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For the upcoming video I wanted an alternate location where I can physically demonstrate some stuff. I figured it could be set up around the kitchen entrance of our new "soundstage" and started improvising with insulation sheets and gaffer's tape.

Strips of mounting tape + sandbags and other weights were enough to keep the facade standing because the material is very light.

Yet it's strong enough to hold decorations, as long as you use secure drywall mounting screws:

NOW it looked like a proper cheesy YouTuber's backdrop. But the entrance still had to be covered. The laziest solution? A curtain.

I could've stuck a shower tension rod in the opening, but to retain some of the depth I offset the curtain with a couple of end jaw clamps and used C-stand arms as a rod.

The semi-sheer curtain got backlit with white Christmas lights, which I knew would appear as a nice blue on camera.

As a last-minute detail to break up the boringness of a plain curtain, I used a scrap piece of insulation for a decorative crossbar.

That's about the time I realized I will essentially be trying to light and film a giant concave mirror. But that's okay, I enjoy lighting challenges. After a bit of work, the set was lit and ready for filming.

You may be able to tell what demonstration this scene involves :) If not, you'll see in a couple of weeks. We did a long shoot day and no part of the set collapsed on anyone's head! That's good enough for me.

The next morning's aftermath:




Very nice work. It will look great in-camera.


Celotex is the future.


Oh man this is utterly fantastic. This kind of out-of-the-box thinking is what makes your channel so great. The early sets of Star Trek would be proud. Can't wait to see this episode!


Love reading these behind the scenes. Captain D is inspiringly creative and I only wish I had a gram of his resourcefulness and wit. ❤️