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Just wanted to drop a quick line. First, I apologize for the delay. I am continuing to work steadily on the game. Without making any excuses, I wanted to offer an explanation.

In short, I got in over my head and burned out a little bit.

Basically, after the March polls, I mapped out where I wanted to go and spent the next two weeks writing and coding and editing media. As I got closer to the projected release date, I started trying to do the writing to connect each of the big scenes that I had already put in place.

This is where I started to have problems. For the first time since I launched ITOH, I let "scope creep" get the better of me. I committed to doing more than I could realistically accomplish in the amount of time I had. And the amount I had to do increased as I moved from high-level plans to detailed scnes. The easiest way to describe it would be to use a metaphor: I had spent time perfecting Scene 4 before I wrote Scenes 1 or 3 and didn't even realize none of it made sense without Scene 2.

Now multiply this by two, because I had planned to have two big paths updated here with multi-scene progressions.

Every day that passed caused a bit more anxiety. I realized quickly that was not sustainable. I also realized that the priority should be to create the game and story that I want, to maintain the high standards I have had for S&D since Day 1, rather than try to rush something out that I wasn't happy with.

Moving forward, I now have a better, more realistic idea about what can be done on the monthly schedule. I won't fall back into the trap of expecting too much of myself. This will keep me on schedule in the future.

So, I thank you all for your patience. I expect to be finished this week, but I don't want to put the pressure back on to meet a self-imposed deadline. The content I am working on presents a few giant steps forward in more than one direction. I am confident that you will enjoy it, as long as I take the time I need to do it right.

Once the update is finished, we will move directly into the normal monthly schedule of polls, etc.

Thanks again,



Hmm Hmmsen

Can we get an estimated timeline on a release?

Hmm Hmmsen

Im sorry, but a month ago, someone on the discord wrote, "i write the codes, im taking over the game", meenwhile, on here we been promised an update for a month, and everytime its close, it gets quiet for a week or so, delaying it. As a paying member, i think we are entitled to know whats going on

Surprise & Delight Media

I will be posting another update to Patrons tonight. However, I explained what was happening in this post, which was only two weeks ago. This next update will be my fourth in four months, even with the delay.