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Hello loves.

Historic times. Biden has dropped out and endorsed Kamala.


I’m with my kid, but had to duck away to check in with all of you. I am feeling a surge of energy and hopefulness for the first time in ages. I know nothing is perfect. But this is the moment that had to happen to shake America off the couch.

Joe Biden backing down proves that there’s still some vestige of hope left for the Democratic Party. He’s a politician, not a demagogue. He’s a human. He did the right thing to serve a better story for the country. He’s more of a patriot.

Donald Trump would never, ever have had the grace to back down to serve the greater good. His ego and his narcissism has the keys to the car. He’d rather die than lose. He’s more of a punisher.

Please get ready to fight like hell to make sure the pussy-grabber does not get back into office.

We need this to go right. We gotta get this right. Please. Let’s get this right. My fellow Americans: register to vote or check your status at HeadCount.org. I love you.

Back to the sandwiches I go.

I love you all. I posted this little tidbit from Drowning in the Sound on socials this morning. Resounding lyrics.

Photo by Krys Fox

And everybody's yelling

Yelling that they're coming

But I don't see a single soul

They're all so busy yelling

Not one of them is hearing

The hissing from the bottom of the boat

I got some feelings up my sleeve…

I got a compass in my arm…

I got a needle in my heart…

It's gonna tell us where we are.


Here we are.

I love you. Discuss in comments. We are safe here.





Acey Slade

...Left...we need this to go Left you mean, 😹!

Steve Devitt

There may be hope afterall. I saw some of JD speech today and looks like he had a memory lapse. It was also weak. I didnt go to Panera but went elsewhere. I didnt want to hear anti Harris talk.