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You may have received too many email notifications today or you may be wondering where the new video is. Or you may be wondering BOTH of those things.

Well, here I am, explaining all about it in video form. Over to you, me!


May 2018 Patreon Update



Email notifications are perfectly ok, don’t mind them at all. Do what needs to be done :) Take your time, we are so happy with the quality of your work and respect you as a creator. Thanks again for the update


No problem CaptainD. We love you :-)


No worries Captain! Excited to see what you have in store!


It's hard to miss deadlines but don't burn yourself out. Take the time to make the content you want however long it takes.


That was a machine gun of spam! But I’m super casual about the video schudule to the point I didn’t even know there was a schedule. Just keep them coming whenever :)


I didn't get spammed at all. I feel left out!


No worries, i will gladly wait extra time for better content, plus you are only human, we all have times where we struggle, just remember to do what you do because you like it, don’t be too hard on yourself, because it will show up in your final results, if you stop enjoying what you do. Best of luck and wishes from me :)


As a full time Youtuber who has produced on average almost 3 videos a week for 9 years now, I can certainly understand the time pressure. I used to have regular weekly videos "Mailbag Monday", "Teardown Tuesday", and "Fundamental Friday" and had to release a video on those days and felt guilty if I didn't make it on time or skipped one. I eventually gave that up as I was missing too many and it was too much pressure to maintain that regular release. Now I just release videos whenever I have them ready. It's much less stressful and the viewers understand. So add me to the "don't sweat it!" camp. Dave.


You are an artist. Take as much time as you need. Also I love getting notifications from you 😀

Jim Battle

Captain D, don't forget to take care of yourself. I can't imagine the amount of time you put into each video, and it worries me that you are going to burn yourself out trying to deliver the usual quality every month.


Don’t stress about video deadlines. Take care of yourself and remember to rest and chill and enjoy yourself ok. Your work is excellent and the reason I support you isn’t entirely selfish, I want you to live and take time off when necessary too!!


Hey Cap, you're making this a bigger deal than it is. Better the quality than quantity. It's all good, we're still fans.


A zipped package of the content sent to folks at the level you intend could be a way to circumvent Patreon's limitations.


"It's longer than usual, it's more complicated than usual" That seems like a recurring theme. I don't mind, it's nice to get a lot of good info from you when it's completed. Maybe you can play around with the video lengths some more and see where it takes you. Try a 30 minute video that's a deep dive. Make lots of smaller videos in a month. Play with it and see what you like, what we like, and what's sustainable.


Aw, no problem, get caught up, and get us the good stuff when you can!


Thanks for the update. I'm a new supporter and was a bit confused at all the emails, but it's no big deal. I enjoyed seeing the behind the scenes stuff. You asked for ideas, and I'd say if there's a ton more then yeah maybe hold off on changing the pledge levels for those posts. I'm not sure it makes sense if that's the only way to release old posts to everyone.


Your videos are always 100% qualty I think I can speak for most of us here - they are worth the wait. Thank you for the update.. the notifications were more amusing than anything - if you lets us know beforehand I'm sure it would be ok to do again


Keep rocking captain!


No worries man, good stuff takes time! Staying disciplined without outside pressure has always been hard for me personally, so your ability to consistently pump out top tier videos is admirable. Most definitely worth the wait.

Michael Aichlmayr

No worries. Looking forward to quality video when it comes.

Cassandra Gelvin

Yeah, letting us know ahead of time before changing the pledge levels would work. Or just change 1 a day?


Not worry about it, try to take your time to make the good stuff for me!


No one else is commenting on that weird flicker in this video? The casual observer might think it is a cat's tail flicking over the lens, but I suspect it was because Cap D was losing control and returning to his lizard form...


Did the lamp get righted?


Thank you for all your hard work, Cap!

Douglas Wohl

keep it up cap! love all your stuff. top notch, funny, insightful and educational!


Don’t sweat it. You are not indebted to your supporters becuase they pledge less than a latte a month. Your supporters are indebted to YOU for your entertaining and enlightening hard work. P.S. Keep the beard and paint it silver. Less time in the make-up chair!


It's dead as hell, and there ain't a damn thing nobody can do about it.


Seriously though, you should take some time off at some point. I know as a supporter, I’d fully endorse the money I pledge for you to take a break at some point. Many of us don’t treat this as a platform where we pay for goods, but rather as a general way to support those we care about.


I agree with Jon, I don't pledge because I want you to be horrendously stressed about deadlines, I pledge because I really enjoy your content and want to support you in making more of it. If that means that videos don't always come out on schedule, or if that means that you need to skip a month here or there, that's completely okay with me.


No worries, I never expect a regular schedule for CaptainD videos, since I know they'll be high-quality when they do come out. If you feel like doing something extra for us, maybe an end-of-week status update containing behind-the-scenes photos from the past week (showing pre-prod. notes, studio filming, mid-editing snapshots, etc. - basically teasers of the upcoming video or videos), current challenges you're facing (you never know, there might even be someone in the Patreon crowd who might wanna help out), and other stuff that's either uplifting or keeping you down. We're your extra-super-duper fans, we only want what's best for you. 🤗


I would love to see your audio challenges behind the scenes for this video.


Captain, personally I’d be reassured if you actually did take a vacation once in a while. If instead of 1 video per month you decided to do 10 videos a year and spread their release as you see fit through tout the year, my pledge wouldn’t change. We don’t want you to burn out. You need holidays reliably, like a normal person.


Always a pleasure cap.


Captain, please do take a vacation at some point >_< even outer space beings need rest!


