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Hello my loves.

I just posted a version of this to socials this morning, and I’m wishing you all a happy Saturday. The Australian and Kiwis and are safety tucked into bed.

Funny, in the “I’ll just post something benign” department, I posted this picture of my foot to Instagram and got lots of concerned messages about my safety. It was for the photo only, I promise. I do not ride in a car this way.

Oh, the world.


Happy Saturday, all.

A little postcard from Woodstock, NY. Two nights ago, after a long and punishing heat wave, I was lying in bed, dizzy and boiling after an endless and physically punishing day, and a cross breeze with a slight frost in its bite rushed over my body. From window to window, like a little kiss of chilly relief.

I wanted to remind you all for the 167th time what my best friend Anthony used to say:

Everything changes.


Meanwhile, we are gearing up beautifully for the fall. My team and all of our families are working hard to balance art and life and children.

In fun news: I’m about to put three big regional New England / NY shows on sale in some of the most gorgeous theaters we have round these parts. Tickets will go on sale first to patrons next week, then to the public. Watch for news early next week. 🎉🎉

Like I have been saying….I’m also planning on doing a lot more high-production live-stream concerts over the next few months, in all sorts of delicious venues with all sorts of warm and wonderful collaborators. Most of those concerts will be patron-only to keep it intimate.

The incredible Niki McQueen Art has worked hard on a tour image painting to match the mood of the songs I’m going to play and the stories I will tell. And the fall The Dresden Dolls shows (two cities only) in Bearsville, NY and Boston (w Gogol Bordello) in Oct/Nov are selling great; we’ve sold about 5,000 tickets. It’s summer, so all the sales for all bands everywhere kinda drop off a cliff for a second as the world sludges and takes a break.

All the ticket info is on my site. I can’t wait to organize the patron gatherings in the fall. I miss you all.


Me? Well, I’m well. Well, I mean…

I love you all a ton.

In so many ways, I’ve never felt my spine this settled in my body. Understanding my core building blocks. Knowing who I am. Knowing what friends are. Understanding what it all means. Considering what is important. It’s been such a disorienting political season for the last few weeks in America, like we are all trying to swim in a washing machine while it’s on spin cycle. Nobody can get their feet on the ground. But at the same time, we are starting to understand, at a more fundamental level, who we truly are and what is worth fighting for. What we are willing to sacrifice to make this world ok for the kids. When to draw ultimate boundaries around what is just absolutely not okay when it comes to how this country can be run. The conversations I am having with my friends and family over dinner reflect this. It is a time of massive, massive, massive overhaul.

I love honest photography and photographers who capture the truth.

These photographs from the front yard are by the incredible Krys Fox, who just lost his dad.

The woods are green, but the moment is black and white.

We commune in common change.

Send him a hug. He needs it.

Send us all a hug.

If you need one, here you go. ((((()))))

Hug city.

Talk to you all soon.

Steady as she goes.




Here’s some more fave Krys shots from music video sets over the years …

From drowning in the sound

From the “floating in a cocktail glass” video:

(That’s me on break feeding baby Ash…!)

And poetry, here’s the “mother” shoot, where I feed Donald Trump, the man who needs the biggest mother-hug in the world and will probably never heal his childhood trauma…



Len Tower Jr.

All the love to Krys, his family & all who knew his Dad. -Len

Mandi Hood

Sending big hugs to you and Krys.