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Thank you for, uh, waiting. I'm very proud to bring you the most elaborate video I've ever made on the channel.

Hope you like it!

(Even *I* think I've gone too far.)

NOTE: This upload is just for you guys, and will be replaced later by the public video so that it can 'premiere'.


VFXcool: Flight of the Navigator [Patreon Early Access]


James Pain

This is the most insane amount of detail I've ever seen you go to. Surprised it's not released episodically. I think only people with the most respect for you will have the patience to watch it all. Hope it does well!


YESSSSS! I love vfx cool and this movie! 🙌


what the hell


Wow I loved it!


Well worth the wait. Incredible episode 🚀


This was absolutely incredible. This is the most amazing thing I’ve seen you pull off so far. Great work captain.


"This isn't about me". Okay, yeah, but an episode about Captain Disillusion's life story would be kind of cool actually. Including Citizen Mavzik :) And why he isn't a bigger deal in the business even though he can single-handedly recreate any visual effect without breaking sweat. Anyway, great video! Definitely taking it to new levels.


Wow. Astoundingly well done! You're just the right kind of insane...


I was in the test audience when this film was rated for release in Norway. Saw it again on TV maybe ten years later. I loved it but never realized it was such a big deal!


I'm eager to watch this tonight. We watched "Flight of the Navigator" on Friday in anticipation of and as preparation for your video.


Truly astonishing.


Disagree with James. Hella people will watch this to the end regardless of their respect for you cause it freaking rocks.


Utterly incredible.


I understand your point, though I think the way Alan made is works better as a single movie than an episodic thingy. Things are a bit too intricate to make short episodes I think.


So well done!!!


Love it. Worth the wait!


Amazing work! I was not prepared to dedicate 40min when I clicked on the video, but after 3min I was committed lol. Fascinating info about the film!


Very excited to watch this later when I'm not waiting to be seen at the doctor's office...


If you REALLY suggest doing this... I would gladly dedicate my right arm to play some Max


Absolutely Fantastic!!


I hope you get the job directing the sequel!!


This is really cool. This movie was one of my favorites as a kid.


When I was a kid (I'm 35), I used to play Flight of the Navigator on repeat in my play room over and over and over. This vid you've produced feels almost therapy, revisiting my childhood. Thank you so much for making this amazing work!!! Super impressive research too. BRAVO.


Well, the only thing i can say about this is a plain old.... WOW!!!!


Incredible work about incredible work! 40 minutes felt like 4.

Daniel Kohl

wow, nice! Allen should totally do it!


Holy crap. This is a wonderful video. So much love for all the great stuff in the movie - That floating push scene and the morphing scenes blew my mind as a kid. And I like the way you did the commercial break "set-up & pause" moments. Cute touch.


See? This is why I give you my money.


Woke up, received the email about this video, and instantly postponed a zoom meeting just to watch it. I had a feeling this video may be FLIGHT OF THE NAVAGATOR. I've always enjoyed the little nods to this film in CD videos over the years, I'm happy someone else loves this movie as much as I do! Amazing work! If you get to direct the "reboot," please consider me your unpaid intern!


Excellent work! This documentary is a marvelous work of art, passion, and expertise. Thank you!


Thank you for all your hard work!


Well now I REALLY want to rewatch Flight of the Navigator. The first time I watched it was when I was a kid and it was super late at night so I wasn't totally sure that it wasn't all a fever dream. Fantastic video, at some point I legitimately didn't think I was more than halfway through, then when I looked at the time I realized I only had 5 minutes left.


Wow, stunning work. This blew my nips clean off, I will be billing you for a pair of replacements!


That was seriously impressive and entertaining. Wow. An absolutely monumental effort. And I'd never heard of the movie before! I am a bit concerned about how well the title and thumbnail will track with the vast majority of onlookers who know nothing about Flight of the Navigator. It looks...I dunno, generic. Which would be a shame for people to miss out on something so brilliant.

Howie Day

Oh, god. I've loved this movie since forever. Even tried to do some of my own what if fan art a while back, before stupid life stuff got in the way. I always thought about what the sequel could be, but I definitely like your intern's idea better than any I had. Fantastic work, sir - the depth of your effort is amazing, as is the obvious love of the subject. Any chance of getting the "CD-approved" versions of the cgi model for some of the rest of us? :P


Oh heck yeah!!!! One of my all-time favorite childhood movies!!! Love yah CD!!