I’ve seen a lot of the video creators I back go through this same thing. I don’t think the monthly pay cycle on patreon obligates you to have a new video every month. I’m not balancing the books at the end of every month to see who’s meeting quota. I back creators on an ongoing basis so that they have the freedom to produce at their own pace, whatever it may be,


You all heard it! Alan is taking advice about his video making FROM ME!! *beams* :P


Actually- I got excited about the new content ;)


Seriously don't worry about it, you are doing a fantastic job!


When a delay like this happens, you should have to wear a name tag reading "Hi, my name is Guillaume". ;) ... But seriously ... The whole point of my (modest) patr(e)onage was/is to help you reach/maintain your "Crew & Studio" goal and thus to help you ease your production burden. A hiccup like the current delay only serves as a reminder of just how great that burden is, and how much you need our help. In fact, perhaps what you need is a new goal tier: Ask yourself how much it would cost to assemble a team and/or resources that can *guarantee* a regular production schedule that doesn't constantly wear you out and doesn't sacrifice the quality standard you've set. No doubt, CD-worthy assistants don't come cheap, so the amount will be huge; nevertheless, setting the goal also helps set expectations. In the meantime, perhaps you could/should acquire an intern ("disillusioneer"?) to manage peripheral stuff like taking, editing, and posting behind-the-scenes footage, or those "Lens" things, or whatever. This can keep your patr(e)ons swimming in bonus content while letting you focus; win-win! Just some thoughts. Anyway ... Keep up the good work, Guillau---er, um ... Captain!


Superhero 1 month annual leave. I think you can cash in previous years leaves or have them during holidays. Looking forward for June’s vid.


Whatever works for you man! I know you're not just going to bail on us or your video's or whatever so just do what's necessary for you to remain sane lol


I like this idea. Captain, just go to something like 10 videos a year or a video every 5-6 weeks or whatever. We don't care dude. Honestly, is anyone actually getting on to him for not having a video per month??


Captain, take a break! Everyone needs time for self-care. I'm adding my voice to the chorus of 'It's OK! We don't mind at all! Look after yourself - our Patreon support won't change!" *sends internet cookies - I just made a batch*

Jameson Simmons

I like Sarah's chorus. I'm in that group! Your track record proves that you are dependable and produce quality work, regardless of a few videos that take some extra time. We're here because just enjoying that on YouTube wasn't enough—we wanted to support YOU, the guy behind the makeup. These amazing videos won't happen if you're not happy and healthy, so that's the most important thing. I'd be happy seeing 10 a year if it means you're able to produce them at a level that meets your high standards, have time for yourself, and time to grow, meet your goals, and do the other things that keep us entertained and inspired.

Brendan OSullivan

"I'm basicslly just going to have a leap month... I feel very remorseful" Please don't. One thing that sets you apart from the vast majority of online creators isn't just your extremely high standards for what you make content on (avoiding filler / easy outs, etc), or your extremely great scripting and editing, but the fact that you have both of those at once (which is insane) and have had them for literally a decade. Given your extremely strong track record, you have more than earned a leap month, especially if it means a less stressful schedule and overall life. Personaly speaking, I'm glad to hear about the decision, and want to say I appreciate the transparency and the seriousness / levity you have for your commitments about how you make you content. Such gratitude is often assumed, but I think it's important to remind you how highly it speaks to you in terms of being one of the better / more professional creators on the Internet. Cheers!


If something is not worth doing well, it is not worth doing. I would much rather skip a month then see a slow decline in quality. Go take a break we will sill be hear once you are back on cycle!


You're only one guy! It's a hard schedule to keep when there's nobody to offload anything onto. Quality trumps quantity :-).


Another supportive voice here, much rather you relax and focus on quality of work and quality of life! And the bonus content was a pleasant find in my inbox, thank you ^_^

Unanimous D

Dude, it's cool. as far as I'm concerned those deadlines are there for you specifically to push you, not something you owe us. Take your time, do it right. FIGHTO! (ask a weeb)


please don't be a sellout and post just for the sake of meeting deadline, we love who you are and understand the struggle you go through.


Personally you're my (one-way) friend. If you are trolling me with secret info in those green flashes in the video...then...well played sir.


Thanks for the update, CD. Take care of yourself. Your content is worth the wait!


Hey Captain, I feel bad about your video. Its not like you owe me anything, this platform is about supporting people to help them make what they like or what they have talent to do. If you enjoy making the video you take the time you want.


Thank you all for the support and encouragement! I'm somehow stunned by it every time. But I probably shouldn't be because there's now plenty of well-documented evidence that you guys are awesome.


Thanks, Cap!


Your creative output is jaw dropping considering that you have to come up with all the fantastic ideas yourself! Although I am eager to see more stuff from Captain Disillusion, I would continue to support you even if you decided to churn out a video only every few months.


I know you enjoy editing and VFX is your baby. I watched your appearance on H3H3 where you talked about loving the whole process. I think if you put together a team of professionals who are like-minded like yourself it would take the burden off of you and even increase the frequently in which you publish videos. This doesn't mean you have to give up what you love but that you would more give direction to a team, instead of putting the full burden of producing a top notch YouTube Channel on yourself. Nobody can do everything.


Bit late to the party - but I liked the asset updates. Why not just change the threshold level on 1 or a few at a time over a long period of time? For us that haven't seen them, those email updates will be like getting new content more often, at little effort to you, and for those who have, it'll be a bit of nostalgia.


No pressure, CD. I support you not with the expectation of receiving your work, but with the hope that it allows you to bring more educating and informative material to the world. Monthly deadline, blonthly schmedline!