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Thomas got 310 correct, and is now 165-for-310 (53.2%) -- will his winning streak continue??




I don't actually want the privilege of being spoiled on the answers to T3BE as a patron. I already block the other posts - do I have to block these emails too?!


I don't think the above indicates which answer is correct?


I'm guessing D. If the email was sent using an email account from an institution funded by the state, the action could be construed as a declaration of the institution's formal policy. The request could be perceived to invade the accountant's right to privacy. If it was sent via email, then the medium used to convey the message could speak to whether it was intended to be advisory or mandatory.

Quark Twain

The question of whether the directive was sent only by email seems completely irrelevant, based on the facts we're given. But A is nonsense, so I suppose we must infer that it's somehow relevant. If it is relevant, it's most likely D, I guess. This is a strange one. Also, why is this in court? Couldn't the college just say, "to be clear, it's mandatory" and that would be the end of it?