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After a little while, here is the remake of the shower scene! I glossed over the story, seemed fine enough for me to just keep it as it is. So if you've already read it way back, there's nothing too significant that has changed.

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The water ran, brushing her face and making its way down to the sink, but not before flowing around her ever-growing figure. With nearly the body-wash flushed away, Millie really saw no other reason to keep showering. Figured she would try to save a few bucks by not doing a certain activity to pass the time.

She turned the valves. The residue water slowly crept its way down, audibly dripping on the surface of the bathtub. A deep sigh followed. Millie wasn’t looking forward to the next part.

Millie started turning her body carefully with small steps. Taking care not to hit the wall of the shower, nor accidentally knock over the collection of body-care products with her dangling breasts or wide hips. What was once among one of her reasons to buy this apartment, had slowly turned into a significant problem for her day-to-day life. The bathtub simply became too narrow for Millie to comfortably shower with no worry, but she still managed. For now.

Gracefully leaning one hand on the stand, she reached out for the sliding section. With her fingertips pressed against it, she slowly managed to slide it across the bathtub. Occasionally the low drop of her breasts would touch it, but she’s gotten used to the sudden cold enough to where it barely phased her.

With it finally open, all Millie had to do was to step out of the tub. But that certainly was easier said than done. She positioned herself to lean on the very edge of the panels. Her plan was to step out sideways, one feet at a time. She lifted her leg- but only barely before hitting the heavy mound that was one of her breasts. Another sigh escaped her lips, Millie still wasn’t used to that. Instead she lifted it behind her, bending her knee to where the calf met her plump thighs. With caution, she leaned over the tub. Her leg made its way over the edge and onto the conveniently placed carpet. As stubborn as Millie was to change the layout of her house, a grip-inducing carpet was something she bought pretty much right away.

Getting the other leg out of the bathtub was relatively easier to do. Using the firm panels as support in case her sagging, wobbly breasts caused any balance issues. Millie reached over for one of the three large towels placed on the radiator. Working her way from the top, starting with her hair.

With both hands she was able to dry her brown hair relatively quickly. For a moment, she couldn’t help but to glance at her reflection in the mirror. It was almost unrecognizable to her prime, youth self. As the years flew by, so did her bust measurement. It was one of the many side-effects tied to her condition. Perpetually stuck in the last phase of a pregnancy, despite giving birth a year ago. Millie’s breasts were absolutely massive and still growing rapidly. The sheer size of them covered everything on her lower body. It had a very low teardrop shape, with the top slowly curving into her collarbones. Even though she couldn’t see her areolas from her view, she knew they had the exact same brown tint as she did years ago.

Millie shook her head discontentedly. They seemed to be the root of all of her issues in her life, and often she’d like to blame everything on them. Figuratively and literally, they were an unmissable target. How short-lived all of her relationships were, her difficulty being there for her child and simply having fun in life. More often than not, things seemed kinda bleak for her. But she kept her usual cheery behavior to other people, as to let them get dragged down with her. Fortunately all this will just be a fleeting memory in her mind, something she’ll forget about by the time she watches her favorite night show.

She started to dry off her arms and upper torso, systematically drying them up before moving onto the two globes. Millie started to reach over for the second towel, until she heard a buzz coming from her phone. The loud whirring on the hard ceramic sink startled her. Then it buzzed again. Weird… nobody usually messages me this late in the evening. Confused, she waddled over to the sink. Leaning her wet, heavy breasts into it, she bent over far enough for her to grab a hold of her phone.

One new message

New Number

Hey miss Moore, it’s Liam here!

How about we meet up sometime?

I’d love to see how my favorite high-school teacher is doing!

Her heart skipped a beat. That was a name she hadn’t heard in a long time.

“L-Liam?” She said to herself, her mind drifting off to her early years as a teacher. She taught his biology class in the first and third year. She was originally meant to be their teacher in the second year as well, but then she found out she was expecting her first child with her ex-husband. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop Liam from blatantly staring at her, especially so after her first pregnancy rounded out her body quite nicely. Millie always felt that in an alternative universe where she had no husband back then, she would’ve definitely made a move for Liam. After he had graduated and there was no potential abuse of power between them. Even though she got a divorce, Millie never got around checking in on him. She was simply too busy taking care of her daughter back then.

But she most definitely would make time for him now, during the days where Olivia is with her best friend. With a big smile on her face, she unlocked her phone and typed away.

Millie Moore

Heeey! So amazing to hear from you!!!

I’d love to meet up, how about this coming weekend?

It took a while before he responded. Meanwhile she went ahead and added him to her contacts.

Liam Collins

Sure thing! That totally works for me.

Millie Moore

Ooh! How about a bar? Bars are the perfect place to catch-up on eachother!

Liam Collins

Perfect! I know just the place.

They chatted away, checking when they each were available and setting the time where they would meet up, in front of the bar. Millie was surprised how direct Liam was, especially with his flirtatious comments.

She held her phone to her chest. With a big grin across her face, she squealed of happiness. Her mood had completely shifted, now she had something to look forward to this week. Millie decided then and there. For her second chance with Liam, she would go all out. She knew exactly which dress to wear.



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