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(I started to pick things back up this month, only to burn out too quickly by trying to make a mini-comic... I have a few things lined up that I can squeeze in the next two weeks)

There has been a bit of a quiet period unfortunately, my motivation to work on Millie needed some time to return. Or at the very least, work up to the point of the finished scenes. Cause there are many still left and like her previous revision, the story is holding me back. Much less so fortunately, now I know much better where to take her.

With all of that said, this one's a more subtle touch-up vs the mirror scene. The story however... I made some tweaks to better fit her adjusted narrative. The fact that her story takes places much earlier, and thus sizes like her (at that point) are still extremely rare.

Drive link (shouldn't be too long before there is a more long-term solution...) 


It was a ridiculous idea. Asking out his ex-teacher? What was Liam thinking? Or rather, what was his inhibited mind thinking, telling his friends about his huge crush on the Biology teacher he had in high-school?

Liam got out of the bus, the relatively cold air breezing past him. He looked around to orient himself, before embarking on the path to the bar he was meeting her with. His heart was racing. It was such a stupid idea, but he couldn’t find it in his heart to cancel it. Plus… Millie said yes! She even remembered me so it has to be good. Right? His mind was in constant turmoil.

Oh shit, that’s the place. Liam briefly panicked, looking around to see if she was there. If she looked like what he remembered, he would spot her instantly with her voluptuous body and huge rack. Of course Millie wore conservative clothing, but that did barely anything to hide her crazy curves back then. His mind drifted away to the numerous encounters where she caught him staring, Millie would discipline him with a tap from her ruler. It never really hurt, but she always seemed happier afterwards. And man that smile… with those lips…

“Come on Liam. Get it fucking together.” He worked himself up, stepping forwards to wait in front of the entrance. Since the bar was situated in the corner of the street, he had a good view over the connecting streets. There was no way she would sneak up on him.

His heart was pounding. Constantly glancing over at every sidewalk, hoping to spot an early glimpse of Millie. Liam brought up his phone, only a few minutes left. It sure felt like forever to him.

“Wait… what the fuck?”

His eyes locked onto the end of the street, where someone just turned the corner. She was absolutely massive. Even from that distance with barely any light, Liam saw how much space she took on the sidewalk. She nearly took the entire space in width, anyone who would pass her way would have to walk around her.

And she was coming Liam’s way.

He squinted his eyes, trying his best to see through the darkness. Her bizarre silhouette was the only thing he could definitely make out. Liam felt his heart pound all the way up his neck, his mind completely zoning out to figure out this… this goddess that was approaching him.

The mysterious woman was finally revealed by the night club’s exterior lighting. First her absolutely massive, jiggling bust. Each step caused ripples to go throughout the vast amount of breast flesh. Miraculously being contained by her near scandalous tube dress. And then the light reached her face.

“Oh, is that you Liam?!”

Her voice. It’s her. It’s Millie. The exact same cheerful tone she used whenever she greeted me.

“Ye- uhm.. I… Ye-yeah!” He wanted to beat himself up for mumbling. “Lo-long time no see!”

Liam tilted his head up in desperate attempts to not look down the canyon of cleavage below her. She stopped a meter in front of him.

“Yup! It’s so good to see you. Honestly… I was a bit worried when I didn't hear anything from you in all these years. But for you to call me on a date like this… Aaah it’s so sweet!” Millie fluttered her arms in excitement, her bust wobbling moments later in response.

“Oh I’m so so-sorry! I… uhm, it was honestly a bit embarrassing to just call you up and say that I was doing okay. I didn’t think you would care that much for me.”

“Huh?” She tilted her head. “Oh Liam! You were my favorite student from that class!”

“R-really?” Liam scratched his head, chuckling nervously. So that wasn’t all in my head? Not all those hormones making me believe she liked me?

“Ah come on, you really think I would’ve let you stare that often if I didn’t like you? Hmm?”

“Fuck… I guess so yeah.”

Millie moved her hands to her hips. Hips that he couldn’t even see from his point of view. “Still kept that dirty tongue through all those years, huh?”

“Just like you never lost your beauty.” Liam blurted out. Judging from her expression, she didn’t see that one coming. Neither did he.

“O-oh! T-thank you!” Her cheeks blushed a tint close to her lipstick. “I’m so glad. Truthfully I wasn’t sure how you would react when you saw my… my body.”

