (boooo!!!!!) parts of the internet. (actually it's kind of a lie that i was too busy. i was just too lazy. what's the difference nowadays?? and thanks to hayley, who took the video and created the GIF).

not only have over 6,000 (!!?!?!) people taken me up on the card offer, but OVER 1,100 NEW PEOPLE HAVE JOINED THE PATREON in the last few days. 

which means that there are 1,100 new people here in this beautiful community - my dear old-school patrons, PLEASE DO GIVE A WARM WELCOME TO THE NEWCOMERS in the comments below!!!!and if you're new, say hi! HIIIIII EVERYONE!!!

this is my patreon. it is a nice, warm, art-driven, supportive, beautiful goddamn corner of the internet, you are going to love it. the level of niceness and intelligence here is going to astound you and make you realize how dark and bitter the rest of the internet truly is :)

i am over the fucking moon.

my hand is going to fall off from signing all of these cards, but i will never have a happier, numb-er hand. expect them to be coming to you in june.

and in the housekeeping department: A FEW QUICK THINGS, if you’re a new patron!:

you can see All the Things (all 29 of them!) i've made so far with the support of all y'all patrons, here on this handy-dandy webpage we've created, including THE BRAND NEW RECORD, "i can spin a rainbow": http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things

now that you're a patron, you can access allllll the posts and downloads that have ever existed. you can scroll back in time, or you can ask for guidance to find something if you're having trouble. here's a good place to start:
you can view all the paid-for-THINGS with download codes and you can view all the patron-only posts, which includes blogs, announcements etc.

if you're a facebook type, you can now join the official AFP-patron facebook group! it's got 6,300+ members and is also a generally really nice place to be: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland

also. you can manage your email settings while logged in to your account to pick and choose what you get email notifications. so. if you don't want all the emails and just want updates when i thing a THING, hit up your email settings.

patreon is pretty easy to undersatnd, but if you have any AFP-patreon-related questions, ask away, someone will answer.

lastly, i try to keep track of who's READING THESE POSTS (for obvious reasons!)....so if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. it takes one second and it makes me feel read & loved.

meanwhile, in real life....

neil is in LA today, doing meetings for American Gods Things, and he comes back tomorrow, and we are going to have a family weekend in upstate new york filled with woods, elephants, tumeric, and REHEARSALS. edward ka-spel and patrick q. wright (who plays violin on the record, and will be on the entire tour with us)  just landed from the U.K., are recovering from their jetlag, and we are diving into rehearsals for the upcoming tour - stay tuned for peeks into the rehearsal studio - it's going to sound BEAUTIFUL....the US tour is all sold out, there's tickets for europe, all the dates are below. i'll be signing after all the shows SO COME SAY HELLO.   

also, quick reminder to all the $10+ tier, there's a webcast TOMORROW at 10 am NEW YORK TIME...you'll be getting the link in an email in just a second - look for it.



for tickets and more information, as always, head to the shows page: http://amandapalmer.net/shows

all tour dates with an asterisk * are festivals

May 17 - Middle East - Boston - SOLD OUT
May 20 - Bowery Ballroom - New York City - SOLD OUT
May 21 - Rough Trade - Brooklyn, NY - SOLD OUT
May 23 - DNA Lounge - San Francisco - SOLD OUT
May 24 - Troubadour - Los Angeles - SOLD OUT

*May 29 - Hay Festival - Hay-on-Wye, Wales
May 31 - Proxima - Warsaw
June 1 - Muffathalle - Munich
*June 2 - Wave & Gotik Treffen - Leipzig
June 4 - Palác Akropolic - Prague - SOLD OUT
June 5 - Fabrik - Hamburg
June 9 - Melkweg - Amsterdam
June 11 - Cigale - Paris
June 13 - Heaven - London
June 16 - Porgy & Bess - Vienna - SOLD OUT
*June 17 - Traumzeit Festival - Duisburg
*June 18 - Maifeld Derby Festival - Mannheim






oh, why hello there! it is a newbie to the patreon; super excited for saturday v;


So awesome :)


You're totally the best!


<3 dammit I can't figure out if I did the art card thing correctly. I saw that I needed to sign up for your Patreon before a certain date (which I did) but I think I totally missed the whole entering in a password part... darn. Ah well. <3


Love it!!!


I think there's an error with amsterdam, it's mentioned on the BE Antwerp date, shouldn't it be the 10th?


I envy your cart-wheeling-skills!


Got your card today! Love it! Thank you sooooo so much !


I got your Card today at the very best Point of time. A Moment before i was so worried about sth. it got me in tears - that doesnt happen very often - and when i went to work there was your card in my mailbox and your words hit just in the right place. BAM! Thank you so much, Amanda. I'm glad to Support you - and much more: I'm glad you support me with getting inspired, getting braver and recognizing that I'm not alone with needing so much nearness and trust. Keep on just like you do. Thanks + Love, Andrea


:) got my card about a week ago... Thank you. It came just little bit after a suicide attempt. I sorta still want to be dead. The card made me happy.