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This week I think I finally tracked down the soft lock bug caused by game over scenes failing to load, I also fixed an issue with the desk setup loading items incorrectly after using a dildo or a battery.

Thanks to some helpful reports from several patrons I was able to recreate the problem causing the soft lock. If you launched the game, played the first night, then lost on any subsequent night the bots would not be able to launch a game over scene,, causing the game to soft lock. I won't get into the technical details here (they're on the discord for those interested), but that should no longer happen. If you're experiencing this bug still on the build attached here please let me know.

I also was able to track down and fix an issue with how items are loaded from the furniture inventory causing items to go haywire and spawn in seemingly random positions. This issue was caused by the script attempting to position items which were not spawned due to the players having run out of the item (dildos and batteries). It would cause the positioning to desync with the items spawned and result in items "swapping" positions.



new freddy like bot can be seen T posing in the toybox


learned that chica like one is probs called murder and the freddy one is goldy? messed around in toybox yesterday. forgot to mention it