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So, there's been no Godzilla attack. And I'm essentially done with the video in that it's finalized visually (barring a few last-minute tweaks I always have to make).

There's just a matter of hundreds of sound effects and dozens of music tracks to lay onto everything, as usual. And since this is the longest episode I've ever made on the channel, I expect this might take slightly longer than the remaining 3 days.

So in lieu of a completed video, I'd like to treat you to the next best thing: watching me do the grunt work to complete it and laughing at my anguish.

Please join me on the live stream on Thursday: https://youtu.be/Kp-JdHO0jDE

We've done a sound design stream before. I basically share my Pro Tools interface and sample irritating noises for hours; it's great. I was thinking I won't display the playback window of the actual video so that it's not spoiled, but... I'll poll you during the stream and if we collectively decide that we don't care about spoilers, I might show stuff...

Let's see what happens!

As always, if you aren't able to join live, the DVR'd playback will be available at the same link afterwards.

Last thing I'll say is... now that I'm finally getting to see what the heck I've been working on all these months in its assembled form, I'm actually getting excited. I'm almost... somewhat... sort of... proud of it?



Edit Bay Lite: Non-Stop Sound Design!

Alan makes a final push on finishing the longest Captain Disillusion video ever.



Hey Cap! Is it possible to add the Key presses some where in the bottom, for everyone who doesn't know how to use the software ? it would be huge help