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The story of the classified documents found in various Biden related locations is still developing, but National Security Counselors Executive Director Kel McClanahan joins us to give his expert opinion on what we know so far!
For full links and show notes, go here! To find Kel on whatever Mastodon is, go to https://mstdn.social/@NatlSecCnslrs




New opening quotes! Woohoo!


Here you go, Thomas (and Andrew as you didn't get his reference). https://youtu.be/FI0YdiUAyZE


Apologies, I stopped T3BE to post this and didn't get to Thomas referencing John Henry and Andrew recognizing it then. But still this is an amazing song about the legend, by Harry Belafonte.


Such concern from the GOP about national security - how times have changed. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/10/23/20929080/house-republicans-sergeant-arms-scif-impeachment-intelligence-eoyang


One disturbing thing about the Biden docs (and the Trump docs for that matter) is how it seems like NARA has less security than my hometown library. When I was a kid, I checked out a book, but then forgot about it and got a polite but stern letter from my library. They knew exactly who had that book and when I got it. Also, if I want to look at some piece of microfiche, I have to go to a special room and let them bring that microfiche to me, then they take it back when I'm done. How can NARA not know exactly which docs VP Biden or President Trump had checked out? At the VERY LEAST, what comes from all this should lead to some thorough auditing at NARA. I know there used to be a librarian in Huntsville, Alabama who could help.


How many documents of this type are produced during a typical year? Volume could play a big factor in it. Not sure too many people had microfiche readers in their own homes.


Off topic: I love the new intro quotes, especially the Hook one. I thought I was the only one to remember that movie (my childhood favourite) and Peter Pan(ning), lawyer, and the amazing lawyerly quotes in that movie. (Another being when he rips Rufio at the lost boys dinner and finally finds his imagination ♥️). I miss Robin Williams.


Re: Mindbullets -- "That's telekinesis, Kel!"