“What do you mean? You look absolutely stunning. From top to bottom...” He looked away. “From wh-what I can see from here any- anyway…”

“Awwwe… you’re so sweet.” She gave a wide smile, absolutely melting his heart. Liam opened his mouth to speak, but a sudden gust of wind reminded him that they’re still standing outside in the late evening.

“S-so! Let’s get you inside, shall we?” He beckoned with his arm, letting her go first. Liam was going to do that regardless, he saw himself as a gentleman after all. But the act of kindness also gave him plenty of moments to glance at her equally massive hips. Gone were the voluptuous hips, hello the very definition of child-bearing hips. He noticed how deep the fabric was wrapping around her back. Surely that can’t be comfortable… I would gladly give her some relief and set those monstrous jugs free.

Millie approached the door but paused. “I uhh…” She started sheepishly. “I can’t really open doors normally anymore. Not from the front anyway, so…”

Liam was taken aback by her words. Millie has gotten so big that she can’t open doors. Her breasts are THAT big. He gulped, but took a step back.

“Of course. Let me open it for you.” Liam maneuvered around her, being careful not to bump into her accidentally. Now in front of her, he opened the door to the bar. At that moment, he was absolutely ecstatic. He’s actually on a date with his long-time crush. And she’s gotten more and more attractive over the years, both her looks and her otherworldly figure. He felt like nothing could stop him now.

Until he realized that the bar they were entering was relatively packed. He froze for a moment, but a seemingly massive force pushed him causing him to stumble forwards.

“Ah! I’m so sorry Liam! I couldn’t stop in time!” She yelled through the loud music. Liam turned around and could only chuckle awkwardly. He really had no proper response to that.

Liam mustered all of his courage and pressed on. He would just walk past her, to his favorite semi-isolated table in the back. His skill blending in with the crowd was all but naught as nearly every set of eyes was focused on him. Or rather behind him.

He wasn’t surprised, really. Sure there were some women like her around, but they are too few to really be considered uncommon. Liam figured it was her absolutely ridiculous outfit that caught the eyes of many. The bar suddenly got a lot more quiet as the two maneuvered their way through the bar. The people made more than enough room for the amazingly endowed woman to pass through.

Finally they reached their destination. Liam turned around to see Millie right behind him, smiling as she looked at the table.

“So this is the spot?”

“Yup! I’ll go sit on the chair, you go take place on the couch. It’s probl-” He caught himself explaining his reasoning behind it. Liam didn’t want to suggest that her ass was huge. It definitely was, no doubt about it. But he’d rather wait and guess from their interactions if such statements were okay. “-Never mind.”

Not having to pull the chair back for the lady, he simply sat down. He glanced over at Millie as she turned around to sit on the couch. She first sat down on the small section without a table before scooting over bit by bit. He watched in awe as she managed to do so, her gigantic breasts covering all of her legs, and then some. Only then did he realize that there was no way in hell she would fit. There wasn’t much room between the sofa and the chair. It was enough for most people, but Millie wasn’t like most people.

“A-ah…” Milie took a deep sigh, realizing the same fact as Liam. Her hand reached for her full lips as she pondered for a moment.

“ I.. Hang on.” She reached her arms under her bust, grunting as she tried her best to lift them off of her body. Liam wanted to jump in and help, but the lady already lifted them high enough. With the swell of her spillage seemingly bigger, she desperately scooted over. He merely watched as she intensively managed to sit right in front of them. And then she dropped them.

The sheer impact of her breasts hitting the tiny table caused the small bottles of salt and pepper to jump. Liam reflectively snatched the seasoning, in case she accidentally knocked them over.

“Theeere we go!” Millie took a deep sigh, but she had a big, proud smile. As if she just overcame one of her fears. Relieved, she leaned forwards onto her breasts with her arms stretched over it. Enjoying all the weight lifted off of her shoulders.

With her head on top of her breasts, she tilted over to look at Liam. “Ah I’m so sorry. It seems like I’m not quite as narrow as I used to be… Do you have enough space over there?” She glanced down to his side of the table, whatever was left of it.

Liam snapped out of his trance. “H-huh? Oh yeah! This’ll be enough room to hold our drinks.”

“Ah lovely!” She promptly sat right up again in excitement, trembling the poor table. “I would love a drink, I hadn’t had one in what feels like forever!”

