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Hey there NSFW fans! No-handed Cursed Pirate Newman here with a new GP!

Da link:


Will keep this short because I have a shit ton of work. Ben X is progressing rapidly now, thanks to... well, me doing the right shit instead of the wrong shit, basically. We're now earning what I consider enough to be able to breath easily and stop worrying about if this will be enough to pay the bills, so I wanted to thank you for taking the guillotine off my neck (is that an expression? I feel like it should be) I can now give the finger to energy-draining jobs and just be happy forever after painting boobies for a living and listening to noir songs on Youtube. I don't know. Just fucking amazing.

With just Baguette Girl and Ben X on my mind, I'm almost at full sanity levels too! So you know, WINNING!! Ah... Now I feel bad for writing that. It stays, it stays. But I feel bad.

Talk on Discord, people! Love the hell out of you,





BenX is some good stuff. Please keep up the good work. Hope you are doing well in the current situation.