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Obviously, things have taken a bit longer than I had hoped. But we are where we are. No point in looking backwards. Here is the plan moving forward:

I am expecting to release the patron/alpha release by the end of this week. This update has enough new events that I feel comfortable calling it the equivalent of two smaller updates. The public/final release will be seven days after the alpha release, so will probably be in the first week of May.

I am devoting May to finishing the recoding of the current content of In Her Own Hands. There will be a couple of polls concerning some aspects of this recoding. Assuming there are no issues with anything, the "new" game will be released at the end of May, so that everyone can go through and play it. Old saves will definitely not work in this new version, because it has been completely taken apart and is being put back together more efficiently. However, none of the old variables or passage names are going to be the same. On the other hand, I think for some of the folks that have been around the whole time, it might be interesting to see the content played from the beginning, and the non-linear way in which these various events actually tie together depending on which order they occur in.

I am devoting June to adding new content to In Her Own Hands. Assuming that everything stays on schedule, this will go back to the normal release schedule with "Path Polls," "Scene Polls," etc. The alpha will be released to Patrons by the end of June.

July will be back to In Their Own Hands, and development will alternate months from that point forward. When I asked a few weeks back, all of the feedback suggested that users preferred alternating from month to month between the two games. This will be the plan.

Thanks again for your continued support & patience as I worked through this patch!



Justinian Martin

So what’s the status of the game? It’s been more than a week now. It would be nice to know for consideration on unsubscribing since you haven’t paused billing.

Justinian Martin

Alright, so it's been now officially 2 weeks since the 2nd delay of this game. I understand that developing takes time and effort, but holding your patrons in anticipation for this amount of time as well as making them pay for a product that you're not even releasing is quite unprofessional. Excuse my discontent with this but I and others would genuinely be ok with even an 'unfinished' product of the game.

Hmm Hmmsen

truth is, we are reaching 2 months, since it was a few days until the update, before the excuses started coming. Its been a few days for like 3 or 4 dev updates now, on discord, some person writing the codes, claim that person took over the development. i took this up in the last dev post, and whoever on here, answering for the developer, did not even question that mention i made about it. so i dont know right now, if its even the origianl developer posting the updates