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All but the shower one were done for a while, but I kept putting off uploading them here. But I might as well put them all together in a big update post before August ticks over!  A short snippet about each scene:

Drive link to all of them 

Construction (1 of 4):

Primarily focused on her story, she's one to get personally involved in constructions of her business endeavors. I've got a rough outline of the general story but not much story for each scene unfortunately. I might have to consider slimming down the number of scenes or keep the story short.

Pregnant Tease (2 of 4):

It is pretty much well known that I like to make every character I create, eventually pregnant. I am well aware of that, perhaps self-consciously so. While I try to avoid it for literally everyone, it was kinda always the plan for Allaire. Have her talk about how she used to be heavier, and cause the pregnancy to go back to that point or even further. I have gone through several iterations already, but none that came even close to the level of umph-ness as this! It definitely gives me Mal Malloy vibes, perhaps I worked towards that subconsciously but I welcome it nonetheless.

After Shower (3 of 4):

I suppose it is pretty much an improvement over her original second scene, where she is also drying her body after showering. I didn't have a plan for this scene to be slotted in anywhere, and that freedom was quite nice. I also took the opportunity to try to hone my method of making the body properly wet, as well as add a bit of cellulite. The latter to break up the monotony of her otherwise smooth and perfect butt. What do you folks think? Just enough to make it present, but not so much that it is too visually disruptive (Which personally, I find is often the case with real life examples). 

Bed Pose (4 of 4):

This was supposed to be a 'morning after' which I just realized I'm apparently a huge fan of. Anyway, after their fancy dinner- WHICH I ALSO COMPLETELY FORGOT.

There we go. The story has Allaire and the barman she's developed a crush on, go on a proper first date. I thought it would be cute for her to have a moment of insecurity and spend WAY too much on a first date, even after both of them agreeing to not overdo it. But that's pretty much all there is to it so far.




Pregnant Allaire? I hope she grows as big as Grace!

Ikari Shinji

I like the cellulite, little touches of realism can go a long way IMO