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Well, you did it. You finally did it. You blew it up.

The Patreon goal, I mean. Thanks to the amazing continued support of long-time patrons and a recent influx of new folks, we crossed over the 10k benchmark!

I feel very proud! And weird! This is serious money and I am always hyper cognizant of making sure it's being put to appropriate use. Generally, it funds the following:

  • My food/shelter
  • Cat food
  • Video equipment
  • Software/web services
  • Props (a lot of wigs lately...)

Now the time has come for me to take the next step, as stated in the goal: acquire a dedicated space for the production of videos and start involving other people in the process.

It's dicey. Patron numbers fluctuate, understandably. We may fall slightly below 10k after a while and climb back up a while later. So I've been trying to figure out ways I could expand without too much risk.

Then the apartment next to mine became available. I thought why not rent it and turn THAT into a mini studio? So I did it!

Not much to show at the moment - it's just an empty flat. But there's a reasonable space for simple filming. In fact... it's already been put to use! I staged and shot the "vlogger" segments of the last video there.

Don't worry, I still have the usual red room location, but this space will now probably become a part-time green-screen set for Quick Ds and whatever other things I can think of.

There is also another room which I'm starting to turn unto an editing suite.

I'm hoping this will make it easier to have someone come in and do additional editing/VFX work (whenever I find a capable person for that) while I simultaneously continue to work at my current home office.

Anyway, it's still a work-in-progress, but I'm trying.

And you're making it possible.


PS: If you have any specific questions/recommendations about any of this logistical stuff, please let me know.



That's a wonderful step to take. I feel like having a separate location for work (even if it's barely separate) can do wonders for making your relaxing home time much more enjoyable, as you won't just see work everywhere.


I've been so happy to see the ramp up over the last year! Now a word from our sponsor: Knives, they're sharp and they cut things


Congrats Captain. You deserve it!


What type of cat food do you buy?


Wow, captain. Great moves. Keep it up. Proud of you


Is that a special desk for editing?


Just want to say that I'm proud to be part of this community, Captain. And I am glad to support anyway I can!


I'm glad to be a part of this. I'm curious: Did the apartment neighbors enjoy hearing multiple takes of you being all rowdy as "The Big D"?


I was patreon subbed for almost a year months ago but unsubbed after I felt like I had done my share. I knew I had to resub after seeing the brilliance of your latest episode and your new Patreon milestone. Best wishes


This is seriously awesome to hear. Can't wait to see what you're able to do with more resources and a dedicated space (super convenient location, too!). Lots of love from our hearts. <3


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/qxCB-tysMFmqPmCmokVNsYkFuGqs6L4Slpass2cWNZwnuck0JUMmXWO6M8abPFrw.png?token-time=1644883200&token-hash=mlehGiORZY1hau0Qa6qEIv46k9yY9ugWM4wL1JrArAU%3D"><br>


Fancy Feast, Captain? I'm leaving forever!


Yeah, this is one that has an optimal combination of features I typically need. When you spend hours and hours at a desk doing painfully repetitive tasks, you start caring about minor ergonomics :)


Glad to be part of it! Keep up the good work!


Amazing news - things are really lining up for you! :) Well deserved! Keep the great stuff coming.


You absolutely deserve it Captain! I've had an amazing time watching all of your videos. Now you're doing your best work yet. Congrats!


hey i’m just another young male from your key demo. as for logistical suggestions, i have none. this comment is worthless


CONGRATULATIONS my dear, inspiring, content-creating phenom!


You. Have. Earned it. You are such a rare paragon of creativity and tireless dedication. And, you are frankly a great person. I wish only the best for you, because you deserve no less.


Just want to say - I'm between jobs at the moment and have cut out all charities - but secretly, you are the only donation I still make. Everyone should care about what's important to them and I think you bring an old world charm back to this increasingly bleak future we live in. I love that it reminds me of 90's kids edutainment but with a modern / adult spin on it, and sometimes you try something new too. I'm so glad you're getting enough to upgrade to a "studio" :)


Wow! It's been awesome watching how you've expanded production, and I'm sure this new studio is a big step. I can't wait to see the team expand, I hope you're able to find good people.


Speaking of editing tools, I saw this at NAB and you might dig it - <a href="https://www.contourdesign.com/product/rollermouse-red/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.contourdesign.com/product/rollermouse-red/</a> I find it works better than a shuttle wheel.


I don’t know what the rent/property market is like in your area, but would it be simpler to move in to a detached home with larger rooms/higher ceilings? If it’s anything like my area probably not, but I figure you’re doing it because it’s less risky to do the rent thing. It just seems inefficient money-wise though. Perhaps there are homes for rent or lease. What’s the math on this?


Congrats! Best Youtuber out there!


Good stuff, glad to hear you’re seeing the rewards you have worked so hard for. Your content is top notch. I look forward to every one of your videos.


I see that you have a rowing machine. Good to see you finally looking after yourself, Cap.


This is wonderful news!

Kitty Seraphic

That's awesome! Gratz, man!


You deserve it. Captain Baller over here.

Scott DePouw

Congratulations and I hope the expanded space and resources reduce your stress so that you can focus on doing what you enjoy. I do have a question: What is that thing you show off in the last picture (the "editing suite" room picture)?


A picture of your cat(s) would be nice :)


I've been a Patreon since the beginning and a fan since the very early days. Even though I'm more interested in debunking myths (skeptical community) - I still enjoy your humor and of course your production values. Once a large company finally steals you away from Captiain D, I feel you have still left your stamp. Congrats, and thanks again.


Is it weird that I read these posts in the Captain Disillusion voice in my mind? Anyway congrats on the new workspace and where can one get that editing desk from, it looks very cool.


Cat food? in that case, I demand more feline content!


I'm thrilled to be one of your patrons, your last video with parodies of my other favorite YouTube channels was so good that I signed up with Patreon just to support you. Then I get to see a bonus Tom Scott clip, shut up and take my money!


Thank you, I appreciate your support. But I hope you're putting your own fiduciary needs first! Good luck!


Yes, it's definitely not a long-term solution, more of a how-can-I-interrupt my workflow-the-least solution. Eventually I'll try to upgrade to a house. Although prices in Miami are pretty astronomical.


Just a fancy desk for editing. It has yet to be filled with equipment. I tried to find one that can fit a music keyboard under the table so I don't have to turn to the side when I need to use one.


You're great, Cap, keep doing your thing! I'm so very happy that I've discovered your channel, good luck to you and thanks for all the time and effort you've put in your content!


So thrilled to see your empire grow, give us more to see :)


Thanks for the update! I hope moving and all that stuff will happen smoothly.