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Hello, friends!

I'm doing something rarely dared: sharing the video of my TEDx Talk exclusively with you, long before it'll be released to the general public. You're literally the only people able to see it, other than the event organizers who produced it.

This is not a final edit, so please excuse the strange look (there is timecode and a weird picture-in-picture of auxiliary shots at the bottom of the screen). But I worked really hard on this 18-minute presentation and I hope you like it!

Why am I committing such a scandalous act?*

Well, because the main debunk video, the episode we've all been waiting for since 2 livestreams ago, has pushed past all limits of my stamina. Earlier this month, I told you that I'd release not only it, but a whole OTHER video before March...

Oh, how naive I was.

Despite putting in long hours every day, I just couldn't get through all the technical VFX challenges in time for the trip I have to now take, for this last week of the month. I'll return on March 2nd, and immediately resume the push to complete this accursed episode once and for all.

"Quality over quantity" is nice, but not when it keeps me from delivering stuff to you for such unreasonable stretches of time. I've learned a lot from this experience and I promise I won't get myself into this kind of situation in the future.

But for now... please enjoy my attempt at an Idea Worth Spreading™ at the link above!

*Not really scandalous. I have permission to share the talk with you exclusively. That said, please don't share or repost the video. It will be published eventually, on the official TED Talks YouTube channel!


TEDx Riga 2019 Alan M - Patreon Edit.mp4

This is "TEDx Riga 2019 Alan M - Patreon Edit.mp4" by Captain Disillusion on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



It's been said time and time again, but I just want to make sure you hear it another time. I'm honestly not even close to being bothered by how long this video has taken. It would be worth waiting a year for me. That's why I'm supporting you. So that you can rest a little bit, knowing that you will have income even if the video takes longer than expected. Keep up the good work, Captain!


Love the talk captain and please don't push yourself too hard. You make amazing stuff and we are more than happy to wait!!


Haha, I thought your announcement about more than one video was being ambitious. Don't worry and take some time off to relax.


You’re the best


Great talk!

Cassandra Gelvin

Take care of yourself! Please don't burn yourself out trying to get everything done on a deadline.


LOL: "But this is not a full on TED Talk, this is TEDx, so let's not get carried away"


Great presentation! Also, take the time you need! We're here supporting you because we want to give you that time to create great videos. Don't hide your superpowers!


This is the most underrated page on Patreon

David Whitney

Does this mean there's going to be a Jenny Nicholson/Captain D crossover? One can only hope...


Way to go Alan!!!! Being such a driven person is so hard, but I’m proud of you for knowing and enforcing your limits!


What a great talk! Had a lot of fun watching. This came at the perfect time as I'm in the early stages of a youtube channel with a friend, and I feel that your talk applies perfectly us. Thank you for this. I'm totally okay with waiting as long as it takes fro your next video to come out. I appreciate the work you put in to your channel.

Mister Author

Awesome talk! I'm curious what presentation software you use. I'm assuming it's a blend of pre-rendered motion graphics video and a simple slideshow program like Keynote or Powerpoint, but I've always struggled with embedded video in my slideshows playing smoothly like yours do. And for the record, I don't think your normal speaking voice is 'croaky', I think it's just fine. :D


You’re brilliant and that talk was pitch perfect, well done. Please don’t lose sleep over any production delays, cut yourself some slack and remember you have a loyal fanbase who, while thoroughly enjoying your art, respect you as a person and value your long term health and well-being more than perfectly-formed uploads every 8 weeks ❤️

Erin Flanagan

Fantastic talk, great production values as usual and you made a topic that has the scope to be very bewildering, fun, smart & accessible. Excited for the new video, but at the same time, take all the time you need, it's the quality of your work that we enjoy and are here for, not some rigid upload schedule.


I don't think a single one of your patrons has ever complained when you don't have a video complete and polished every 30 days. We appreciate them when they appear. Not to disparage your work ethic, but don't beat yourself up, either. By the way, ElectroBOOM namedrops and flatters you here: https://youtu.be/8uH74L6YtGU He also emulates you. It's pretty cool.


That was fun and engaging! The visuals complimented the script really well! On a tangent, I was pleasantly surprised to hear your name called out on another YouTube channel. The special effects channel "Corridor Crew" made a request for guests, and they had to say specifically that they are already trying to get Captain Disillusion! Hopefully schedules can align to make this happen!


Hurray! What a great talk. Nice work!


This was such a great talk, it's made me so excited to see what great things you have in store for us!! Your work is always a delight

Jonathan Murray

Sorry Because of it's privacy settings, this video cannot be played here. Yay? Apparently doesn't like the Brave browser... gotta have that tracking!

Jan van den Hemel

Great talk, and I love the accompanying motion graphics.


Dude! So simple. So good. In fact, arguably essential. Thanks for that.


Dear Captain Disillusion, I'm paying you $3 per month (plus or minus, I'm not sure where or how much Patreon get their money from that). Please don't make me regret that by working yourself to death, mkay?

Edan Maor

Another great talk! As much as I love your video content, I think the few talks that you've done have been even more outstanding. Keep up the good work, and to echo everyone else - take your time and don't burn out :)


Yeah, your talks are great because, as with everything you do, they're so finely crafted. Though I can't believe you resisted the urge to dunk on some lame and undeservedly famous YouTubers.


Hi Alan! Thanks for the great talk! But take it easy, your health has top priority. I feel that it is not you who should feel obligated to deliver anything, but instead it is me, who only started to support you recently, who should feel obligated to support you for all the wonderful entertainment you've generated over the years!

rolf redford

Will it be captioned when it is released? or in least auto-captioned on youtube?


We are all paying for content, but we aren't paying a lot, so take care of yourself, and relax on your vacay. One thing I would ask though, please try to provide more updates here. It's been awhile since your last solo vid, and I was kind of starting to wonder if everything was ok. Last thing I heard from you (and maybe I missed something) was that you would be hiring people to do some work, and then, nothing. I know you work super hard on your videos, and we all appreciate that. Just speaking for myself, an occasional, maybe even weekly, three sentence post here that says, "Hey everyone, I am still plugging away at this video. It is taking a little longer than I'd like, but it is coming. No one is dead and I have not retired," would probably help you feel less guilty and would allow us to feel like we have an inside track on what is coming. Thanks Cap, and I hope you see this as a friendly suggestion and not criticism.


I'm kinda sad because neither of the 2 browsers I have can manage to play this video. Firefox just makes me watch a white rectangle as soon as I click on it, while Chromium manages to show the Vimeo player, but gives me an instant "player error" message. I guess I'll have to wait.