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Well, once again I took a long time to make a short thing, but I gave it my best. Somehow I always think Mr. Flare episodes are easy because I don't have to film anything. I forget that what would normally be filmed is replaced by animation... That's harder! What's wrong with me?

Anyway, hope you enjoy the video. I'll catch up on posting some bonus content next!


Mr. Flare Explains: The Virgin Mary

While Captain Disillusion recovered from world travels, Mr. Flare took it upon himself to thoroughly deconstruct a video on his own. ---- Please consider supporting the show on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion Read CD's constant complaints on: https://twitter.com/CDisillusion Join for occasional live Q&A on Discord: https://discord.gg/zdwPgNc ---- Featured in this video: https://www.youtube.com/juanitochiguesque/ https://www.youtube.com/GarrettDavidGinner/



I bed he debunks that she was a virgin


Hahahahhaha so cool as always

Timmo Warner

Glad to see Mr. Flare back!


That was excellent. I'm not surprised.


How long before someone cuts out and posts the Buddha video? How long after that before CD is asked to debunk it?


she did looked a bit tanned


do trump or godzilla


This was awesome, I love Mr. Flare abusing the computer. I'm really impressed with your version with the Buddha, is that available as it's own video? Or a side by side with the original would be cool as well.


Great video D!


I'd be down if Mr. Flare became the moon, let's be honest. Way to use that Blender Motion tracker!


I'll be honest. While I had consciously missed Mr Flare not being around recent videos.... I hadn't noticed the change in lamp. For shame.




I still think /r/whatisthisthing could help identify the make and model of the lamp and help locate a (physical) replacement...

Dan Kuehling

So will Mister Flare make a proper appearance with CD in a future episode? I have missed their banter.


Thanks. I kinda just did the foreground roto on the exact part I showed, to save time and finish the episode. I’d have to sit down and complete the rest of the shot, but perhaps I’ll find the time. Would be fun to post.


I thought about hunting it down. There’s also the option of properly restoring the original lamp. But I figured I’d use the opportunity to upgrade the character in a more interesting way :)


Great video as always, Captain D. I have to ask, what came first: the idea of Mr. Flare's soul flying up into the moon, or the very thematically related music from the Tale of the Princess Kaguya? I thought it worked great regardless and is an awesome easter egg for the (probably very few) people who get the reference.


Thanks. After early on deciding to use the Buddha statue (it was a free model that effectively covered the bin), I thought of putting the Princess Kaguya music cue over the finished shot of the floating statue because it reminded me of the procession of celestial beings in the movie. That led to the idea of doing the Mr. Flare farewell and using the moon imagery. I’d been looking for a way to highlight the replacement of the lamp, so this seemed right. Plus, ending with a “death” felt nicely symmetrical to the start of the video mentioning “conception” :)


Everything is impeccable and the writing is tight and the whole experience fantastic! Once again Im so glad to support this project. Now I can point out that water splashing around things that are not there is usually a big giveaway. Just doesnt work well. It looks weird around the base of the Buddha and if Avitar 2 is ever made it will look weird in Pandora as well.

Leo Melanson

Well that ending was... unexpected. But seriously, how did people not see that it's a flat image?


Nice one Captain D, great as always :-).


People will believe anything these days! Great video!


So, ahh.. Mr Flare just fertilized the moon... so... there's that. I'll be watching for the lunar cell division! And the... moon baby? Lunar insemination aside... Excellent video Cap! Buddha looked so serene and detached floating gently by. As if the earthly desire to not be carried away in a flood was the root of all suffering.


Duuuuuude you are incredible!!

Richard Neilsen

LEDs don't cause lens flare? What's the deal with that??


So awesome.