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Hello, friends!

Patreon has made it so the first 140 characters of any post are publicly visible so I'm just gonna run out the limit with this text aaaand... there. 

Ok, now that we're alone, I just wanted to let you know the next video is still in post-production. I'm so sorry that it's taking an eternity. As discussed in the last stream, since I filmed in Dec, I've been spending full-time shifts every single day working on the VFX, even recruiting help on a few shots.

I look forward to being done and publishing this episode more than anyone and I thank you for your continued patience.

Also wanted to mention that I'll still make a Feb video right after this! I'll just have to use all of my mental power to force myself to keep it... SIMPLE.

The pic above from one of the completed shots perfectly illustrates how I feel about the current project. Sometimes a thing you thought would be fairly easy explodes in your face, but you just have to calmly pull all the shards out and keep going.

Talk soon!




Keep on it cap, we’re behind you!


It’s ok captain!! Take your time! If it takes a year to make one really good video we will wait. Don’t work too hard!!!


No worries, Cap. You 'taking your time' with your videos is likely why all of us are here. :)




Sending love from the UK. It’ll be worth the wait.


No worries, I just keep watching your old videos 👍🏼


I have not seen anybody who puts more work into each single video than you. Who cares if it takes a little longer or if you miss a video once in a while. Just don't burn yourself out!

Alfie Wild

I would happily take an episode of a blank screen, just giving exposition on Captain D's back story / lore.


"140 characters of any post are publicly visible"! How could they?! Good thing none of the details slipped out to the unwashed masses! Anyhow, take your time. Don't sweat it. We're all behind you!


FYI This whole post is visible for me when not logged in


Thanks for the update, and no worries, creativity takes time!


Interesting, I don't even see the first 140 characters when not logged in. 🤷🏽‍♂️


The insane amount of detail in your videos make them worth the while. That said, perfection is the enemy of progress. I have to remind myself all the time.


Don't worry dude :D we're all with you on this. Please don't die!


bonne courage, Capitaine!!


Captain, I'm not here for some kind of monthly tribute payment. When you're satisfied with the next video, release it.

Steve Bonds

We enjoy your high quality. Keep up the good work.


HQ content is way better than rushed content. You don't have to make a video every month)


You know guys I just saw Captain in a Whole Foods in Miami. Didn’t say hi because I couldn’t be sure it was him from across the salad bar. It was definitely him. Will regret this for quite some time lol. In regards to the upload Cap, take your time, and I will keep my fingers crossed for another insane coincidence like this one and maybe next time I’ll grow a pair and say hi. Do more stuff ppl, life is short, and you’ll regret more the things you didn’t do🙌 Especially when it’s not having said hello to Captain Dissolution haha


There's HQ content and there's insanely complicated HQ content. I'm fine with HQ content. Keep it simple, produce more content. I was wondering if you had died in a fire in Australia or got infected with the coronavirus! Don't scare us like that!

Andrea Menzies

Great information and thanks for the Discord add to friends.


You're amazing at what you do. That said: less flash, more content?


I'm also doing YouTube videos and I know how hard it is to make the video good how you want. I am never satisfied with the quality and sometimes I have to record everything from scratch. Which is kinda hard with kids and full-time job... 😅 Every video must be better in some way. And because I do version in Czech and English, it's taking really long. 😔 Your videos are amazing! I have watched all of yours videos and I love them! I saw how you improved literally everything since the very beginning! If you need more time to do the video exactly how you want. Ok. We are here. We are here to support you and we are looking forward to seeing your hard work. ☺️👍