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Living a jet-setter lifestyle lately. Having just come back from Amsterdam, I'm headed off to and even more glamorous place: Huntsville, Alabama for ThinkerCon, a meet-up of educational YouTubers that Destin from SmarterEveryDay was kind enough to invite me to.

I'm still not convinced I'm an educational YouTuber, but fine.

I will attempt to capture some footage for the next video while there, but I'm not sure if I'll succeed. (More likely, I'll return home and scramble to create a completely different video from scratch in a week and a half. That seems to be the theme this year.)

I'm not speaking at this event. My only mission is to try and have direct human interaction with some of the other cool creators that are attending.

So, whom should I seek out for potential lifelong-best-friendship and/or collaboration? Check out the creator at the link and let me know!

Also, I'm accepting any and all advice on how to talk to people.





I think you should wear a red shirt and follow Tom Scott around all day imitating him. (oh god don't do this) Man, that list of attendees is insane. Like...there's so many cool people going to that I don't even know where to start.

Dan Kuehling

I’d love to see a CD / Tom Scott collaboration some day. (maybe CD would be called to account for that Tom Scott impression in the green screen video?)

Cassandra Gelvin

You are absolutely an educational YouTuber. With 3283 people paying you actual money for your videos, you're definitely a YouTuber. As for educational, your entire premise is debunking things. What that means is, you tell people they're wrong. And then, you tell people *why* they're wrong. It's the "why" that makes it educational.


I think you'll have a blast, and you no doubt deserve the Educational YouTube label.

Michael Aichlmayr

Yes please. (Footage). We're living vicariously through you. 😁


The best way to talk to strangers at events like this is to ask them a question about themselves. You then need to pretend they're the most interesting and intriguing person you've ever met while you listen to their answer. Ask a follow-up question, and you're off and running!


So many people! ...I made a list... They're all good channels, some that might not work as a collaboration, but maybe you learn something from them or them from you? MEHDI SADAGHDAR - ElectroBOOM PATRICK LACEY - Tier Zoo MATT PARKER - Stand-up Maths TOM SCOTT - Tom Scott SIMONE GIERTZ - Simone Giertz MARTIN MOLIN - Wintergatan


Get Destin to design your new flying saucer. While HENRY REICH, BRIAN MCMANUS and DEREK MULLER would argue if that is achievable (and kill each other in a spectacular way during that heavy argument) - SIMONE GIERTZ and MEHDI SADAGHDAR will just build that up in the meantime. Both will die in process, by the way. Also - MATT PARKER will help you calculate new route to Andromeda via Times Square using his amazing calculator collection. Oh - and Matt will disappear while proving his calculations were correct. Everything will be filed & documented by Brady and narrated by Brady and Grey. Short cameos from Professor from Periodic Table and you being dubbed by Tom Scott during the entire episode would be also a nice touch.


You are absolutely educational, and very definitely a YouTuber. So yeah, I figure you count. Have an amazing time! <3


CGP Grey! Tom Scott! Veritasium! Simone Giertz! So many good educational Youtubers (Also, Simone Giertz is probably more in your vein than educational, so go for friendship), but judging by your video that has you being all of them suggests that you know all about it. So ... have fun, I guess?


3293. I think it's increasing fast enough that it's safer to say "over 3000" =D


How to talk to people? It's simple. Use a language.


Just get Alan to do the talking for you. ;)


My advice: don't be in character. You are there as a peer, not to put on a show. Be yourself. You're there because you _deserve_ to be there. Don't hide behind the mask of Capt. D or the nebbish Alan. Just be you. If you use the masks to deal with people, you'll always use them. I developed a "character" to hide a deep pain, and that was all people saw, and now that's what they expect me to be. Don't make that mistake. Also, ask them about something that they may not expect. It shows that you acknowledge that they are more than their "character" and the content of their channel.


I know I'm late to the parade here... but I think you should try and connect with "Everyday Astronaut". He's amazing and you are amazing and I think you could have amazing video babies together! With his love of rocketry, space and science combined with your showmanship, humour and technical wizardry... There is definitely some potential there!


Another potential weird and wonderful collaboration would be with "Kurzgesagt" I don't know exactly how that would work because they do animations and you are live action but I suppose you could start out human and get turned into a character in their unique animation style.... I think it would be perfect because they are very balanced measured and scientific about their reasoning in their videos. I bet it would be a blast to work with them!