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(patron only)

hallo loves.

greetings from the rehearsal cave...where i am surrounded by cables. i've just spent five solid days behind a keyboard (i'm using a Nord Stage 2 EX for this tour instead of my usual kurzweil pc3....don't ask why, it wound up being stupidly pointless). it's been a non-stop marathon arranging all the songs with edward ka-spel and patrick q. wright (the violinist from the legendary pink dots) for the "i can spin a rainbow"  tour that starts TOMORROWWWWW. edward sits behind his computer and keyboard and makes unholy sounds, i play piano and synths, and patrick makes his violing sing so beautifully you want to cry. and now we are like...90% ready. it's an entire set of newly arranged material and we're only going to be a band for these 20 sone-odd dates, but holy hell is it exciting to be playing with my heroes. starting tomorrow i'm going to be living out of a suitcase (and carrying around a baby suitcase, and a baby, to boot) for a solid month. if you have tickets to any of the upcoming shows, i'm excited to see you....and i've been wondering: is there any obvious way i can SPOT PATRONS at shows and at signing lines? there must be some kind of code. the safety-pin-in-the-lapel thing has already been taken. X-ing our hands like straight edge kids is not good for your skin. it's got to be something anyone can do. maybe you can flash a playing card at me? give mea  three-fingered salute? someone please think of something better. i am tired. comment below. 

and speaking of which....!!! to all the new patrons, HELLO!!! WELCOME!!! grab a wine and stay awhile. practically, if you missed it, check out my last patron-only post which has a nice introduction on How This Shiznit All Works, and a gif of me doing a semi-nekkid cartwheel cos why not:

on to the fun stuff:

on monday 22nd i'm going to be doing a LIVE WEBCAST FROM THE PATREON OFFICES in SAN FRANCISCO at around 7:30pm (west coast time). that's the DAY before the show at the DNA lounge - which is super sold-out (for those of you who have been asking, we looked into adding a second show but we just couldnt swing it). 

edward and patrick i will play  few of these new tour songs live, we'll chat with jack conte, the founder of patreon (many of you may know him as the bearded one in the band pomplamosse), and take some questions from y'all. you can leave your questions for us in the comments *here below* on this post. hit me....anything about the record, the tour, How Patreon Works...anything you think would be good webcast fodder.

AND we have spots for about 10-15 guests, so if you are in the bay area and want to come, send an email to hayley@amandapalmer.net with your full name and put "PATREON WEBCAST" in the subject, she'll post in the comments *here in this post* once all the spots are filled, which i expect will happen pronto (she's asleep now, so check tomorrow around 11 am ny time). first come, first served! [UPDATE: all spots have been claimed]

the webcast will be for ALL PATRONS, not just webcast-tier folks, and it will be archived for ever for everyone. 

and on that note: the webcast/webchat that i did from the rehearsal a few days ago for the webcast-tier folks is stayin' locked up for now, we'll hopefully archive it and share it at some point. it was manic and shouty and 80 of us entertained the shit outta each other. i'm hoping to squeeze in another webchat before the tour is over but it's always harder on the road. tune into me on periscope/twitter and FB live, i may be doing occasional soundcheck casts when i'm feeling frisky in the next week or so.

anything else? not that i can think of....well, yes THIS: if you are coming to tour and haven't listened to the album yet, come PREPARED! the whole record is here. it's getting fantastic reviews, expect for the one dude in the boston globe who said it had no feelings. we returned the gesture by giving him a VIP ticket to our boston show. i'll let you know what happens. 

did i ever tell you the story about when some local journalist in a newspaper gave the dresden dolls first record a SCATHING REVIEW before we were due to play a live show? it was in st louis or something. the review was like: THE DRESDEN DOLLS DEBUT ALBUM IS A PIECE OF SHIT MADE BY THE MOST BORING ANNOYING SELF-INDULGENT THEATER-DORK BAND EVAR. i shook my head. i called our label's publicist and told her to please send the guy a VIP ticket to our actual concert and that i would even foot the bill for a limo to pick him up at his house. he said yes. he came to our show. he wrote a five-star review in the paper the next week about how awesome our band was.

take that donut, fuckers





-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol.

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Glad for your return to Patreon hq with Jack! So much has happened since you were on before! It was an exciting time announcing your venture to Patreon! :D Love and praise to Jack and you!


Longtime fan, I finally joined the Patreon last week. Thank you for starting my day with a smile and a Welcome to us newbies. I'm going to make some art today!


have a great show & see you all tonight! blessings&much love, peace,kim g.


Listening to the absolutely beautiful but spine tingling I can spin a rainbow now and preparing for the Saturday at the Bowery with one of my loveliest friend and die hard AFP fan Jessica (fellow patron). Our imaginations are running wild as to how this will be portrayed on the stage. We will be traveling from MA and NH so I'm sure they will run even further. My fine little hairs are standing on edge <3 Shall I give you the 3 finger girl scout salute? :) haha Best of wishes tonight in Cambridge, where it all began <3

Jenny He

The one Monday I am across the US and you are in my beloved Bay Area!!! Much love, and so excited for those who get to join you for the webcast.


I cannot wait! My friend Colleen and I are going to the show in NYC together and i am all sorts of excited. She commented earlier, in fact! She and I met at a Smashing Pumpkins show many years ago... 2001? Ancient history. Havent been tk


One of my most fondest concert memories ever <3 Cannot wait darlin!!!! Seeee you soooon <3


Wow it cut off part of my post! Lameeee. Love you babycakes!


You inspire me ❤️😘🌟


thanks for coming to my town!! I'm busy Monday night - waaah!! SO looking forward to hearing you live, with band. I'll do the 3 finger salute, that's easy. I hope you have fun here, SF is a great city. There's a Trader Joe store near your gig venue, fabulous food at reasonable prices (do you have access to a kitchen, food prep facilities?) Go to the beach (it's COLD), wander Chinatown, walk the labyrinth at Grace Cathedral. I'm sure your fans here will tell you great things to do, and kid-friendly parks, etc.


Love ♡