Fantastic work, Captain! You could have sold this one to Netflix. 😁


I watched the movie in anticipation of watching your video. The story was cutsie enough, but I thought I could tell how much effort went into ship shots. Turns out I had no idea!


This was genuinely amazing. Fantastic job on all of this, you put so much hard work into it and it totally paid off. The ending seemed like it was setting up the differences between the Captain and Alan and if this is hinting at a split coming in the future I'm torn, because I'd love for Alan to get work outside of being the Captain's intern, but I also don't want the Captain to stop making videos.


Take my rubles!! I love it, your best work yet


Wow, what a blast from the past! Thank you!


Kinda modivates me to boost my blender abilities knowing they had to use SUPER COMPUTERS to render basic CG

Tony Hammitt

Wow. Just blown away by the details and how much you obviously LOVE the movie. Keep up the great, stupendous, awesome work!


This was great! I would love to see a VFXCool series on TV! However, I may be blasphemous here, but I really hate "asshole diva CD" - your stuff is too good to keep denigrating yourself like that, even if it is tongue-in-cheek....


One of my favourite childhood movies and now one of my favourite docos!


This was awesome!


VFXcool is my favorite thing funded from patreon.


So good! Labyrinth and Dark Crystal next!


This is the most impressive job application I've ever seen


Excellent video! So interesting and impressive the amount of work required. My jaw dropped at the part where they could only physically store 2 frames at a time and so had to put them straight to film. What a crazy time that would have been to be in the industry.


Woah my mind. Congratulations Alan, really well done. Proud to be a supporter.


If they don't make you an offer, they're the ones missing out. This is by far the most compelling job application I've ever seen. I've never seen the movie, but I probably should. Soon.


Amazing work once again! That Alan's gonna go places, you'll see!


Having watched this, I can't help but make parallels to Tom Scott's "The Greatest Title Sequence I've Ever Seen". It's like... these pieces of media at the nucleus of what makes you, you. I'd like to call it formative, but it feels lackluster in saying how much Flight of the Navigator seems to have affected you. Captain Disillusion might the debunking VFX skeptic extraordinaire, but man, this Alan character, loves the effort spent to generate technical effects to their core. Truly great work.


The video doesn't load for me, it asks me for a password then nothing happens :/


Totally in agreement about the effect of this movie on my life; Every time I am hooked up to some sort of strip recorder I try to make it draw pictures.


I applaud your dedication to your passions. Wish more people had this kind of gumption.


This is sooo fantastic!!! Thanks Captain for this production!! Will rewatch it many many times!


Damn you Captain I should be studying right now not watching a 40 minute on Flight of the Navigator.


5 minutes in I was like "Wait, the entire video is just about the ship?" After it was done, I was like, "Ok, that makes sense."


A+ work! Absolutely A+!


Whatever you're paying Alan, it's not enough!


I had the same problem. It works after deactivating the Privacy Badger extention.


I loved flight of the navigator as a kid, as a teenager and now as an adult. it still holds up including in visual effects.


This is the pinnacle of CD. Amazing work.


Just finished watching the video. It would be cool to see a follow up and I'd have faith in the director you pitched. :D


This is amazing and they should totally give you the film.


What an incredible documentary of a milestone film in VFX. Please keep up the amazing work!


This was incredibly good. Fun, informative, nostalgic, exciting... Thank you so much for this amazing creation.


VFXcool: Flight of the Navigator was made with so much love and detail, it made me become a Patreon supporter. Easily one of your best work, but I'm sure it wasn't easy. I'd love to see more like this.


You have outdone yourself with this one Alan. Just outstanding. One watch is not nearly enough, gotta give it several re-watches.


You know, whenever I see those prop auctions happen for movies I love, I always hope whoever wins is someone that would really treasure those props. It’s really awesome to see the best possible result of that. Amazing video, well done!


Very nice work for a movie I like a lot (right age at the right time indeed) ! You got a new Patreon. :-)