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My fellow inhabitants of Quarantine Planet 12,

I hope you are all doing okay, staying safe and sane. As you know, I've been practicing self-isolation preemptively, locked away, working on the video. I'm happy to report that the video is now in the sound design stage! That means it's only days away from being finished and posted for you, at long last! 


Like, 2 days maybe. Don't quote me on that.

I want to thank you again for your patience. I know you're probably in need of amusement now more than ever and I hope I can provide a little bit of it because... well, that's pretty much my only marketable skill.

Speaking of which, if any of you, for any reason need to suspend your pledge during this difficult time, I completely understand. Please take care of yourself first. I'll still be here.

I'm thinking I'll make my next couple of posts open to the public, so that if you are hopping off, you won't miss out too much. Besides, lots of other less fortunate people out there could use a distraction at the moment...

My immediate plans are to do a livestream after the video is out, a sort of viewing/commentary session. A few behind-the-scenes things after that. And of course I'll quickly get on with the next vid (which shall not take as long, by golly!)

Hopefully we'll see the world slowly start to morph back to normal in the coming months. That'll be nice, right?...

Wash Your Extremities,




omg i was just wondering last night if this poor video was ever gonna come out lol


Thanks for the update, can't wait! Hope you and your family are doing well.


YAY! Thanks for the update! Good to hear from you! Looking forward to the vid, but most of all take care of yourself and yours!


Was beginning to go a little bit of cabin fever! New cap material is most welcome!


Alan, as long as I still have my job (and I do) you're on my Patreon list. Don't sweat it. Just stay well.


Thanks for the update! Don't forget that your health is also more important than videos, so take care of yourself.


You da man, man!



Erin Flanagan

take care of yourself! wishing you and yours well, excited for the video!


YES! A new video is on it's way! [checks date] ....Oh.


Thanks Captain!


so that was april fools joke. i still had hopes :(