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This week I've been busy with real life stuff, namely the Thanksgiving holiday and moving my entire operation over to a new laptop, but I was able to hopefully fix some bugs that were present in the last build.

The issue of game over scenes not triggering, causing the game to soft lock, should be resolved. If you're still getting this issue please reply to this post with what night (arcade, story night 7, Helloween, etc.) you're experiencing the issue on as well as the first bot to attack you and I'll try to reproduce it.

Springtrap's navigation has been updated so that she should no longer get stuck on stage and should also no longer attempt to seduce other bots when she should be attacking the player.

The entrance hall lights have been fixed so that bots should no longer glow in the dark when those lights are turned off. 



First time game over happens normally and it works fine, but softlocks after I lose again by any of the bots


happened in arcade and the game soft locks