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Happy New Year, everyone!

I did something a bit unusual for December and I hope you'll roll with it. It's a collab of sorts with old friends of mine who make Zomblogalypse, a British comedy/horror web series. It's very low-budget and very funny.

They're finishing post-production on an indie feature film based on the series and it opens with a faux episode of Captain Disillusion, which sets the mood. I wanted to help them in some way for a long time, so this was a perfect opportunity.

I shot and edited this scene as if I was making a regular video, but it's based on a script written by them. It was nearly as challenging as a real episode, but I enjoyed the process. It's nice sometimes not to worry about research and intricate explanations and just do a weird dark comedy short.

Hope my super influential A-list YouTuber cameo helps the film, or inversely, if the film becomes some sort of runaway Blair Witch style hit, I hope being in the movie helps ME.

For now, please enjoy the weirdness.


Captain Disillusion Zomblogalypse Intro



I enjoyed the weirdness.


I know zombies were real! That's why I love eating brains so much

Timmo Warner

I look forward to seeing this as it appears in the movie!


I like the new edgy Captain.


I like the video but it could have done without the MAGA and NRA comments. :/


It's nice, but the political virtue signaling made me cringe. Absolutely not needed in this short video.


This is fantastic!


Loved it


That is SO COOL. (ok but then who posted the video? oh right mr flare)


Minor gripe on an awesome video, no need to bring the NRA into it.

Taylor Hensley

Great video. Keep being awesome.

Cassandra Gelvin

My problem with the politics is that it really doesn't fit the usual Captain Disillusion style. The rest was pretty similar, but the political stuff just felt out of place, and was the biggest sign that the script was written by someone else.


Great video as always. However it feels a bit odd that Captain Disillusion lends himself for just what he always debunks. Telling a fantastic story which from the video itself is not clearly distinguished from reality. But as unlisted video and part of a zombie webseries I guess it's ok.

Jim Battle

Invoking "virtue signaling" is a lazy way of dismissing counter opinions. It is as if you don't believe they really hold the positions they support and instead claim they really are only interested in looking good. So let's flip it. You don't really care about the 2nd amendment, you are just virtual signaling. You don't love your mother; you are just virtue signaling. To go meta on you, I really believe the phrase "virtue signaling" is a shibboleth to mark yourself as a member of your tribe.


It wasn't his idea to bring the NRA into it. The script was written for him by Zomblogalypse.


Nice little video. The "political virtue signalling" as mentioned by someone above doesn't bother me. We Brits are well versed in political satire and commentary, we love it, even when it attacks our OWN political viewpoint! If you can't handle that then it probably says more about the fragility of your own beliefs than you realise. On topic though... What's the bet that the visual effects in this 3 minute CD episode are going to far surpass anything in the actual series? 😂😭


Tosh. CD makes political commentary all the time, it's just usually a lot more subtle.


Also... I guess the saying is true, no matter the colour of our skin, we're all still pink on the inside.


That was great!

John Edwards

Remember, kids--being offended isn't a viewpoint. Go back to your "SJW Libtards OWNED" youtube playlist safe space.


If zombie-Cap were outside my house, breaking down the virtues of zombification while his debunking theme played in the background, I would totally be like "oh, hell yeah, sounds great, could you just eat my arm so that my legs stay in peak shambling-condition?"


this was a nice faux scene. makes me want to watch the movie! I'm not a huge fan of zombies, but zombie + comedy + CD + british? please and thank you! You should do a video debunking the faux video after the movie releases, too. that would be cool. especially if you claim it wasn't the real captain disillusion. (do we have fakers in the mist?)


Spooky :O


This was cool. Those complaining about the political comments obviously haven't been paying much attention in previous captian D videos

Darth Biomech

Strange, you are claim to be a robot, yet your innards were bloody and soft when they pulled your head off. I smell foul play. (But great video nonetheless)


Who knew a channel about being disillusioned wouldn’t be a safe space? Anyway, cool idea promoting this zombie web series by giving it the CaptainD treatment. I’ll be checking it out👌


Jeez, c! That’s a bit... um...