He quickly reached out for the seasonings again, taking a moment to place them on the ground. He figured it was a better resting place than the now tilted table. Just to be sure. Liam sat back up and nodded. “Sure thing, I’ll go to the bar. What would you like to have? I was thinking of going for a beer or something.”

“Oh! Hmm… Mhmm… A double whiskey!” She stated with clear confidence in her decision. Liam nodded again before getting up and walking over to the bar. He leaned on the table, taking a moment to look around the environment again. His attention was so focused on the date that he didn’t realize that the bar was practically as loud prior to their entry. The bartender noticed Liam’s signal and made her way over.

“What can I get ya?”

“Double whiskeys, for me and the lady.”

She nodded, glancing over at the mentioned lady. Even in the far corner of the bar, she was hard to miss.

“Got yourself a big catch, huh?”


“Your date! I oughta guess she’s the biggest gal you’ve ever brought here. Honestly, probably the biggest I’ve ever laid my eyes on.”

“Oh! Ooh yeah, for sure- Waaait. I didn’t know you paid attention to that!”

The bartender smiled. “Of course, it’s hard to not notice a regular bringing in his dates in a bar!”

Liam awkwardly cleared his throat, fully aware of how often he had done that without realizing that it’s not really the best place for a first date. He always figured it would be a good way to break the ice, get to know each other personally before taking things romantically. Unfortunately not everyone thought like that.

“H-hey! In my defense, she suggested it. I was more than happy to bring her to this place.”

“Alright alright, if you say so! I’ll go grab you your drinks.” The bartender reached for the glass in the upper shelves and the bottle of whiskey. He watched as she poured the whiskey in both glasses, tossing a pair of ice cubes in as a finish. The bartender brought it up to the counter, moving it in his reach. “Here you go. Good luck!”

Liam chuckled as he grabbed the glasses. “Thanks!”

He made his way over back to Millie, making sure her bust didn’t distract him from navigating to her. That would be a terrible first impression. Is it a first impression if you haven’t seen each other in ages? Naaah.

“Hey again!” She giggled as he approached his seat.

“S-so… should I put it on the table or just-”

Liam knew her answer when she reached out her arms towards him. With her bright red lipstick glistering, her smirk was that of an angel. He gladly placed the glas in her hands, before setting his glass down.

By the time he sat down, Millie was already taking a big swig from her glass. What is this woman made of!?

“Aaah! Gosh I needed this, I was so thirsty.” She said, now holding her glass of whiskey under her hand as she used her breasts as a table. Liam could only blink a few times in disbelief.

“So! How have you been doing Liam? In the… How many years has it been now?”

“Uhm… about 10 years I believe? Second year of high-school... was in 2004.”

“Wooow. Time really flies.”

“Hah I guess so! I uhm... pretty much finished my high-school two years later. I Went to college at Cider Valley and studied architecture. After that… I got my own place and managed to grab a job at my internship, which fortunately is situated back here. Now all I’m really looking for is the one.”

“Ooh how interesting, and sweet!”

“Well if you think so! It was pretty uneventful compared to the second year of high-school.”

Millie giggled in response, waving it off with her free hand. “Aah it wasn’t that crazy. I’m sure you have had lots of great experiences since then.”

Liam smiled and nodded. “So what about you? I’d love to hear about you.”

“Let’s see… 2004… Yeah, that was after I had Olivia- So. As you will probably remember, I unfortunately had to transfer to a different school. It just worked out better with my ex and my child back then. It sure was a real shame though, I would’ve loved to see you graduate.”

He shrugged. “Ah no need to worry about that. It really was underwhelming.” -Without you. He wanted to add, but being reminded of those times didn’t really put him into a flirting mood.

“After that… Well, I pretty much continued to give biology to the school in Violet Steppe for a little bit. Until… No wait. Okay. So.”

She cleared her throat before continuing. “I’m sure this’ll answer some of your questions you’ve been bottling up. I can see it in your eyes. So… about two years ago, a good friend came to me asking for help. She was going through some difficult times, all too depressing to get into. Either way, she was looking for a surrogate and I just- I couldn’t say no! Or-or rather, she said she needed to look for one and I just KNEW I had to be the surrogate mother. It just clicked!”

Liam nodded, taking a sip from his whiskey. He knew he needed to be in his intoxicated state to muster enough confidence for whatever will come this night.

