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The internet is aflame over a leaked draft of Wizards of the Coast new licensing agreement for Dungeons and Dragons. But, should they be? Our resident legal expert Andrew says no and calls the Gizmodo piece that started all of this "irresponsible fear mongering." Listen in to find out why!
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It is copyright theft with extra steps; that's not the point, the point is to eat ice cream.


I've seen criticism of this ep online, at https://www.enworld.org/threads/has-anyone-listened-to-the-opening-arguments-podcast-on-the-gizmodo-coverage.694495/ and on Reddit (I defended where I could!). Would appreciate an update at some point, please?


They want people to take it to their private Facebook group which is run by some of the worst moderators on the internet. A bit sad that they want to control the conversation like that.


I just signed up as a Patreon after this episode. The blowback I’ve received after sharing this episode on social media is amazing. Everyone seems to right to crapping all over WotC immediately.




I shared this episode with my nephew and one of our DM’s. As the messenger, I got your thank you for the clarification. So here, have your thank you, Thank You! As for the blowback I’ve seen and heard, people have already ignored the facts and been operating on pure emotion, and we all know how hard it is to break down that wall. How dare you educate me out of my self righteous anger.

Seth Swanson

Andrew did actually educate me out of my righteous anger, on a couple of the points of the OGL at least. That being said, I've kinda lived this whole issue for the last couple of weeks and if there's pushback, I think it's pushback that he's more responding to the Gizmodo article than the issues the community has with the OGL. And you're right. There are a lot of emotions involved and its hard to separate those from cold logic...and sometimes you maybe shouldn't. Anger gets stuff done sometimes, like getting WotC to backtrack. It's not great though if people like Andrew and Thomas are getting caught up in the tsunami for only wanting to help. Andrew was largely responding to the article, instead of the communities issues and he seemed pretty pro-WotC, while chastising people for defending "million dollar companies", and ignoring, or not being aware of, other things that had happened. So, I learned more than I had about the OGL and the new one, but also feel like Andrew and Thomas could have done a much better job on this one.