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Hello loves.

Greetings from wherever I am. I'll give you a hint, it's fekkin hot.

Just a reminder that we're doing a webchat/Q&A in about half an hour...11:11 EST - July 18th. It's for the webchat tier (and up). Bring your own lighthouse.

It'll last about an hour.

I love you all a lot, and thank you for the beautiful feedback on Tuesday's livestreamed show at Levon Helms. Your comments are giving me life.

These webchats are always nice and poetic and nourishing and I think we all need that right now. There's about 60 people coming so far...I've got coffee and headphones. See you soon.

The link to join is here. As usual: please leave questions in the box on the right and upvote questions you'd like me to see.




PS If you missed the show on Tuesday, it's up on archive for ALL PATRONS and I posted the setlist and all: https://www.patreon.com/posts/about-last-show-108296918


July 18th - 11:11am - Webchat tier catch-up

Register now for July 18th - 11:11am - Webchat tier catch-up on crowdcast, scheduled to go live on July 18, 2024, 11:10 AM EDT.


Lauren Smith

I am so upset that I missed this. Fucking health issues, I was curled up in pain trying to take care of my kids and I missed it. Today is a bitter anniversary for me. 2 years ago today I went into Planned Parenthood for an ultrasound and some advice, only to come out the doors 6 hours later no longer carrying a child at all. Pressured into getting an abortion by doctors bent on advocacy and rushed by the influx of patients as Roe v Wade overturned, leaving PA one of the only states nearby to allow women the right to abortions. I was 11 weeks, a third of the way through my third pregnancy, showing already, excited, but worried my mental hasn't meds wound be cut off my regular doctor found out. I watched this baby's heart beating, moving its tiny arms, and was given zero answers that related to my personal issues then threatened with the inability to get another appointment until my 24wk mark should I need to terminate for medical reasons. I suffered complications for over a month that resulted in an overnight ER stay. Today is the day I became a child murderer, for no other reason than pressure and fear. I support the process and the right to choose, within moral reason, but.... this was not my choice, intention, or expectation. I still haven't processed the trauma. Its just been fucking eating me alive for two fucking years and I don't understand how I'm supposed to live with it or make peace with this emptiness. I really wanted to be there yesterday. I needed the support and the love and the company of my people.

Scott Fornwall

Hey AFP! You posted a photo on IG that makes it appear that you had a surgery. I hope you're okay! A big hug coming your way! ❤️❤️❤️

Julia Mason

I'm so sorry you felt pressured and ended up doing something you didn't want to do. Sometimes health care workers get too caught up in the moment and forget to really attend to the person in front of them.