“So the insemination went all fine and dandy, I was teaching part-time while taking care of Olivia. It went all fine until a few months in, where my breasts just started to ache constantly! So much more than what I had the first time. I did what I could only do, massage them to relieve the pain. That mostly alleviated the pain, but my body was thrown in for another loop! They started growing like crazy!”

He continued to nod, blissfully enjoying her monologue.

“I mean, growing a bit is normal in a pregnancy. I had that too when I had Olivia, but that was like… in the third semester? Instead, somehow, they already started to grow like three months in! My god… I went through bras like craaazy. My clothes didn’t fit anymore, the maternity ones I wore were too small too!”

She took another swing of her glass and continued. “So I was pretty much stuck at home, unless I bought clothes to wear for like a week. But that would’ve been so expensive to keep up! Then I had a brilliant idea, what about online learning?”

“Oh yeah! That way you can basically teach at home and help raise your kid. Plus there isn’t any limit on the classroom size.”

“Exaactly! See, I knew you were a clever boy! You just have to put your mind to it. While the idea was nice, our school didn’t have anything built to support that. So all the while I was still growing like crazy, I took it upon myself to set it all up. The online server, getting the right installations, writing help guides and tutorials for the other teachers, and gosh… I could talk all night about it if I wanted to!”

“Ooh I bet!”

“By the time I gave birth, it pretty much was all set up. I took a few weeks off and started giving lessons online! My goal was to just pick up offline teaching after this, but there was only one small problem... I didn’t stop growing.”

“...Wait what?”

“Yeah, I know right? It’s apparently a super rare condition where my body just… doesn’t stop preparing? The doctors have very little clue as to what caused it, only really the effects of it. I asked them why it didn’t happen when I had Olivia, but they had no clue of that either.”

Liam grew morbidly curious as his erection grew under the table. “S-so… what does that mean? Besides the uhm… the obvious.”

“Essentially all the effects the body goes through during a pregnancy. My breasts continuously grow to produce milk, so they’ve gotten all super jiggly and soft. As you can clearly see!” She laughed, poking into her breasts with one of her fingers. Liam spotted the slight wobble that occurred as a result of that.

“My hips keep widening too, among a whole bunch of other things, really. I still have occasional mood swings, cravings… It’s really weird. Oh! I nearly forgot, my lips have become fuller as well. Even though it doesn’t have to do anything with a pregnancy… They suspect it’s one of my side effects- I’m sure you’ve heard of it too.”

“Oh y-yeah. I’ve might have heard of it somewhere… I- I can’t quite put my finger on it where...” Liam didn’t want to admit that he religiously followed the developments of the strange phenomenon that has slowly but surely influenced the body of men and women alike. It was in its early infancy, with only a handful of cases. Liam felt a bit frustrated yet relieved that he never knew about Millie’s. If he did, he never would’ve had the balls to message her like that. “So basically that resulted in you growing to this size?”

Millie nodded, looking down at her glass. “Pretty much. So much has happened in the last two years... I have trouble keeping up with the growth, as much as I like to joke about it.”

“For what it’s worth, you look more gorgeous than ever. I thought you were dazzling back then- I… I..” Liam couldn’t keep it to himself anymore. “-I really had a big crush on you.”

He took a big swig of his glass, the impact of the alcohol numbing his senses. “Your delicate smile, the way you talked during class, your horrible jokes - that were so bad they got funny again. And… Fuck! I thought you were super fucking pretty. Words are hard.”

Millie giggled with a warm, embracing smile. “Thank you… ah, that really just- just means a lot to me, Liam.”

“I mean it too. Even now. No, especially now. Despite what changes you are going through, you handle it so gracefully. They really enhance your figure. You’re like… the ultimate MILF.”

...Did I just say that out loud? The shifting color on Millie’s cheeks confirmed it.

“O-oh.. Tehehe… Again, thank you… Your words- they really help me get through this. If only this could last forever...”

“Of cour-... wait what do you mean?”

“Well… it would be much better if you date a younger girl than me... One in your age range. Nothing ever good comes out of dating someone older.”

“Bullshit.” Liam simply stated. “Believe me, I’ve tried. I lost count at this point, but I never really connected with any of them.”

Liam took a moment to pause, taking a moment to decide if this really is the route he’s going to take. His mind was made up rather quickly however. He was fully prepared to jump in the deep end.

“-except for you.”




I hope we get to see her wear the dress a second time, when she's at her largest!