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Guys, I was so keen to start the year off right and not be late with the new video. I wrote it quickly and we filmed it early enough in the month. But then I filled it with a bunch of effects I haven't tried before and THEN Destin from Smarter Every Day happened to come out with a video about the same topic (laminar flow). It's doing very well. Passed a million views in a couple days...


Just kidding. It's ok, these things happen and hopefully my take will feel sufficiently different. It's actually hilarious: not only was I unknowingly working on a similar thing as Destin, but I even happen to have a funny quip ABOUT him in the voiceover. There's no way anyone will believe it's a coincidence. We had a laugh about it on the phone. He also offered me some tips on things he didn't have a chance to include in his video.

Anyway, the VFX and new adjustments will take about another week. HOPEFULLY not more. I really want to finish as fast as possible. Without exaggeration: I've been working exclusively on this every day, through weekends, from 10AM 'till about 1-2 AM (with only lunch & dinner breaks).

The video is coming out great though and I can't wait to share it!




Can’t wait captain D


Don't stress. We love you anyway.


I'm sure yours will be cooler!


Yep, yours will be amazing, I'm sure!!! Relax and take your time.


Woah, that doesn't sound healthy to be working that intensely. Please don't push yourself and get enough sleep! I'm sure you get a lot of enjoyment out of this, which would help with working for such long hours, but please, please take care of yourself too


I need the D!


likely so. Still, Destin's was very entertaining. He & Cap D are probably my two favorite youtubers

Caetano Veyssieres

Of course you came up with a similar subject. I mean come on, Laminar flow? Be it the title of the famous elusive and mysterious unreleased early Fluid Sim album you can bet we all saw it comin'




FWIW I'd much rather videos take longer because you're taking care of yourself and that you not burn out, than that videos come out faster and then you burn out because of working too hard and then you don't make any videos ever again. :-)


Take your time.


take your time man, i know your videos are amazing. The only reason i am a patron to you is that i've never seen such a good and dedicated youtuber. You're content is too good, it doesnt belong on this platform. You're basically the David Firth of Debunking


Well, having watched Destin's video, I can safely say that I'm even more excited for your video than if I hadn't watched his video. Laminar flow is awesome! Looking forward to seeing your take on it!


It’s cool. And as someone else mentioned David Firth perhaps it’s a good time to mention that Salad Fingers 11 was released last night. Watching that should tide anyone over for another week 😂


Dude, we don't care about having exactly one video per month, you need to take some time for yourself and your loved ones. We want to enjoy your content in the long run. With a working pace like this, you'll burnout eventually. If you feel too much pressure from the patreons, maybe consider switching to us paying 'per video' instead of 'per month'?


last sentence probably a lie


Take care of yourself. And publish. In that order. We'll love it.


Thanks for the update. Please take care!


There was a video once, made by I think Dirk from Veriblastium, Destin from SmarterEveryDay, Tom Scott or Michael from VSauce. They explained the phenomenon of how common it actually is and why for YouTubers to work on a video on the same topic, it had to do with how ideas spread in our collective minds. I cannot find this video right now unfortunately, has someone seen it too? I'd love to see it again! :D


No worries, sir! Take your time and do good stuff!


No stress Captain! The reason your videos are so loved is exactly because you take your time with them and go the extra mile with all the special effects and stuff! I can't speak for everyone, but I'm happy to wait any amount of time if it means getting a classic Captain D video. Hope you're not overworking yourself! Take care.


It'll be worth it whenever it gets here. Thanks for keeping us in the loop, but don't worry about it to much. Can't wait to see it whenever it's ready!


Can't wait for the video! Take all the time you need to make it perfect!


hi Captian, seems that you are worried that your patreons aren't satisfied... as a patreon myself, I demant an update on you your work-life-balance, do some Sport CD... THIS IS A ORDER!!! ;-) ... PS. I would like to know if there will be still videos with Mr Flair in the future? After the hole thing about ... smashing and reincanating I'm a bit worried about him...you know.


As someone who's been through burnout I hope you're able to scale back your pace to a sustainable one.