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Ohhh man. This was quite an editing/VFX period. There's nothing super unusual occurring in this episode, but it somehow ended up being extremely challenging. Just the sheer volume of shots, I suppose.

But I'm finally done with the visuals and have started on the sound mix!

As mentioned, there are some interesting audio problems to solve, in addition to the usual polishing, sound effects & music. Going to give it my best shot! I thought it might be interesting to compare the before/after of the Pro Tools session.

Above is a screencap of what I'm starting out with: 2 tracks of roughly cut dialogue, chunks of voiceover that are already finished, (although I need to re-record a correction for one of the lines), and a handful of "sound effects" which are just the source audio of the subject viral video being discussed.

After I bring all these clips to a state of near-perfection, I'll get into populating the rest of that vast, empty space...

Gimme 2-3 days!




I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you ...


Great to see it’s coming along, i’m looking forward to seeing what you have been working on this whole time :) Plus I hope You are doing well. Thanks for the update.


Cool! Looking forward to it!


Love me father


I cannot wait for it!